so after our bike weigh-in at the spr breakfast i saw my poor bike slip further and further down the leaderboard. so much so that it now resides in the bottom third in the rankings. it was a contentious point at home with me complaining that my bike is too heavy.
i thought that i was on a winning argument until it was pointed out how many of these lighter bikes are beating my poor old fondriest up the hill on sunday. based on recent results, only three maybe four fall into that category and therefore i must not need to lighten my bike.
luckily i purchased my new hubs both before the weigh-in and before the aussie dollar went belly up. coming in at 190g lighter than a set of dura-ace these little beauties come from jens’ homeland and also come with a weight restriction, so i better not pack on too much weight when baby number two comes along.
tune MAG 160 130 mm Campagnolo 28H black – 168g
tune MIG 70 28H black – 75g
total extra saving – 19g – with no rider weight limit.
In my case losing 10kgs off my gut would be better value.
Nick, you big horny apple you..
Looking at the bike weights and the KOM points, it seems the heavier bikes go up faster..
Perhaps their ‘Stiffness’ helps them get up quicker???
The lightest bike met us at the bottom of the hill last week.. Too flacid to mount a challenge perhaps??
Mwuah ha ha
Sorry me again.. I think we need another weight board.. Bike + Rider weight.. I come in at 89.76…
Nick, I think you may weigh more than that in your birthday suit..
so your proposing a naked in weigh in?
my bike is a bit shy like that…