View from the Back End – spring has sprung

A vast improvement in the turnout this morning meant that Nick could spend more time on the back end…..highlights from the spray zone were:

In the Category of “36 tonnes of Attitude” – the winner is ….

……. Pete Mah for his effort to inspire a change of heart from the driver of Road Train 1CBA 784. At least the excuse wasn’t the usual ” I didn’t see you”, more like “you cyclists deserve to die”. A refreshing exchange was had by all.

I was inspired to reinstate a swear jar for the rides, or alternatively we could point score the rides with sprint, hills, and abusive interpretive dance routines. Needless to say Ryan is taking full responsibility for quoting the wrong number plate and having some innocent grandmother of 10 getting frisked by a robust policeman.

Other highlights on the “Great Perth Bike Ride” circuit were numerous –

4 black swan cygnets along Burke Drive, a Royal Spoonbill in the reeds at Melville Waters, a swooping magpie that seemed to have a grudge against Ryan’s white helmet, and 5 dolphins at Canning Bridge.

Lucky to be off the paceline.