Ride Routes 15th – 21st July

It has been a big week, with both light and shade.

The Tour is proceeding apace, and making for some excellent viewing. In my opinion anyway. Seeing Jai in yellow was amazing. And having watched Pogacar and Vingegaard battle it out with some serious attacks, I remain very impressed with Jai’s +2:40 third place in the General Classification.

SPR’s Tour de France dinner was Tuesday just gone, and as ever, the cuisine and company at Chez Pierre were sublime. Select photos below.

I also wish to offer a tribute and our deepest condolences on behalf of the club to Connor Lambert’s family and friends. Many in the club will have known and raced with Connor as part of the local cycling and racing community, and it is a confronting to hear news of a young life cut tragically short. I know that it must be infinitely worse for Connor’s family and friends in dealing with this shocking news.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected by this loss.

For those who may not be aware, we heard the news of Connor’s death of in Belgium whilst on a training ride earlier this week.


Look out for the tandem riders from WATCAC, WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council, who will be joining this Saturdays Transition ride for the first time.

Learn more about tandem riding in WA 


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. [CANCELLED] 4Five+ Femmes on Track Race 2

2. WCMCC Casuarina – Graded Road Race – 3 Day Tour – Day 2

Juniors Ride (Saturday 15 July) — The weather forecast for this weekend is looking fantastic, ensuring another delightful day with the kids. As we continue to evolve this type of ride and explore new possibilities, this time we have decided to gather at the beautiful Wireless Hill Park (https://goo.gl/maps/avubzSpDya2JnGaC8) at 11am. Our plan is to enjoy some invigorating laps around the museum and engage in exciting games.

For those who are interested in cycling to the park, covering a distance of approximately 9.5km, we will be meeting at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Como at 10.20am. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy some exercise before joining the rest of the group.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the event!


From the Ride Coordinator — According to the BOM it’t going to be nippy this weekend, but no rain, so dress for the conditions. A reminder about extra precautions required at roundabouts – they are a major contributor to accidents according to our stats. “Hold your line” doesn’t mean keep going straight, and short cutting across the roundabout. It means KEEP LEFT, stay in your lane, and follow the curve of the road through the roundabout or corner, so that the riders and cars adjacent to you can do the same.

Polite constructive feedback to riders who don’t do this can be helpful. Think of the group you’re in as a team. We need to have each other’s backs all the time – whether it’s calling out obstacles in the road loud and early, communicating when riders are struggling, or letting the group know there’s a split at a traffic light. This builds trust among the riders in the group, which leads to a safer culture – one of SPR’s key values.

Sunday’s long hills ride is a tester with some steep sections – and maybe not ideal for less experienced riders but great for those wanting to stretch their climbing legs after watching le Tour. There is always the short hills option…

Saturday 15th July

Sunday 16th July

Monday 17th July

Tuesday 18th July

Wednesday 19th July

Thursday 20th July

Friday 21st July