All posts by Daniel Harvey

Ride Routes 12 – 18th August

SPR Ride Leader Program Call for Expressions of Interest — SPR’s training rides set us apart as a cycling Club; we are one of the few clubs in Australia that is not affiliated with a bike shop facilitating a broad range of opportunities for people to cycle in a group every day. Since its inception in 2009, a key feature of the feedback the Club receives is the value delivered by our organised and regular training rides. A key part of running these training rides is our ride leadership programme. Consistent, trained and visible ride leaders results in safer, more enjoyable ride experiences for everyone.

To this end, the Club developed a ride leader development program, with the objectives of:

  1. Developing SPR ride leaders’ knowledge and skills of both ride leadership and core cycling skills
  2. Building the confidence of ride leaders to ensure ride consistency and enhanced decision making during group rides
  3. Growing the pool of capable, confident ride leaders

We are now seeking Expressions of Interest from SPR members who would like to be part of our next public Ride Leader Development Program. The Program consists of four separate but related components:

  1. Theory: covers the core knowledge and skills required to be an effective ride leader for group rides across the Main, Transition and Development rides conducted by SPR (+/- 2hrs personal time)
  2. Skills Sessions: out on the bike, learning all about what it takes to be a good ride leader as well as having the opportunity to practice your skills and ideas in a “safe” environment. (2 x 2.5/3 hours sessions)
  3. Online Scenario Discussion: covering a few common scenarios that you may find in ride leading and joined by experienced ride leaders sharing their knowledge and stories when exposed to similar scenarios. (1 x 1.5/2 hour session)
  4. Ride Leader Observations: This will involve you being the ride leader for two(2) to three (3) separate SPR training rides with an observer to determine how you go about deploying your skills and knowledge in the “real world” environment. (2 – 3 ‘normal’ training rides, weekdays or weekends as required)

As a participant, you will get:

  1. New Skills: You will learn new skills and knowledge about cycling as well as ride leadership.
  2. Kudos: Be part of the “qualified” ride leader team out on the road.
  3. Stuff: Upon successful completion, Program participants will receive a custom SPR Ride Leader jersey to be worn whenever you are leading a SPR ride.
  4. On Going Development: Access to private discussion groups; coaching and skills development; ride-leader only events.

In return, once you have completed the Program, we will expect your commitment to the following:

  1. Lead a minimum of 2 Saturday main rides* per month throughout the year
  2. Be a role model for ride behaviour on ALL rides you participate in
  3. Assist in the recruitment and mentorship of future ride leaders
  4. Assist in training/observing people for their readiness to take on the role of Ride Leader.

* All prospective ride leaders should note that, from time to time, they will need be called on to lead rides of a lower skill &/or fitness level than their own. This means putting the interests of the Club and other riders before their own.

We are now seeking expressions of interest from SPR members who regularly ride with any group ie Main 1, 2, 3 & 4 as well as Transition and Development groups. While the ability to ride at or above the level of the group you are leading is important, just as critical is the constructive attitude and sound communication skills that are brought to the role. Empathy, care and the ability to encourage others is essential to the success of the ride leader.
In the event we are over-subscribed, the Development and Training sub-committee will use the quality & content of the EOI’s as well as the need to balance the mix of ride leaders to select the required number of participants. Anyone who is not selected shouldn’t be discouraged; it’s a numbers thing (us) rather than a capability thing (you).

As part of your EOI, we’d like you to outline:

  1. What you hope to get out of being a SPR ride leader
  2. Why you feel you will make a good contributor to ride leader team
  3. Which SPR group you usually ride with (M1, M2, M3, M4, T), and
  4. Your statement of commitment to the role of ride leader in terms of time to complete the Program and to lead the requisite number of rides per month

We anticipate kicking the Program off in the last week of August (with access to the theory being provided) and completing it by the end of September with the last weekend in August and the first weekend in September being critical in terms of availability for the two (2) skills sessions as well as the online discussion forum (this will be weather dependent).
If interested, please submit your EOI via this form before Sunday 20th August:

There is space for questions as part of the EOI, but if you have any questions about the Ride Leader Program before submitting your EOI, please send them through to and we will get back to you ASAP.

SPR Ride Leaders 💚

See last week’s blog for details and tickets (direct shop link) to our La Vuelta inspired SPR Family Day.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. CCC 98th Collie to Donnybrook & Return Cycling Classic

Juniors Ride — Juniors rides will resume on September 2nd, 2023, and we look forward to continuing our cycling adventures


From the Ride Coordinator — On Saturday the transitional group will once again be joined by some tandems through a collaboration with WATCAC, who promote the integration of blind and vision impaired cyclists into the cycling mainstream using tandems. After good feedback both tandem riders and regular Transitional Group riders last time, we’re keen to continue this venture.

Sunday’s hills groups have been smaller lately, which means a wider range of ability among fewer people, and that requires some compromise from stronger and weaker riders. Some days there will be an option to drop back from long to short hills on the first climb, but not always. The Social Hills group is always an option if you don’t think you’re up to the pace of the regular long or short hills groups, and if you’re feeling strong on the day, do an extra loop afterwards rather than pushing hard and splitting the group. Good communication at the start and during the ride means plans and expectations are adjusted to match the group on the day, and the group finishes together.

Saturday 12th August

Sunday 13th August

Monday 14th August

Tuesday 15th August

Wednesday 16th August

Thursday 17th August

Friday 18th August

Ride Routes 5 – 11th August

The South Perth Rouleurs are again hosting a family day on the back of the very successful event last year. This is an opportunity for everyone in the club to catch up informally in a setting that allows members and families to participate in a safe and casual environment at the Como Bowling Club. You can even enjoy a game of bowls.

Como Bowling Club
1 – 4pm, Sunday 10th September

The theme is inspired by La Vuelta, the last grand tour for 2024 in Spain. The Spanish cuisine made fresh at the site by Mr Paella includes a Chicken and Spanish chorizo paella as well as a vegetarian paella and Spanish Churros.

Drinks can be purchased from the Bowling Club. The Bowling Club has excellent facilities including indoor cover if the weather is unfavourable.

The Club is subsidising the event as it wants to recognise the support families provide the cyclists in their family by bringing them together. Ticket prices are very reasonable; children 5 or under are free and those 6 to 17 are heavily subsidised representing excellent value.

Visit the SPR Shop to book tickets.

📸 Image by Freepik

SPR Ride Leader Program Call for Expressions of Interest — SPR’s training rides set us apart as a cycling Club; we are one of the few clubs in Australia that is not affiliated with a bike shop facilitating a broad range of opportunities for people to cycle in a group every day. Since its inception in 2009, a key feature of the feedback the Club receives is the value delivered by our organised and regular training rides. A key part of running these training rides is our ride leadership programme. Consistent, trained and visible ride leaders results in safer, more enjoyable ride experiences for everyone.

To this end, the Club developed a ride leader development program, with the objectives of:

  1. Developing SPR ride leaders’ knowledge and skills of both ride leadership and core cycling skills
  2. Building the confidence of ride leaders to ensure ride consistency and enhanced decision making during group rides
  3. Growing the pool of capable, confident ride leaders

We are now seeking Expressions of Interest from SPR members who would like to be part of our next public Ride Leader Development Program. The Program consists of four separate but related components:

  1. Theory: covers the core knowledge and skills required to be an effective ride leader for group rides across the Main, Transition and Development rides conducted by SPR (+/- 2hrs personal time)
  2. Skills Sessions: out on the bike, learning all about what it takes to be a good ride leader as well as having the opportunity to practice your skills and ideas in a “safe” environment. (2 x 2.5/3 hours sessions)
  3. Online Scenario Discussion: covering a few common scenarios that you may find in ride leading and joined by experienced ride leaders sharing their knowledge and stories when exposed to similar scenarios. (1 x 1.5/2 hour session)
  4. Ride Leader Observations: This will involve you being the ride leader for two(2) to three (3) separate SPR training rides with an observer to determine how you go about deploying your skills and knowledge in the “real world” environment. (2 – 3 ‘normal’ training rides, weekdays or weekends as required)

As a participant, you will get:

  1. New Skills: You will learn new skills and knowledge about cycling as well as ride leadership.
  2. Kudos: Be part of the “qualified” ride leader team out on the road.
  3. Stuff: Upon successful completion, Program participants will receive a custom SPR Ride Leader jersey to be worn whenever you are leading a SPR ride.
  4. On Going Development: Access to private discussion groups; coaching and skills development; ride-leader only events.

In return, once you have completed the Program, we will expect your commitment to the following:

  1. Lead a minimum of 2 Saturday main rides* per month throughout the year
  2. Be a role model for ride behaviour on ALL rides you participate in
  3. Assist in the recruitment and mentorship of future ride leaders
  4. Assist in training/observing people for their readiness to take on the role of Ride Leader.

* All prospective ride leaders should note that, from time to time, they will need be called on to lead rides of a lower skill &/or fitness level than their own. This means putting the interests of the Club and other riders before their own.

We are now seeking expressions of interest from SPR members who regularly ride with any group ie Main 1, 2, 3 & 4 as well as Transition and Development groups. While the ability to ride at or above the level of the group you are leading is important, just as critical is the constructive attitude and sound communication skills that are brought to the role. Empathy, care and the ability to encourage others is essential to the success of the ride leader.
In the event we are over-subscribed, the Development and Training sub-committee will use the quality & content of the EOI’s as well as the need to balance the mix of ride leaders to select the required number of participants. Anyone who is not selected shouldn’t be discouraged; it’s a numbers thing (us) rather than a capability thing (you).

As part of your EOI, we’d like you to outline:

  1. What you hope to get out of being a SPR ride leader
  2. Why you feel you will make a good contributor to ride leader team
  3. Which SPR group you usually ride with (M1, M2, M3, M4, T), and
  4. Your statement of commitment to the role of ride leader in terms of time to complete the Program and to lead the requisite number of rides per month

We anticipate kicking the Program off in the last week of August (with access to the theory being provided) and completing it by the end of September with the last weekend in August and the first weekend in September being critical in terms of availability for the two (2) skills sessions as well as the online discussion forum (this will be weather dependent).
If interested, please submit your EOI via this form before Sunday 20th August:

There is space for questions as part of the EOI, but if you have any questions about the Ride Leader Program before submitting your EOI, please send them through to and we will get back to you ASAP.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. CCC 98th Collie to Donnybrook & Return Cycling Classic

2. PDCC 2023 Road Season Club Championship

3. WA Cyclocross Numbat Cup Five

4. WCMCC Herne Hill Memorial Graded Handicap Road Race

Juniors Ride — Juniors rides will resume on September 2nd, 2023, and we look forward to continuing our cycling adventures.


From the Ride Coordinator — Should be good riding weather again this weekend, so let’s make the most of it. Saturday takes us to Scarborough Beach & Hale – after a lenghty absence. It has a few lumps along the way to stretch the legs, and hopefully plenty of green lights to keep the momentum going.

On Sunday both long and short hills go up Canning Mills Road, one of Perth’s “Alpine” climbs – with plenty of twists and turns along the way which seem to lessen the pain, as you don’t get to see one long hill ahead of you (picture Welshpool Road!).

For those who’ve been braving the wet roads – Kudos to you – and remember to clean your bikes and lube your drive trains. Clean braking surfaces, chains and gears last a lot longer, and shift a lot smoother.

Saturday 5th August

Sunday 6th August

Monday 7th August

Tuesday 8th August

Wednesday 9th August

Thursday 10th August

Friday 11th August

Ride Routes 29th July – 4th August

The WA State Fondo Series York Canola Classic is being held on Sunday 27 August 2023. Set in the picturesque Shire of Your, cycle routes of 93km (1200m climbing) or 52km (~600m climbing) take you from the York township through boundless blooming yellow canola fields of the Avon Valley.

Contact Carol on if you want to participate.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. TBA – EntryBoss is down 🙂

2. TBA

Juniors Ride (Saturday 22 July) — Juniors rides will resume on September 2nd, 2023, and we look forward to continuing our cycling adventures.


From the Ride Coordinator — According the BOM this weekend is not going to be the perfect riding weather we had last weekend – so once again expect fewer riders, and a more mixed makeup in the group. It helps a lot to drop your tyre pressure by about 10-15psi when the roads are wet. Softer tyres mean more rubber in contact with the road which means more grip! It’s still pretty dark out there too, so front and rear lights are a must for all early rides, and highly recommended for getting to the 7am rides.

Thanks to everyone for taking on board the tips about staying in the lane through roundabouts – I had some good feedback from ride leaders and noticed the same myself. Keep it up, and stay safe in the wet (or jump on Zwift).

Saturday 29th July

Sunday 30th July

Monday 31st July

Tuesday 1st August

Wednesday 2nd August

Thursday 3rd August

Friday 4th August

Ride Routes 22nd – 28th July

Call for Sponsors — SPR Tour of Margaret River 2023. The Tour of Margaret River three day cycling event has been a key success of the South Perth Rouleurs through the Clubs commitment to providing a well organised, safe and social ride experience. The hard work and dedication of each and every cyclist in the months leading up to the event and its race volunteers ensure a quality experience for all.

We are proud of the the opportunities we have provided for our members to participate in what is arguably the best event of its kind in Australia. This year we are looking at around 15 teams, which means a sea of SPR green 💚

And here in lies an opportunity… sponsorship enables us a club to enhance the experience for members of our teams — through event-specific club kit and the like — providing a sense camaraderie and identity, whilst at the same time promoting local businesses through involvement with the sport of cycling.

A real win-win.

If this is you or your business we would love to hear from you!

Please get in touch via

We will provide preference to any club members who would like to sponsor, but also consider sharing this opportunity with any businesses that you know of that might be interested.

WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council Ride. Last Saturday saw the first of our rides, where our Transitional group was joined by a number of WATCAC riders. Thank you for coming. Check out the photos!

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC 2023 President’s Cup (Handicap Race)

2. WCMCC Dwellingup – Graded Handicap Road Race

Juniors Ride (Saturday 22 July) — After a few exercise sessions focused on improving our young riders’ bike skills through engaging games, it’s time to take things up a notch and build up their endurance by tackling a proper course! You can check out the course here:

Spanning approximately 12 kilometers, this ride will challenge our young riders and provide them with a rewarding experience. We have planned a delightful stop at Dome (Deep Water Point), where the kids can enjoy a well-deserved treat of ice cream, serving as a delicious reward for their efforts.

The meeting point for this adventure will be at the Holy Family Church car park in Como, conveniently located at We kindly request all participants to gather there at 10:30 AM sharp. The estimated return time home is around 12:30 PM, allowing for a satisfying morning of cycling and fun.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that this upcoming ride will be the last one for the next four weeks. Our junior ride leader, Giovanni, will be temporarily away visiting his family in Italy. Therefore, we will be taking a break from organised rides during this period.

Please note that our rides will resume on September 2nd, 2023, and we look forward to continuing our cycling adventures.

During this break, we encourage everyone to continue practicing and enjoying their own rides with their parents.


From the Ride Coordinator — Perfect winter riding weather this weekend – but the roads could still be a little slippery after all the rain this week so please go easy on corners and roundabouts. Saturday Main route is Collier Dianella, a newish route that had a recent safety improvement following rider feedback. We now cross the railway line in Guilford just after crossing Tonkin Hwy and then dog-leg right into Railway Pde before turning left into Collier Rd.

Sunday Long Hills is also one a newer one – with familiar roads, but Repatriation loop counter-clockwise. Remember to slow down and turn right into Forest Rd before the T-junction at the bottom of the descent of Patterson.

Saturday 22nd July

Sunday 23rd July

Monday 24th July

Tuesday 25th July

Wednesday 26th July

Thursday 27th July

Friday 28th July

Ride Routes 15th – 21st July

It has been a big week, with both light and shade.

The Tour is proceeding apace, and making for some excellent viewing. In my opinion anyway. Seeing Jai in yellow was amazing. And having watched Pogacar and Vingegaard battle it out with some serious attacks, I remain very impressed with Jai’s +2:40 third place in the General Classification.

SPR’s Tour de France dinner was Tuesday just gone, and as ever, the cuisine and company at Chez Pierre were sublime. Select photos below.

I also wish to offer a tribute and our deepest condolences on behalf of the club to Connor Lambert’s family and friends. Many in the club will have known and raced with Connor as part of the local cycling and racing community, and it is a confronting to hear news of a young life cut tragically short. I know that it must be infinitely worse for Connor’s family and friends in dealing with this shocking news.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected by this loss.

For those who may not be aware, we heard the news of Connor’s death of in Belgium whilst on a training ride earlier this week.


Look out for the tandem riders from WATCAC, WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council, who will be joining this Saturdays Transition ride for the first time.

Learn more about tandem riding in WA

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. [CANCELLED] 4Five+ Femmes on Track Race 2

2. WCMCC Casuarina – Graded Road Race – 3 Day Tour – Day 2

Juniors Ride (Saturday 15 July) — The weather forecast for this weekend is looking fantastic, ensuring another delightful day with the kids. As we continue to evolve this type of ride and explore new possibilities, this time we have decided to gather at the beautiful Wireless Hill Park ( at 11am. Our plan is to enjoy some invigorating laps around the museum and engage in exciting games.

For those who are interested in cycling to the park, covering a distance of approximately 9.5km, we will be meeting at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Como at 10.20am. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy some exercise before joining the rest of the group.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the event!


From the Ride Coordinator — According to the BOM it’t going to be nippy this weekend, but no rain, so dress for the conditions. A reminder about extra precautions required at roundabouts – they are a major contributor to accidents according to our stats. “Hold your line” doesn’t mean keep going straight, and short cutting across the roundabout. It means KEEP LEFT, stay in your lane, and follow the curve of the road through the roundabout or corner, so that the riders and cars adjacent to you can do the same.

Polite constructive feedback to riders who don’t do this can be helpful. Think of the group you’re in as a team. We need to have each other’s backs all the time – whether it’s calling out obstacles in the road loud and early, communicating when riders are struggling, or letting the group know there’s a split at a traffic light. This builds trust among the riders in the group, which leads to a safer culture – one of SPR’s key values.

Sunday’s long hills ride is a tester with some steep sections – and maybe not ideal for less experienced riders but great for those wanting to stretch their climbing legs after watching le Tour. There is always the short hills option…

Saturday 15th July

Sunday 16th July

Monday 17th July

Tuesday 18th July

Wednesday 19th July

Thursday 20th July

Friday 21st July

Ride Routes 8 – 14th July

If you did not have enough of a reason to stay up and watch the Tour de France… you do now.

This year was already exciting with twelve Australians riding in the Tour, including locals Jai Hindley and Ben O’Connor. And now, after a big day in the mountains, we have Jai Hindley in yellow and with a decisive stage win under the belt yesterday. Impressive.

If you have not see the seen the result, check out the win and the post-race interview. Not to mention that local photographer Zac Williams is there capturing the moment.

For me, in addition to the racing, I am appreciating the inclusion of “mate” in the lexicon of Tour de France post-race interviews.

“… then the opportunity for the stage presented itself, and I was all in on the last climb and just happened to take the yellow jersey as well, which isn’t too shabby so I can’t complain mate.”

We have one ticket left for our Tour de France dinner next week. Keep in mind that we will be having some WATCAC tandem riders joining us Saturday week.

Enjoy the Tour.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC 2023 Winter Series – Race 4

2. WCMCC Splendid Park – Graded Criterium Race – 3 day tour – Day 1


From the Ride Coordinator — Another week of ordinary weather, and more iffy stuff this weekend. There should be some breaks in the weather, so don’t miss out when they appear. Recent SPR safety stats are showing promising signs – so keep up the good work, and politely remind people if you see any unsafe behavior.

JUNIOR RIDE: There will be another junior ride this Saturday at 11am – meeting at the same place – Kuljak Island – which has plenty of parking at the meeting point. There is also the option of a 13km ride to the start from the meeting point at Holy Family Catholic Church in Como. Thanks to all who attended and helped last Saturday – the kids and adults had a blast. Remember to check your kids bikes, and wear a helmet if you’re planning to join.

Saturday 8th July

Sunday 9th July

Monday 10th July

Tuesday 11th July

Wednesday 12th July

Thursday 13th July

Friday 14th July

Ride Routes 24 – 30th June

A few things to mention tonight.

First off, those of you who are club members through AusCycling will have received an email yesterday regarding the rise in membership fees come 1 July, and in particular the introduction of an “insurance levy” which calls out the primary source of the rise being the cost of insurance. AusCycling flagged this issue several months ago, and are trying to mitigate the effects (cutting back other spending) and looking at other ways to manage the problem. Cycling is not the only organisation to face challenges with insurance, but it is not good news. We will keep you posted as the updates come through.

Secondly, if you put in an Expression of Interest for the Tour of Margaret River, you will have received a “TOMR Launch” email several weeks back. Please make sure you read through. A reminder that the first payment (of three) is due this weekend – see this link on the SPR shop. If you want to pay the whole amount up front, that is an option.

There are a few tickets (just a few) for the SPR Tour de France Dinner at Chez Pierre – link below. And also the Alliance Française de Perth event – get them while you can.


📸 Photo credits for the drone footage of the start of the ride last Saturday go to Peter Mah. Nice one – if you not seen them, check them out on our FB group. Now to convince Peter to film an entire ride…

George Burnett Park Cycling Needs Assessment — Whether you cycle for fun, fitness or the daily commute, the City of South Perth wants to hear your thoughts on cycling facilities and infrastructure at George Burnett Park in Karawara.

As part of the City’s Cycling Needs Assessment, complete the online survey where your feedback will help inform the City’s future cycling infrastructure for the community. 

Following a number of recommendations over recent years, the City is proposing to build a pump track at George Burnett Park (subject to funding), but we’d like to know what else you would like to see there.

The City of South Perth is keen to hear from residents, bike riders, park users and the wider community so to get involved, please visit Your Say South Perth to complete the online survey.

The survey closes at 4pm, Monday 3 July 2023

The Tour de France is arguably the most famous epic road race so come along to celebrate the event in style at Chez Pierre in Nedlands on Tuesday 11 July.

This event has always been an excellent night with Chez Pierre putting on amazing food. It is after all something for which the French are renowned. Bring your own wine to make it an extra special night as corkage is included in the price. See menu.

Alliance Française de Perth is organising an event to celebrate the Tour de France at their centre in Nedlands on the 1st of July.

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will bring together the cycling lovers and food & wine enthusiasts from the Perth area!

We invite you to share a lunch composed of the finest food prepared by our French Chef while listening to our prestigious speakers including pro cyclist Jessica Allen, cycling commentator Jethro Nagleformer pro cyclist Bob Addy and more to come!

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will be a unique time around this iconic moment of French culture, and we would be glad to share it with the major actors of Perth vibrant cycling life. That’s why the Alliance team would be delighted to welcome members of SPR at the event. 

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will take place between 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM and is open to adults and teenagers over 13. The Entry price is $90 for general admissions and $35 for people under 18. Age will be asked for registration as alcohol will be served.

Details and registration here: Perth Tour de France Lunch Tickets, Sat 01/07/2023 at 11:30 am


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC 2023 Winter Series – Race 3

2. WCMCC Herne Hill Graded Road Race


From the Ride Coordinator — Kudos to all those that have continued training and commuting through the weather – you are braver and more dedicated than many of us. It looks like more of the same this weekend so we can expect smaller groups with a wider range of abilities. Please factor this in when setting the pace and discuss it at the start.

I’ll probably be on Zwift, and sneak out for a quickie if I see a gap in the clouds. We’ve got shorter routes, for both Sunday hills rides, to maximise the chances of a dry outing. Take extra care at roundabouts, keep your lights on and dress for the conditions.

Saturday 24th June

Sunday 25th June

Monday 26th June

Tuesday 27th June

Wednesday 28th June

Thursday 29th June

Friday 30th June

Ride Routes 17th – 23rd June

So this year we are spoiled for choice with this year’s Tour de France. Not only are we continuing the club tradition with the SPR Tour de France Dinner at Chez Pierre (Stage 10), but Alliance Française de Perth is putting together a lunch to celebrate the start of the Tour… all the details below.

IMPORTANT: For a number of years, the club has been working and advocating toward an inner city crit track. We see this an an important facility for putting on racing and training without closing roads, but perhaps more importantly, as a facility for enabling juniors and new cyclists to gain experience cycling in the safety of a circuit that is off the road.

Perth is currently the only capital city in mainland Australia not to have a stand-alone Criterium Circuit.

We are keen to see this changed. To this end we encourage all SPR members to contribute to the survey being conducted by the City of South Perth (details below).

Fingers crossed for this weekend’s riding.


George Burnett Park Cycling Needs Assessment — Whether you cycle for fun, fitness or the daily commute, the City of South Perth wants to hear your thoughts on cycling facilities and infrastructure at George Burnett Park in Karawara.

As part of the City’s Cycling Needs Assessment, complete the online survey where your feedback will help inform the City’s future cycling infrastructure for the community. 

Following a number of recommendations over recent years, the City is proposing to build a pump track at George Burnett Park (subject to funding), but we’d like to know what else you would like to see there.

The City of South Perth is keen to hear from residents, bike riders, park users and the wider community so to get involved, please visit Your Say South Perth to complete the online survey.

The survey closes at 4pm, Monday 3 July 2023

The Tour de France is arguably the most famous epic road race so come along to celebrate the event in style at Chez Pierre in Nedlands on Tuesday 11 July.

This event has always been an excellent night with Chez Pierre putting on amazing food. It is after all something for which the French are renowned. Bring your own wine to make it an extra special night as corkage is included in the price. See menu.

Alliance Française de Perth is organising an event to celebrate the Tour de France at their centre in Nedlands on the 1st of July.

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will bring together the cycling lovers and food & wine enthusiasts from the Perth area!

We invite you to share a lunch composed of the finest food prepared by our French Chef while listening to our prestigious speakers including pro cyclist Jessica Allen, cycling commentator Jethro Nagleformer pro cyclist Bob Addy and more to come!

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will be a unique time around this iconic moment of French culture, and we would be glad to share it with the major actors of Perth vibrant cycling life. That’s why the Alliance team would be delighted to welcome members of SPR at the event. 

The ‘Tour de France Lunch’ will take place between 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM and is open to adults and teenagers over 13. The Entry price is $90 for general admissions and $35 for people under 18. Age will be asked for registration as alcohol will be served.

Details and registration here: Perth Tour de France Lunch Tickets, Sat 01/07/2023 at 11:30 am


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. WCMCC Dog Hill Graded Road Race


From the Ride Coordinator — As the rains continue, and the roads get all sorts of debris washed over them, the likelihood of punctures increases. Make sure you carry whatever spares you need – tubes, levers, plugs, pump, CO2 canister etc, and practice using them!

Rain also means fewer riders on both Saturday and Sunday group rides, and a wider range of ability in any group. Lets keep that in mind when setting the pace of the group. It may mean having an easier day out than you’d planned, but it makes for a safer and more inclusive experience for all. It’s good to communicate early and often group dynamics. Speak up at the start if you’re riding with a group you don’t know well and let others know during the ride if you’d prefer to drop back to another group, or to ride slower alone or with a friend.

Sunday Short hills is one of our newer routes – with an interesting transition from Lawnbrook to Mundaring Weir Rd via Grove & Stanhope Rds, and a return via Maidevale instead of welshpool Rd. It looks like we’re going to have a well timed break in the weather this weekend; Sunny rides in Winter are awesome – enjoy!

Saturday 17th June

Sunday 18th June

Monday 19th June

Tuesday 20th June

Wednesday 21st June

Thursday 22nd June

Friday 23rd June

Ride Routes 10 – 16th June

The Tour de France is arguably the most famous epic road race so come along to celebrate the event in style at Chez Pierre in Nedlands on Tuesday 11 July.

This event has always been an excellent night with Chez Pierre putting on amazing food. It is after all something for which the French are renowned. Bring your own wine to make it an extra special night as corkage is included in the price. See menu.

Get your tickets here.

SPR TOMR 2023 EOI Open — SPR is pleased to formally launch the ToMR 2023 campaign, and call for Expressions of Interest from riders, volunteers, and/or sponsors, who are considering joining the SPR team for this year’s event.

This is not a locked in commitment rather a starting point for contact in the future and further information.

Please use the “I’m interested” link and answer the few brief questions. This will enable the Race Subcommittee to gather information for everything from accommodation to team composition.

We want to ensure that we enable everyone that wants to participate to do so.


SPR Race Subcommittee


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC 2023 Winter Series – Race 2

2. WA Cyclocross Numbat Cup Three

3. WCMCC Chidlow ‘A’ – Graded Road Race


From the Ride Coordinator — After a lot of Zwifting by a lot of people, there are glimmers of hope for some road riding this weekend, particularly on Sunday Arvo. For those that do brave the weather, remember to take extra care before, during and after the rides.

Check your brake pads, discs/rims and lights before heading out, and always give the bike a hose down after riding in wet conditions. Washing out the mud and crud extends the life of your drive train and brakes, and makes them work better when you need them.

Sundays Short Hills is one of our new routes that covers familiar ground, but doesn’t stop at the Kalamunda Servo for refilling bottles. You may be able just look up and smile if you get thirsty .

Saturday 10th June

Sunday 11th June

Monday 12th June

Tuesday 13th June

Wednesday 14th June

Thursday 15th June

Friday 16th June

Ride Routes 3rd – 9th June

Being the 3rd of June, this Saturday is World Bicycle Day. Since its establishment in 2018, it seems everyone is getting on board. The United Nations is responsible for starting it (there is apparently a formal UN General Assembly resolution 💚). The UCI is onboard as part of its Cycling for All program. Strava has a Challenge (of course – the goal is 20 million miles in June – not sure about measuring it in miles, but get involved anyway).

We don’t see any of that as a bad thing.

And we’re on board. In honour of the occasion, we are officially encouraging everyone to wear a jersey representative of their homeland this Saturday to the group ride. You may even get some social media glory if the Committee (led by the intrepid Amy) is suitably impressed.

#worldbicycleday #spr #southperthrouleurs

Kit Order — Another reminder is that the Kit Shop is open now for the next order, closing until 4 June.

This includes National Kit – particularly pertinent for recent Gran Fondo and Gravel Worlds qualifiers. Nice one.

SPR TOMR 2023 EOI Open — SPR is pleased to formally launch the ToMR 2023 campaign, and call for Expressions of Interest from riders, volunteers, and/or sponsors, who are considering joining the SPR team for this year’s event.

This is not a locked in commitment rather a starting point for contact in the future and further information.

Please use the “I’m interested” link and answer the few brief questions. This will enable the Race Subcommittee to gather information for everything from accommodation to team composition.

We want to ensure that we enable everyone that wants to participate to do so.


SPR Race Subcommittee


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. EGCC 2023 Goldfields Cyclassic – Race

2. EGCC 2023 Goldfields Cyclassic – Community Challenge


From the Ride Coordinator — Something to celebrate for those of us who use the freeway bike path between the Canning and Narrows bridges – no more detour! This Saturday we dust off another old route we haven’t seen for a while – Murdoch & Freo, which has a familiar first half for those who do the Monday rides. Sunday’s short hills route does not have the usual water refill stop in Kalamunda, so please carry enough for the full ride.

ROADWORKS: There is an unsealed gravel surface on The Strand in Applecross, just after the steep descent down Majestic hill (Fraser Rd). This will affect most 5.30am rides including Saturday EBR. Please take extra care and warn fellow riders on the approach.

Saturday 3rd June

Sunday 4th June

Monday 5th June – Western Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 6th June

Wednesday 7th June

Thursday 8th June

Friday 9th June