All posts by Carol Dowse

Lighthouse to Lighthouse (road bike) 12 Oct 2014

Hi Guys,

We have 11 people so far who are doing the  Lighthouse to Lighthouse (road bike) Sunday 12 Oct 2014. Most likely this will divide into a faster and “less fast” group – Shaw wants to make it in 4 hours..I just want to make it… 

  • Down Friday:
  • EagleHawk Bay: Ali K (not riding), Nicola P, Tania B and Stephanie L.   private accommodation
  • Busselton: Carol & John P; John K and Greg E – Geographe Bayview Resort – 2 bed villa – good price from
  • Down Saturday: Shaw/family and Nathan –  Geographe Bayview Resort
  • Ross R and Jo (not riding)
  • Graham and Jennie (not riding) – Geographe Bayview Resort

Below is an overview of this event:

  • Travel down to Busselton Friday or Saturday (2hr 40 mins) and stay overnight*
  • Drive to Bunkers Bay Beach Car Park (40 mins)
  • Cycle 2.6km from Bunkers Bay Beach Car Park to Naturaliste Lighthouse
  • Sign in ~6.30am for 7am start
  • Note: supporters travelling by car along the route should leave before cyclists
  • Cycle 120km
  • Bus from Leeuwin Lighthouse leaves at 1:00pm – bikes transferred in separate vehicle – $30 one way and casino can book when register
  • Drive back to Perth ~ leaving 3pm arrive 6.15pm (3hr 15 min)

Accommodation is filling up fast as the event is at the end of the school holidays. Registration for the ride is now open $75 pp – if you need to book the return bus back to the start, you can do this when you register. Just select the option from “merchandise” at the end of your registration.  This is not officially sponsored by SPR and each person would be responsible for making their own arrangements.

More information and registration


Swan Valley Cylco Sportif 29 June 2014

With an impressive total of 72 riders comprising a grand total 9 Teams, the South Perth Rouleurs well & truly dominated the 2014 Swan Valley Cyclo again this year.  SPR also took the lead in creative & original team names… they were there in abundance but left a massive chain ring of unanswered questions… like if the Princesses really were?  Could the Chasers chase?  Were the Good Old Boys actually any good… or just old?   And would the speed prove fatal for our Femme Fatales?  Would the SPRring Chickens cross the white line?  And most importantly, did the Didyabringabee do as they promised?!

But with the Club providing pastry’s at the start (thanks Laurensia for the extra carb boost!) and drinks available at the end to reload, through the chattering of teeth the mood was positive if not a tad chilly so jackets were back on pretty quickly after the official photo was taken.

Proving you can teach old dogs new tricks (like where you ankle is located!) this year we were able to ensure every Team registered a time…   and some very good times at that.  In fact SPR recorded the fastest time on the day & hold the proud honour of having the ONLY team on the day to break into 40+km/hr territory!  Outstanding given the headwinds that sprang up on the last 2 laps. But which team?!  According to the “official” results it was SPR Femme Fatale’s though there seems to be some ongoing dissention from the SPR Chocolate Canards who were ducking for cover when they read BWA had only registered their ride at 35.292 km/hr.   The suggestion has been made that those 2 teams need sort it out between themselves with a rematch… or at the very least, Garmin duel at 20 paces?

Meanwhile, the Good Old Boys were congratulating themselves for contributing to the girls excellent result by being true gentlemen & overtaking the girls on the 2nd lap & allowing the Femme Fatales to draft behind them… adamant they were only trying to help them, the girls were having none of it & showing true Cyclo etiquette of “no drafting” soon over took the G.O.B. for a second time to prove they didn’t need their help. In other words. Yes. They got “chicked”.

Importantly, everyone had a safe ride and there seemed to be a little less “white line fever” on the course and the only incidents were when one team (who shall remain unnamed) decided it was necessary to stop for a wardrobe adjustment (… girls?! Well, you never know where those dreaded cameras will pop up do you?!) .& despite employing the dubious tactic of placing an (ex) Policeman on their team, Didyabringabeer  had to wait 5 minutes for a wide load to go by.

Overall, a great day was had by all and while we are told numbers were down on past Cyclo Swan Valley rides (& it would be interesting to hear from anyone who feels there is anything different we can do as a Club can do to encourage even more to participate next year?) everyone who participated did South Perth Rouleurs proud.  Well done & thank you.

SWAN VALLEY CYCLOSPORTIF BWA  2014 – 80 (5 laps) & 64 (4 laps) KM
60 SPR Femme Fatale 5 2:03:03 40.153
65 SPRing Chickens 5 2:11:01 37.711
61 SPR Chocolate Canard 5 2:20:00 35.292
62 SPR Good Old Boys 5 2:21:51 34.834
18 Didyabringabeer 5 2:34:19 32.017
63 SPR Pedaleurs 5 2:38:09 31.243
98 SPR Main 3 – 4 4 2:09:33 30.514
64 SPR Team M23 5 2:42:47 30.355
97 SPR Chasers 4 2:28:14 26.666


Swan Valley Cyclo – Pastries & Info Pak

Swan Valley Cyclo Info Pak 2014 ALL RIDERS

NOTE: SPR are providing pastries for all members before the start of the ride and there will be an official SPR photo taken of the group before the start of the event at the Velodrome.

Please note that VenuesWest has introduced a $5 parking fee which will be payable in cash on arrival if you chose to park within the SpeedDome car park.

Cyclo Sportif Swan Valley 29 June Sunday – list updated 21 June 












SPR Chocolate Canard

SPRing Chickens

Femme Fatale

SPR Good Old Boys*

Didyabring abeer

SPR Pedaleurs

SPR Main 23

SPR Main 3/4

SPR Chasers






















Fast /Main

Fast /Main

Fast /Main

Main 1.5

Main 2

Main 2/3

Main 3/4




Jordan B

Niv G

Anna S

Graham H

Travis K

Peter L

Leigh O

Shane W

Carol D


Alistair D


Anna M

Davie G

Mark L

Tony B

Sam F

Jane M

Vicky B


Dan B

Steph W

Amanda N

Andrew W

Cameron D

Martin S

Tanya N

Lesley B

Susanne B


Craig J

Dean R

Anke H

Paul B

Jason G

Vince Y


Belinda E

Graham R
best online casino none; border-bottom-style: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;” valign=”top” width=”15″>


Julian J

Shane G

Megs T

Mark T

John P

Ben K

Steph L

Chris T

Tania B


Ben O

Megan B

Andrew W

Lom P

Keith K

Kath D

Meegan F

 Rebecca K


Stuart I


Emma G

Liam W

Greg M

Andrew S?

Judy G

 Andrew S

Andrew WP?


Mike B


Alison R


Wayne A


Sarah S


 Mrs PG



Lorna H 

Jay R

Tony D

John K 

Janice G













Green for registered  Its great fun, especially for a first competitive event.. its not a race!  right! cheers SPR Social Club

Bupa Bike Hike_Any SPR Riders?

For tomorrows Bupa Bike Hike, I know of four SPR Riders lining up for the 80km distance – Ross, Andrew, Bill and myself . If you are interested in joining, we  intend to meet at the water tank opposite the tent where we registered around 6.10am ready for a 6.30am start – not sure if Andrew knows this yet!

The route for this years ride is longer, starts and finishes at Langley Park so will be easier to get to and from.. all for a good cause…

Cheers  Carol

FOUND Bike Tool Pouch 7 Dec Albany Hwy

I have a tool pouch which dropped off a bike on Albany Hwy Sat morning transition ride (7 Dec) that suits a deep dish wheel (also contains a canister + mini pump).

We believe it may have come from the SPR main 1 group that past the transition ride soon after Nicholson and Albany intersection…… the first of several groups to pass us.. .

I ran over the tool pouch .. so it is now in need of a few repairs.

I will be at the ride on Saturday with the pouch if the owner is able to collect it…




Cyclo Sportif Toodyay 12 August – CLOSED

Location:  Toodyay Showground, Telegraph Road, Toodyay

Date:         Sunday 12th August, 2012 start time 9.30am

REGISTRATIONS CLOSE TUESDAY 7th August 5pm – 2 places in Main 3 and 3 places in Chasers

South Perth Rouleurs (SP) currently have two teams entered as follows:

Group Members Team Leader (TL)
SPR – Main 3 (60Km) Jeremy O (TL); Raj J; Leigh O; Rosemary C; Jason G; Andrew W; Claire H.
SPR – Chasers (60km) Carol Dowse (TL), Ross R; Vicky B; John K; Peter K; Graham R 0438326463

Note: there is a Masters Road Racing Championships are on the same day as this event which SPR is also taking part in, so although we do not anticipate there will be a lot of SPR teams at the Cyclo, there will be a lot out cycling somewhere.

Toodyay race pack 2012

Race pack information will also be sent to participants after registrations close on Tuesday.

Developers Group Ride Saturday 1st October

I don’t get around to writing up the rides these days what with three teenagers at home, but today’s calls for an update after two in the group finished their ride in a St Johns ambulance. We had our largest group for a long time when we started to roll through around Shelly the group bunched up at one point and with nowhere to go Vicky and Amanda came down.  They both hit the road hard …….with their heads….. thank goodness for helmets – in this case they have saved their owners… no complaints from me about the nanny state when you see someone’s head hit the bitumen.

Vicky and Amanda are both fine, though I’m not sure if they survived the coffee at Charley Gardiners….  All bones and teeth are intact. Amanda has abrasions and both a good amount of bruising, but I do believe they will be back on their bikes soon.

Fortunately Ross was cycling today and lives close by to the accident site so was able to retrieve the bikes whilst the ambulance took the wounded.

There were a large number of groups cycling along Shelly today and lots offered help and one cyclist (female) physiotherapist checked the girls out… for injuries….of course. You could feel the heartfelt concern from the many cyclists passing…… it is sobering to know this can happen to anyone any time. I did think one bunch was going to ride into the back of the ambulance… doors flapping wide open.

In case you think an ambulance is overkill, my experience having ended up in emergency quite a few times with a somewhat competitive third child who only knows one speed (or maybe she’s just trying to be heard above the noise!), the cost of an ambulance ($780 std trip) is fully refunded; so always happy to err on the side of caution to ensure all injuries is identified… no brainer when someone hits their head of course.

I think I’ll need to start writing up the rides regularly so it isn’t only when things go awry that you hear how we went.  

Keep vigilant and keep safe.

Oh and yes the bikes do seem to be unharmed.

All Night Pizza Cafe – Thursday 22nd July Stage 17 Tour de France

High mountains; Pau to the Cul du Tourmalet – the final climb of this year’s Tour de France.
174 km…the Friday stage is flat, Saturday is a time trial and Sunday is the ride into Paris so this could be an interesting leg…

At the All Night Café (that closes at 11.59pm!)

714 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park WA 6100, (08) 9470 9292

Large video room out the back – past the small screen in the middle room.

You can buy food and bring wine.

NO need to RSVP

See you there 8pm onwards

Still time for Chez Pierre…

Currently there are 13 coming to the dinner…. its not too late to put your name down..we have the Garden Room booked which can accommodate 26..

This is just a get together for anyone in SPR and their families/partners to enjoy some wonderful French flavours and flare at at Chez Pierre during the Tour de France. The restaurant is decked out in cycling paraphernalia, all the staff speak French and they prepare food from the region for that stage of the tour – week two will feature food from the Rhone Valley. For more information on the restaurant visit their web site: 15th July 7pm

Chez Pierre 131 Stirling Hwy Nedlands(08) 9386 5886 – pay when there.

5 Course fixed menu $54.95- BYO wine (corkage $8.50 per bottle). Parking in front of restaruant.

RSVP asap to Carol on, with how many will be coming and any special needs, eg high chair (for the kids that is), vegetarian…etc.


Rhone Valley (Week beginning Tuesday 13/07/2010)
– Amuse Bouche
– Home -made Boudin Blanc, wild mushroom risotto & light sauce supreme
– Sorbet
– Coq au Vin, Braised Red wine Chicken, served on pomme puree with pancetta, mushrooms, shallots & a rich red wine sauce
– Red Berry & amp??; Crème Patisserie Tart, served with homemade sorbet.

Vegetarians and gluten free accommodated

Hope to see you there.