ride routes 10th & 11th oct

a good turn out for cyclo-sportif last week and this finishes off the year for cyclo racing.  there are a couple more events in the regular road season and both are pretty flat so hopefully we can see a few more people wanting to step up to have a crack at racing. 

a good old saturday ride that sees the groups split nicely at risely with the main group heading to freo via leach while the fast group take south street.  home via cottesloe and dalkeith so we get a tailwind before coffee.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 09 (risley & cott)

a new route for sunday so make sure all you garmin-ites download the new file so you know where you are going.  this one passes the coffeeshop twice and starts the homeward descent early before turning back up welshpool rd.  it finishes with a nice surprise up gooseberry, just to make sure you know that you have been on the bike.

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 20 (kalamunda & observatory & gooseberry)

5 thoughts on “ride routes 10th & 11th oct”

  1. Just wanted to wish Lisa a wicked fab birthday. Have a wonderful day and take care not to work to hard, eh?

  2. Oh Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee 🙂

    Seriously hope it good day dudette 🙂 Dont want carpet burn though now do we…

  3. Well site rules are if you havent heard anything by 0900 you have to start some 🙂
    Glad your Bday was sweet then 🙂 Catch ya on the flip side

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