All posts by Nathan

Web Programmer

SPR Team 3 Cyclo Sportif – Swan Valley 2010

Ride report by Nathan.

Sunday morning and again it was cold. Put my SPR Accessories order in Saturday afternoon but Peter hasn’t delivered my gloves yet :). Walking out the door I thought it’s not as bad as yesterday I’ll be right. I think I was about 2km down Guildford Rd and then the cold started to set in and make my fingers go numb. I was actually looking at my fingers fumbling to change gears. What a pleasant start to the morning.

Took me about 25 minutes or so to get from Bayswater to the Speed Dome. Rolled through the car park and didn’t really notice anyone I knew. The only team member I knew was Darryl as he normally rides in Main 2 with us. The others I wasn’t sure on. Jordan appeared and headed inside and upon coming out said everyone was inside so instead of looking like a tool outside I went inside but was no warmer. Almost missed the briefing outside but there was nothing to miss they read out what was on the website. Back inside to see if everyone had yet showed up. At this stage we had four people, three short. However it was already after 8:30am and we could wait no more.

So together we rolled out of the speed dome and following the directions in the Garmin headed up for the transit ride to the Primary School. The ride out seemed to pass by very quickly and we arrived at the school. Our only female team mate Katie turned out to be at the primary school waiting for us. So this brought our number up to five. We only had minutes before we were meant to start and my phone buzzed someone now wants to sms me. Turned out to be Morrison. He is in the car park back at the Speed Dome. After a quick reply to say sorry couldn’t wait anymore we quickly jumped the queue and got to the start line. Two teams in front of us were no where to be seen so a bit of a gap existed between us and the next team.

9:04am and the announcer gave us the all clear to go. The five of us rolled out from the start and right onto the course. Not knowing where to actually go set the Garmin to the map and we were doing the first kilometre of 80. Sun was coming up and fingers were no longer numb. Darryl lead out and we soon went single file. The call was made to do short 30 ~ 40 second stints on the front. However myself included were doing more like five minute stints on the front. I think a habit we have become use to. The first lap seemed to fly by. Second lap and we knew where to go. Tried to keep the same pace but still we were not rolling through as cleanly as maybe we could have. I think about half way through the second lap I started feeling it a little in my legs and couldn’t find the rhythm I was looking for. When a gap opened I pushed to close it. I think at some stage throughout the event everyone hit the wall for a period of time. Towards the end of the second lap I think our two missing team mates found us and jumped on. They took over the lead and were doing long turns on the front. After a couple of laps on our own personally it was a little bit of relief.

On the third lap Michael passed me a power Gel. Hadn’t had one of these before so wasn’t to sure about it but did as I was told and consumed it. Was a little wary if this would make a difference but I think for the next lap and a half it did help and I did feel stronger to push it that bit more into the wind. Will have to pick some of these up for the future I think. On the fourth lap Katie dropped a water bottle so we pulled over while she collected it. Was only a short stop but I took the chance to get my wind jacket of and stuffed into my back pocket. By now it was getting to warm for it. I saw the rest of the team go round the next turn and figured this was going to hurt to get back on. However was much better not wearing a wind sock. Two team mates hung back waiting for me and aided in catching back up onto the rest of the team.

End of the fourth lap and start of the fifth. White Flag lap. Every meter was counting down to the line. By now I was getting close or past the 80km mark for myself and the power gel was wearing off. But it was closer to home. On the home straight we picked up the pace and I yelled out as we closed down to the finish. Had to get right fast as an ambo was in the left lane and people were banking up. However we were at speed now around the 35km/h mark. Placed myself just at the back so crossing the line there would be no issues. However Shaw let me know today that we only had four laps recorded. With a time of 2:25mins. Our average speed was 32.7km/h. Get better timing equipment becuase Garmin shows we did five laps. No short cuts.

Was a good ride I thoughy and an event most of us had not been in before. No flats and no crashes made it an extra good day. Katie parked at the school so she turned back while the rest of us continued to roll on and cruise back to the speed dome.

SPR Team 3

I cant work out the media library will have to add some pics later

SPR Sunday Main Group Ride 20/6/2010

6:45 Sunday morning and again I find myself at Coode Street car park waiting for the Sunday Hills ride. I wasn’t the first to arrive today there were three or four others. Looking forward to when the days get longer as its still dark at 7am. Around five past 7 Peter rang his bell and gave his normal speech and then it was time to roll out.

Canning Mills Road was the first climb of the day and so we headed out past Curtin Uni towards Albany Hwy. We were broken a couple of times by lights so pulled over in Cannington and and waited for the rest of the group to catch up. Our transition out too Canning Mills Road was uneventful. At the lights crossing Tokin Hwy I was thinking turn off brain and wake me up once I get to the top. Round the round about and a short downhill roll until the road starts heading skyward. I remember thinking enjoy this feeling because its about to get bad. Quickly I took my rightful position at the back of the group. Watching everyone else zooming ahead is a real bummer. Clicking through the gears trying to find my rhythm. Up and on the pedals the climb begins. I managed to keep a speed of around 16 ~ 17kph on the way up. Around half way I managed to get on the wheel and pass Lennie. I think she was saving herself for the climbs to follow. Lots of cars passed us today. One came a little to close to me for comfort but sort of use to that now.

Once at the top I was not as buggered as I thought I would be and this time I didn’t ride past the regroup point. Short drink of water and Peter instructed the main group to head off. Back onto Canning Mills Road and only seven of us today for the main group. Again I quickly found myself as the sweeper (I like this description and will stick with it). Once we reached Canning road a short comfort stop for a few and the suggestion was raised to go though Pickering Brook. I haven’t ridden through there before so was keen to give it a go. I wasn’t prepared for it and that’s the best way. No time to dread it. I was expecting a real bad climb out here but it was only a gradual climb. Nice scenery out here and considering how long I lived in the hills surprised I didn’t know that area. Was some other cycling event being run out there because we saw a number of other riders and event ahead signs. Back to the story. A short regroup and then it was a very good down hill run. 60kph all the was down. Walnut Road was awesome. On the approach you see the bottom but you don’t see the drop. Then you reach it and it is virtually goes straight down. This was awesome. Best descent we have ridden. So good to ride a descent that is not just a straight run like Welshpool Road.

The group navigated our way to Mundaring Weir road. The group quickly spread out on the climb. A mention here through we owned the road up Mundaring Weir. A woman driving a small truck came up behind us and for majority of Mundaring Weir road this driver followed the road rules and didn’t over take us. Holding up a convoy of cars behind her. No rushing to get past. Was like a support car sitting on the rear. Was great.

All of us reached Kalamunda and were keen on the coffee shop stop. One of our group continued on and went home. Merchant had a couple groups already there but not too busy. Everyone got their order in around 10 minutes. I think we hung around for 30 minutes or so before heading back out on the trip back to South Perth. I clocked a speed of 80.9kph down Welshpool Road today. Fastest descent ever. The group sat on around 36 to 40kph for most the trip. We jumped on the back of another group who did their best to drop us but didn’t work. They turned off and it gave a couple of us the chance to catch up to the rest of the group that went with them. I don’t know what speed they were doing because we were doing 40kph. I think a tail wind helped because this was my dead patch just was not feeling it. Was a great return trip mostly sitting above 35kph back to Coode Street. Was a great ride today even though it was more than I was prepared for. Was pleased to see that for my segment between 80 – 90 kms I clocked an average of 39.1 kph. Very happy with that considering this was towards the end of my ride.

Route can be seen here.

(drinking wine @ the folks and I’m tired so sorry if this write up makes no sense)

Main 2 Saturday SPR Ride 12/6/2010

Another chilly morning but compared to Thursday morning it was warm. Arrived at Coode St and only a couple of others were already there getting their wheels on the bike because they drove in. Peter soon rocked up in his car but with the excuse he was doing the time trial this afternoon and was saving his legs.

not a huge turn out today well didn’t seem to be but was a healthy number of riders in each group. I think leaving Coode Street we had around 15 in our group. After getting the group together on Canning Hwy we sat on a cruisy 33kph. Each were taking their turn on the front which was great to see. Even Ivan had the legs on the front today great to see mate.

North Lake Rd gave us a couple rest stops at the lights before taking on the small hills along here. Next was the left turn onto South St and a group of us seemed to open it up a little until we were told to cool it. I’m not sure I think a few may have been stretched on North Lake Road. All seemed to be back on rather quickly. After passing Wheatly Drv the pace was picked up again and for the next 10km the avg speed was 35pkh and this saw us catch up and join onto the back of main 1.

Nicholson Rd seemed to have a bit of a tail wind and there was a semi kinda roll though along here. Approaching the lights at Albany Hwy and 90% of the group were in the left turning lane and not the right. seeing everyone jumping across lanes I’m sure this pissed off every driver around us. You need to look at the map people. William street was a bit of chaos also. Lots of over taking and cars not wanting to be patient. Maybe this would have been safer if we hadn’t merged with main 1.

Once onto Welshpool Rd we paired up again and a few got a break away because of some red lights the pace was within 33 ~ 34 for this section. Once we turned right on Shepperton Rd the pace was lifted and it was time to fly home. Because of some red lights I fell to the back and missed the finish but apparently we caught the Transitional group and it was a big sprint on down Riverside drive.

Was a good ride this morning and my legs don’t hurt. Looking forward to Brookton Hwy in the morning and while the rain stays away I hope just as many show up tomorrow as they did today.

UPDATE: Forgot. Set my own new milestone today got home with an average overall speed of 31.1kph over 70kms. Pretty happy with that. Took so long to get 30kph this was unexpected. Yay me 🙂

By Nathan Rzepecki

My Attack on SPR Sunday Hills ride (Gooseberry Hill)

It’s been a while since I done one of these so lets see how it goes. Alarm went off at 5:45 and as opposed to yesterday it wasn’t raining cats and dog. So this meant was time to roll. By the time I got to the end of the street their was enough water on the road to make my brakes slip. Thankfully I still stopped. Bit of a head wind this morning and I was being blown around like a rag doll. Headwind was easier to deal with than the fences put up for the HBF run for a reason. “Cycle Path closed 8:30 – 10:30am 23/5/2010”. According to my time it wasn’t even close to 7am. More of a rant about this later. Was the first to arrive at Coode St and as it got closer to 7am I was starting to think I might be the only one here to ride today. Thankfully as is the SPR way everyone waits until 6:58am to start showing there faces and by about 7:05am I think we must have had close to 20 riders. Noticeably missing all the #spr twitter gossip bunch. I’m sure they would be tweeting there excuses later.

Peter announced the routes and added my suggestion for the main group of also doing Gooseberry Hill Rd. Its a Sunday ride one climb up Kalamunda was not going to be enough. After a show of hands I thought there would be a decent main group today. More on this later. We rolled out with Peter and Stuart I believe heading towards Burswood. Sitting on a comfortable 27 – 32km/h and a nice tailwind was looking like an easy start to the day. Stuart who had already had three flats in the Saturday ride (That’s what happens when you ride in crazy weather) felt his rear was going down and after taking a glance it looked like he could do with some more air. The group pulled over just near TBE Belmont for a quick tyre change but as things seemed to take longer than expected we were told to ride on. Taking the opportunity of the tail wind I rolled off and found myself on the front and not being gobbled up by the faster riders. At one point we took off from the lights and starting pushing over 40km/h (love tailwind) when we were told to back off. Bugger tailwind abuse it :). After the turn off Great Eastern Highway time to pull off and let these stronger riders do the work into the headwind for the ride down to Helena Valley. Just as we crossed the train line Darryl dropped his water bottle and thought he might have just blown a tyre. The group pulled over again and waited to see what was wrong. No flat it seems and we were soon rolling again. Another rider who sorry didn’t get your name was telling me he would come do Gooseberry Hill with me as he also thought today’s route was a bit short. Road was still wet and plenty of sand being picked up. It’s great to add weight to a heavy bike when you know your soon going to be climbing up hill.

Right at the round about and into the warm-up climb Ridge Hill Rd. Picked my gear and pounded away. Gotta get me a Garmin so I know how well I’m doing on these hills. Then again I will probably just be disappointed. Reached the top and wasn’t the last. Regroup was at the bottom of zig zags. Peter announced the whole group would detour slightly from the planned route so he could wave of those that were going to do the climb with me. Of we rolled and the whole group sitting on around 50km/h for the down hill and a nice spray coming off the road. On the approach to Gooseberry Hill Rd only saw one other rider turn left at the round about. With a quick good luck from Peter it was a flick of the finger and get the hell out of my big gear. Quickly realised it was only myself and Peter (another Peter) doing the climb. He was quickly around 50m in front of me and seemed to be doing well. I was jumping between gears trying to find my rhythm. I think I left it down the bottom. As we arrived at the crest before the second half of the climb I had caught back or Peter had backed off and I told him that was the easy part its the kicker at the end that kills you.

Rounding the corner and taking a quick look at the view it was down to the 3rd gear and up off the saddle for the next few hundred meters. Glace at the speed a few times it was between 12 – 15km/h which is little less than some of the other climbs but this was steeper. The rain from the past 24hrs had left enough branches and sticks to avoid but was no running water so that was good. Past the point I had to stop on my last attempt and thought I’m doing well. About 200m from the round about I thought for a second ok tallest gear. Ah wait sucker you already picked it keep going. Felt robbed I thought I had one more left but this was it. Was questioning why I chose to do this so this was it last 200m go for it. I got to the roundabout closed my eyes and prayed no car was going to make me stop because I was coming through. Into the round about no cars 30m and left turn then stop. I got to the top made the turn and stopped about 5m from the corner, head collapse over the handle bars. Happy I had finally ticked this one of the list and was thinking never have I felt so spent like I do right now. Just after me Peter pulled in front happy to have also reached the top. I think it was at least 2 minutes before either had enough air to say a word.

However after just a few minutes rest we started rolling down the road towards the Zig Zags. The easy roll helped to get the air back and quickly felt good again. Was a bit of a cross wind on the Zig Zag today and didn’t pick up the speed thought we would. I allowed plenty of time to slow down for the corners as the roads were wet and so were our brakes. Bottom of Zig Zags and back to where we were with the rest of the group not long before. Easy ride through to Kalamunda Rd. Soon it was the climb up Kalamunda. Second time for me and I was unsure. Legs felt ok but its the start of this climb that has the sting. Peter lead the entire length of Kalamunda Rd. Was a comfortable pace and nothing to gain by pushing each other. Greeted by three walkers managed to say good morning as we crossed paths. I think they thought cyclists on this road was a strange site. They should go for a walk more often on a Sunday morning.

Arrived at the Cafe expecting to see a few bikes lined up but there wasn’t. Only person I noticed was Darryl. All the rest had gone to suffer Peters route. Was a little surprised but thought oh well. Meant there was no line to get my chocolate muffin for a change. Like last week they had a new girl on the till and I must have said chocolate muffin 4 times and she kept entering Hot Chocolate, Mocha blah blah. Eventually the boss lady pressed the right button.

Having explained our climb to Darryl and finishing muffins, coffees etc back on the road. Because of the wet decided to take Canning Rd to Pommeroy Rd and Welshpool down the hill. Darryl and I were swapping turns on the front. Short turns each seemed to be working well. On the decent down Welshpool Rd was sitting right behind Darryl and I think I rolled past him However I don’t have the weight to carry me down and the headwind capped the top speed at 66.8 km/h Again Darryl was doing the work on the front and I kindly sat on his wheel. Didn’t have the legs yet. We got a rhythm going and shared the workload again until just after Roe Hwy when Peters rear tyre got sliced and he decided to call it a day. A phone call to his misses would see him finish his ride here. Least it was at a bus stop. Darryl and I continued on sitting above 30km/h. I took my care crossing the train line at Welshpool not wanting to repeat a previous blowout here. For a change we stuck to Albany Hwy and cruised through the Cafe strip. Haven’t been through this area myself for quite a while. Having arrived at the Causeway bid Darryl fairwell and decided I would take a route through East Perth home because of the HBF Run for a reason event being on. Last week had my avg speed destroyed by dogs on the million paws walk. This week I was stuck in traffic because of the chaos caused by this event. From what I could tell they owed the causeway which had an african band playing on henderson island. Runners on both sides of the road and cars not knowing where to go. Noticing that the runners seemed to be heading the same way I was I ditched the traffic and jumped into their lane. Best move because they couldn’t keep up :).

However caught at the lights for at least five minutes waiting for a green arrow. (This would be the pattern for all the other lights.) green light clip in go. Stop. Green Go. Climb the hill in East Perth Stop. Go, over the hill down the other side Red Light stop. GRRR was like this until I eventually got through and onto the East Perth cycle path and had a nice tailwind helping me sit on 36 – 37km/h all the way home. Distance of 86.5 kms and was only 10:30am. Good ride and look forward to Tuesday morning.

By Nathan Rzepecki

Transitional Ride Report – Sunday 28/3/2010

Peter sent the Transitional group off five minutes ahead of the advanced group today. Scott and Dr Ronny lead the group out of Coode Street and down Great Eastern Hwy. The group got split at the lights in Ascot. However we backed of and the Int riders quickly caught back on.

Right off Great Eastern Hwy and onto West Pde. Scott and Dr Ronny pulled off and Stephen and I took over the lead for the next few kms. Peter came up front to remind himself where it was we were going. Was fine with me if he fell of because of sand and crap from Mondays storm we knew too slow down on the round abouts 🙂

Pace was still sitting on a comfortable 29 ~ 30km/h. After crossing the bridge over Roe Hwy we turned right into Midland Rd as the intermediate group kept on going straight. This was the roughest road we been down and if you were carrying a supa shake it would have been well shaken by the end of it. The call came constantly on this stretch to slow down so we did. However when the pace has been dropped back to 22km/h or less and then we got another call to slow up again seriously it was a bit of a joke.

Left turn onto Kalamunda Rd and the short 800m or so until the climb began. This is a climb I had been looking forward to for a while now. Since I lived in Kalamunda for 23 years and never actually ridden up this road I have travelled a million times I kinda knew what to expect. We had two new young riders with us today that will give young Jamie a run for his money. Jared and Jordan I think their names were. Sorry Don’t have a name to your face yet but one of them seriously ran up the hill no worries and had the cheek to look back wondering why no one was with him, Stephen gave it a good effort but slowed at about the half way point.

Now for my recount. Had no plans of racing up this hill set my own pace and worry about getting myself to the top. Thanks to Scott for staying back and sort out who wasn’t going to attempt the climb. Once I start these climbs sorry but I have no intention of stopping unless your hurt or I get a mechanical. So approached the first part of the climb which is the steepest section. Ivan who had past me just before stopped for a breather and I went on past. Stephen had caught me and went past also. So I had a goal. Rope them back in. Managed to get over the first climb and a short rest before the second. I was gaining on Stephen a few hundred meters before Davies Cres and went on past telling him good job on the first section. I knew I wasn’t going to catch the young rider in front especially when he kept slowing and looking back not sure where to go. I wish I knew where he was getting his energy. While sitting I was in my tallest gear and then standing jumped between 2nd and 3rd. At the top of the hill I pulled over in the car bays to wait for the others. My mum was there to get a photo and even though I waved she still didn’t see me until I stopped right in front of her. Knew that would be the case but finally got a photo so will send that thru for that bike weight page when I get it. Over the next 5 or 10 minutes the rest of the group who made the climb rolled in. I took a group photo with Scotts camera. He may attach to the post later. Once we were all here we heading around the corner to the coffee shop.

After about an hour at the coffee shop we were back on the road and following the map to South Perth. I kept gaping the group on Canning Road but was only doing around 25km/h. After bunching up again we made the right turn onto Lesmurdie Rd and picked up the pace on the downhill to around 60km/h. A short climb after the private school and downhill to Welshpool Rd.

We zoomed down Welshpool Rd this week. I touched on 72.5km/h according to my computer but had no gears left after passing 68km/h. After a short regroup up the road Scott and I lead the group back to South Perth. Overall today was a great ride and one we will redo again in a couple weeks. Discussing with Peter we made send the Transitional on a long ride one week and a Hills ride the next and switch it.

By Nathan Rzepecki

HBF Freeway Bike Hike – UPDATE

Ok those that don’t know and have been living under a rock. This Sunday (21st March) is the HBF Freeway Bike Hike and the club has a number of people doing this event.

Peter has organised for the club tent to be setup at Joondalup. He has a few people going to help him set it up Saturday arvo so if you can help with this contact him on

Also I have created a fund raising page for anyone that wants to donate some money to the cause of this event which is the Asthma foundation. Bit late I know, I thought it was automatic when I created the team. Anyway the address is

For those that have entered this event make sure that you visit the kit collection point over the next three days to collect your number and other stuff. They say no number no ride…

Kit collection can be found here

I forgot when I posted this.  Tracy mentioned for those that are getting the Train to Kwinana be at the Perth Esplanade Train Station at 5:30 am so we can all get the same train down. See Train Timetables at

Just so you know meet here. Meet where the green arrow is. Should be there by 5:15am

If you need to find us or miss it then call my mobile on 0412 850 501 and arrange to meet us.

Transitional Ride Report 16/3/2010

This is only a short report as Toby doesn’t normally write one for Tuesdays. Set off from Narrows not far behind the advanced group. Toby and Scott lead along Mounts Bay Road and it was clear the pace was going to be faster today.

Soon after turning onto Hacket Drive the rider next to me was already pushing the speed up and we were sitting just over 30km/h. Up over the small rise on The Avenue and he was pushing me at around 27km/h I just made it but I know I saw him looking back waiting for me to catch up. I was expecting Shaw or someone else to go past as a few were on my wheel but they left me there. Right onto Birdwood Pde and we were still ticking along. Was starting to feel today would be a bit of punishment.

Passed Sunset Hospital and Toby called to slow down so the pace dropped back to a mild 25km/h. Toby let us know that a few couldn’t take it and were going home. Apparently Tracy was very clear she wasn’t going to take further part. She did complete the three dams on Sunday though so probably deserved to take today off. All were on and Toby mentioned that we are going to make you work now. Up went the pace again until most the way around Victoria Ave where I pulled off the front to have a rest. However I dropped back a little to much and then had to work to get back on. Scott dropped back a bit and I got on his wheel and I think Shaw was in front of him. We had a minor regroup at Queenslea Drv where Toby announce for our efforts so far your all doing Mosman Park hill. You could hear the moan and just to annoy the rest I blerted out “Bring It On!” Toby seemed to like the enthusiasm.

Short trip along Stirling Hwy and left on the route to Mosman Park Hill. Arriving at the hill again I think there were five (we only had 8 or so in the group now) that were in front of me. Not fussed I set my own pace and got up the top and then made my way to the Water Tower for the regroup. Passed a couple of others on the way there. Off from the water tower I was on the front again and I think it was Toby that met me. We lead through until just before Stirling Hwy where I dropped back again for another break. Over the bridge and onto Preston Point Road and Shaw started the sprint up the Hill. Not sure who won. Caught up the rest and after passing EJ Chapman Playground Shaw and I were on the front (I don’t know how I keep getting to the front so fast when I drop back).

Shaw and I lead the group until the downhill of Burke Drv where Toby called for a roll through. This seemed to work well with the pace sitting on around 30 ~ 33km/h. Soon arrived onto Canning Hwy where some car decided to cut us off. Left onto Dunkley Drv and we resumed the roll through again. Left onto Fraser Rd and Kintail. Again found myself at the front again. At the Raffles we kept rolling and decided to regroup over the bridge. After getting over the bridge and slowing right down to wait up for the others I was accused of protesting. I told Toby “No your so slow I had to wait so long for you :)”

Nothing eventful from here was just a normal ride back to Mends St. I’m not sure who won the sprint was too far back and when I wanted the right lane on Labouchere Rd had to wait for a group of other riders and cars to go by.

This was probably the best Tuesday morning ride I’ve been on. Overall speed was not as fast as other weeks because of the hills but was a much better workout.

Ok this was a little longer than I had planned but Meh.

By Nathan Rzepecki

Transitional Ride Report Sunday 14/3/2010

This will not be a long write up as there were only three on the ride. Shaw bailed at the start because I reminded him the Queen Mary 2 was dociking in Freo and he promised to take his kids so he bolted for home.

Number appeared to be down overall. Must have been some big parties last night or your all mad doing the Dams rides. Anyway as had become tradition recently we all headed off together from South Perth making our way through Kensington and Wilson before the turn onto Albany Hwy. Everyone else but myself managed to make a simple right hand turn however I felt like getting a view of the traffic from ground level. I thought I was clipped in on the left pedal but when I pushed down I broke out and went right over the handle bars and being still locked in on the right I just went down. All happened so fast and no warning. Thanks to those that stopped and helped. Much appreciated. First worry was did I just smash my bike no. Second through was the lights are green and I’m on the road still. After getting off the road and re-adjusting the seat straight soon got onto the back of the group.

Ivan, John and I pulled off at Burslem Drv. We spent the ride single file sharing turns at the front. Speed on South St was at least 30km/h all the way to Fremantle. We had a bit of a run in or more I did. I thought I was giving a car room on my left so it could pass then I saw a massive shadow come up and the boys behind yelling. I’ll let the guys add this to the comments because they saw it unfold. Arrived in Freo around 8:30 and the big dingy was already in the harbour.

We made our way through Fremantle and onto Cottesloe. Great morning out but not enough talent around the Beach. The ride was ok too 🙂

After Cottesloe we turned back towards the city and made our way through Dalkeith and back toward the city along the reverse of the normal Tuesday route. Finished the Ride at the Bell Tower today because its a nicer cafe than Sth Perth.

Average for the ride was 31km/h. Ivan performed real well when we made our way through Dalkeith. I dropped back a few hundred meters at this stage as a bit of fatigue took its toll. Next weekend I will be doing the Freeway Bike Ride with a few others so not sure if a Transitional ride will still be on. Peter will keep you posted on this I am sure.

HBF Freeway Bike Hike – Last Update Final Call

In order to be entered as part of the team entries must be in tonight.  This is your last chance.  There are four people currently registered. At least eight people have told me they are going to take part or have registered and just need to be associated.  If you could contact me with your registration details or contact the organisers directly please do so.  Email

Else info on the even to make a registration right away is /?p=5466

Sunday Transitional Ride – 7/3/2010

Another large turn out for the Sunday morning rides today.  I would guess close to 70 people over all three groups. As has become common over the past few weeks everyone as a group travelled the first 18km as one group. Apart from one of the advanced group rubbing my wheel and going down while we took off from a set of lights there was no real dramas on the transition from South Perth to the base of the hills. One carload of hoons did mouth of the group of us catching up after the hold-up from the down rider. However the car was stopped at a red light and one of the advance group members served her opinion right back to them.

Crystal Brook road is where the Transitional riders pulled right and parted ways with the intermediate and advanced group.  Jamie Was keen today and kept going on with the others.  Like to hear how you went Jamie. Now our group had shrunk to about nine the workload picked up for the trip up Crystal Brook Road.  Once we Turned right onto Kelvin Road Steve and I quickly picked up the pace towards 40km/h before being told to slow down as we had dropped a few. Tailwind people make use of it was my thought. Anyways after everyone was back on Steve and I controlled the pace at around 32/35 km/h all the way down Kelvin Road crossing Albany Hwy onto Olga Rd veering left at the roundabout onto Burslem Dr. Once we crossed Fremantle Rd and were onto Warton Rd I decided to pull left and let a few others the chance of leading for a bit.  Sorry Steve I should have probably mentioned it but I wasn’t sure those following wanted to take the lead.  Happily Darryl did move up and I drifted back. Steve soon joined me at the back for a break also. For the time being Stint at the front was done. Sitting at the back and watching the others the group was working well sticking together. Calling, signalling and generally sharing of the lead. Because of the lights, roadworks and things I didn’t think starting a roll through along here was a wise move.  I think it turned out to be the right call.

We eventually reached Jandakot Rd and picked up small tailwind again.  This is where I called for the roll through to begin. Today the roll through worked really well.  People were calling last wheel.  Calling clear so riders pulled in front. Things worked really well. It wasn’t planned but Shaw seemed to be in the fast lane at the base of every small climb along this stretch. Ronny you will have to come on a Sunday ride and work out why the roll through flows much better. My thought is it may be the size of the group. Maybe when its a large Saturday group it gets split into two for the roll through. I know it should probably work the same with any number but yeah. Anyways.  It seemed to take no time and we were approaching the round about for the left turn onto Berrigan Dr.

Turning onto here Doug and I were on the front again.  I suggested we hold the roll through for now.  We have a number of lights to contend with along this stretch and he agreed.  However was the perfect day for this stretch as we again picked up the tail wind. Nice speed of around 30km/h.

Right onto North Lake road and Shaw joined me at the front to help lead this stretch as Doug dropped back to help sweep. I think it was the climb past Adventure World or maybe the next one. Doesn’t matter where but I do want to make mention. As some know Shaw likes to hurt himself. Either that or he likes to play with a heart attack. One of these climbs he dropped back to a very high gear and must have been peddling at least 3 /1 with me and keeping pace. Our speeds were almost deadly equal but he was working mighty hard to match it on his behalf. Was a massive effort and deserved a remark in this write up for sure. Great work mate.  We held the lead for a number more climbs along this section of the ride until Darryl and David stepped forward to take over. There were one set of lights where the lights went orange and then very quickly red. Technically we ran a red light but being on the front the safe option was not to stop so all but two of us made it through the lights and pulled over at a bus stop to wait for the two that could stop to catch up. I think this is was Darryl and David who did stop then took over the lead on the re-join.

From here nothing exciting to report. continued onto Canning Highway and followed the normal Tuesday route. However Once we turned into Fraser Rd I yelled out no cheating we were not taking the Kintail Rd short cut today and the other sweeper helped make sure of that.  Sorry I can’t remember how to say your name never mind spell it buddy. Please add it to the comments. Doug led us through this section which I know from the City of Perth Great bike ride but haven’t done it for the a couple of years so he refreshed our memory. Should call it Masserati central as I counted two of them within a minute of each other. Nice houses round that pocket. After a very quick regroup at the Raffles and Tracy reminding us how much she wanted coffee it was the home stretch to Coode St. David the dingleberry missed the bridge crossing and was doing all the work for some random rider sitting on his wheel down the freeway.  He did realise and I dropped back to meet him as he came over another bridge. After we turned into South Tce the group dropped like flies as people pulled of for home.  Once we reached Coode St only four of us remained. It would have been five but David dropped his chain and the lights of Mill Point Road and Coode St. That was the last we saw of him. The average speed of the ride was around 28km/h I think. Not our fastest but overall this was a great ride today. Overall we stuck together well and kept as a group well.

Peter I think next week would be good to up the difficulty and chuck a couple hills into the ride. Will do a number of us a real benefit.

By Nathan Rzepecki