the dardanup open is on next weekend and our sister club, south west cc, has changed the format to make it a combination of road race and cyclo-sportif. there will be 2 separate races on, a road race, then a cyclo-style time trial. the winners will be those with the best combined time in the two events including bonus’ for the place getters in the road race.
the road race is only 40kms and the time trial is also 40kms. there are no tt bikes, sperm helmets or disc wheels allowed, so it will be just like a cyclo. for those with a recreational licence, you will be able to enter D grade which is just the team time trial. this provides a much cheaper alternative to the bwa events.
registrations close midnight on tuesday 4th and are only $40 for A-C grade and $25 for D grade.
i recommend that you get on board to support this event as the swcc put on a good race and this year they are trying to cater for the recreational membership. their club is very similar to ours and comprises of about half recreational members.
there are prizes to be won and golden gnomes on offer.
registration can be found here.
I entering the D grade time trial. Any other main 2.5/3 riders want to join me?
Hi Andrew,
I seriously fear a C grade challenge first up! I’ll be in the D-grade TTT, Team . Let me know what you register the team name as. Any other takers?
Greg – I have registered a Team called “SPR D Grade TTT” (you will need the password “SPR”). Now I will try and flush out a couple more to join us. Anyone else interested in a Main 2/3 pace TTT? No bars or sperm helment required (or allowed)!
I’d be concerned if a D-grader had aero kit on the startline. We’ll be staying in Bunbury the night before, if anyone else is around. See you there!
Do you know the minimum number required to form a team? Cant find the answer online.
i got told that it is teams of 4-6.
yes, teams of 4-6 with time taken on 3rd rider. If you don’t have enough we can pair some riders from same grade up to ride with you.
Thanks. I will see if I can flush out a couple more out of tomorrow monrings ride.
mate just signed up.
Excellent. Just need one more.
Greg – we ended up third which I am stoked about. I have your bronze gnome so give me a call on 0418 926 317 and we will arrange a gnome transfer! Thanks again for a great ride
Hey, that’s great! Had a ball today and really appreciated the camaraderie out there. I’ll buzz you tomorrow after the beer and a massive sleep I’ve earned for tonight.
Am keen for the C grade race but will require others to ride with for the TT.
I’ll have a crack at it if there’s a C team needing someone to fill a vacant spot.
Interested in C grade – especially if we can get one or two SPR teams together
Please contact me 0432429616
Hi, interested in C grade. Anyone know what to expect in terms of pace?
last year C grade averaged 34.1 over a longer (60k) course.
Wow, thanks Luke. That’s a bit quick for me but I guess someone has to come last.
just have a crack 🙂
You wouldn’t want SWCC to put in more teams than SPR ..are you up to the challenge … Can’t wait to see you all in Dardanup.
May the Best Kermit / Jaffa win…
I will forward our names to you now, so you get the spelling right.
Team Lycra GreyEdge is recruiting now…
Team Lycra GreyEdge is going to have a crack at B grade – currently Stuart Gee, John Gilberston & myself. Still looking for 3 more if any interested.
if you put your entries in you can add to the team leading up to the race or i can try to get you one or two jaffas if you need / can live with that 🙂
we’ll see how we go.. thanks for the offer, I think..
I registered for this last week and chose the option of ‘find me a team’. I might email the organisers and ask them to put me in an SPR team if there’s a spot. (c grade)
No worries Mike, we wouldn’t dream of separating a bunch of frogs so if someone registers an SPRC team we will slot you in there!
entered C grade. keen to ride with other SPR in the time trial so I guess that makes a potential team of 5 riders…
Just confirming that team Lycra GreyEdge is registered for b grade.