All posts by peter

ride routes 14th & 15th april

so much on.  so little time.  we had 4 confirmed +400km riders from the long weekend.  i will have to hunt down some easter eggs for their efforts.  i only managed about 300kms but that included a 17km ride with the kids where ben managed to beat lennie up the hill to the coffee shop.  she really doesn’t like hills much.

spr breakfast and agm – this saturday after the main ride.  $15 will get you a coffee and buffet.  agm to follow.  more info here.  we are still taking nominations to committee positions.

spr kit – the kit order is open and can be found here or through the tabs at the top of the website. this will be the winter order so make sure you get the armwarmers, vests or jackets you require before it gets too cold.

state time trial champs – we have 10 riders in the open men/women and masters men/women categories competing for the state title.  see if anyone can bring home a medal.

the dams ride – there are lots of rouleurs riding in the dams ride on sunday.  3 or 5, either way it is a big challenge and we wish them all the best.  we will be looking forward to some write ups early next week.

ride routes – if there is anyone left to do a hills ride on sunday, i have tried to make it fairly simple and you will have a good chance of seeing the dams riders coming the other way.

saturday 14th april

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional – spr saturday 40.72km (mosman park)

fast & main groups – spr saturday 50.72km (rebold hill & cott)

sunday 15th april

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 82.79km (brookton & weir rd)

long – spr sunday 92.56km (carradine & peet)

state individual time trial championships – dardanup

the state individual time trial championships are again being run by our sister club, swcc, down south at dardanup.  there are multiple categories and as this is a state champs, there is also a masters race.  for all those that regularly do the atta time trials, this is a good chance to try to add some bling in the form of a state medal.

it is on next sunday, 15th april with entries closing this tuesday.  i will be heading down and will take the tent and esky to support any other spr riders.  add your name to the comments if you are racing so we know who to look for.

more info can be found here – flyer, map, registration.

club breakfast and agm – 2012

when – saturday 14th april at 9:00am (breakfast at 8:40, agm at 9:00)

where – dome westralia plaza 167 st georges terrace, perth

cost – $15 will get you a coffee and food.

the breakfast is pretty straight forward and it will start directly after the saturday morning ride.  $15 will get you a coffee and a buffet of food.  please rsvp to the comments below so we know how many to cater for.

once everyone is fed, we will start the agm.  members will need to sign in as they pay for their breakfast so we can keep a record of attendance.  as per our constitution, all committee positions become vacant at the start of the agm.  we are calling on nominations for the 4 main (pres, vice, treas and sec) and 7 supporting committee positions. after a bit of discussion on how it ran this past year (not very well) there has been a suggestion to break the work into functional areas.  the usual administration roles still exist, but the supporting positions become representatives for sub committees covering particular issues.  we have potential for 7 different subcommittees but we have identified 4 main areas – kit, social, fundraising, race.  these subcommittees work on their particular area and report back to the committee via their representative.  if you want to get involved with the club this year, please forward your nomination through via email.  if you want anything in particular added to the agenda, also send it through via email.

ride routes 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th april

four day weekend – quality time with the family or an attempt at the quadruple-double.  that’s right, the double on every day of the weekend can potentially give you a 450km weekend.  a free easter egg to anyone that tops 400kms this weekend (divorce lawyer will cost extra).

spr kit – the kit order is open and can be found here or through the tabs at the top of the website.  this will be the winter order so make sure you get the armwarmers, vests or jackets you require before it gets too cold.

club breakfast and agm – on the 14th of april we will hold our agm after the club breakfast. venue will be the DOME so keep an eye out for more info as we post it. if you want to get involved with the club, here is your chance. nominate by sending me an email.

state tt champs – the 15th of april means the dams ride for many of you. for the others, there is an opportunity to race for a state title. our sister club down south will be hosting the state time trial championships at dardanup. this is a good opportunity to compete at a state level and see how good you are against the clock. this year the event is also open to day licence holders, although they are not eligible to win a state title. if you are training up for the 1/2 ironman, this may be a good form tester. you can always go for a run afterwards.

ride routes – the normal earlybird rides apply on friday and monday this weekend.  that means you will be starting under the narrows but on the sth perth side.  i have not re-routed the public holiday ride where it goes along left bank.  i think that the alternative back onto canning hwy has more traffic interaction and therefore is just as dangerous.  last time i think that the group was not aware of the speed humps especially in an area that we used to go hard.  we are now aware and as such the section along left bank will be an easy ride section so that people can easily ride around the speed humps.  just remember, you are also responsible for your own safety, so if you think that people are riding too hard for the road conditions, then you should back off.  i have often pulled out of a group if it is too dark, too wet, or just feel uneasy. 

in preparation for the dams ride, the sunday hills will once again go through mundering.  however, this time we head up through darlington before we go along weir road.

friday 6th april

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

early lap – spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

ride starts at coode st carpark at 7:00am

main group – spr public holiday 59.35km (shelley & freo)

NOTE – DOME will not be open on good friday so you will have to find your coffee elsewhere

saturday 7th april

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional – spr saturday 39.04km (benara rd)

fast & main groups – spr saturday 49.09km (abernathy rd)

sunday 8th april

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 63.49km (gooseberry & kalamuda)

long – spr sunday 100.45km (darlington & mundaring)

monday 9th april

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

early lap – spr monday 46.74km (south & freo)

ride starts at coode st carpark at 7:00am

main group – spr public holiday 59.35km (shelley & freo)

kit orders are open

the latest order for the kit is now open.  we will just be sticking to the current design and the current manufacturer for now and will assess things at the end of the year when the current sponsors contract comes to an end. 

orders can be found here or through the tabs at the top of the website.  orders will be open for a few weeks and i will try to get the sizing kit down to the coffee shop on the next few saturdays so you can make sure you get the correct fit.

black and white

there has been a bit of discussion lately about the design of the kit that we currently have.  the two main comments that i have heard are that it is too dark and therefore unsafe for early morning riding and that it is too dark and therefore too hot during summer.  well we have had the design going for over a year now and so have lived through a summer and winter.  the suggestion is to do an alternative white version of the jersey. 

i am looking for some feedback (both positive and negative) on our current design.  the intention was originally not to change the current design till the end of 2012 when all the sponsors come to the end of their contract.  this mock up was just a quick and dirty and isn’t a final product by any standards.

give me feedback asap, as this discussion is essentially delaying the next kit order.  my view is…..well i will let you discuss it first.

ride routes 31st march & 1st april

uci, uci, uci….oh, hang on.  it’s over now.  a great turn out for both the racers and the supporters on the day with a number of medals won across different divisions.  a few call up letters for the championship have also been sent out so we may just have a contingent of spr riders heading across to south africa for the world champs.

club breakfast and agm – on the 14th of april we will hold our agm after the club breakfast.  venue will be the DOME so keep an eye out for more info as we post it.  if you want to get involved with the club, here is your chance.  nominate by sending me an email.

midland 100 – racing this weekend.  use some of that uci form to rip it up.  more info here, add to the comments so that other know that you will be coming.  if anyone wants to take the tent and esky with them, let me know.

night ride – planning for the night ride is underway and we are looking at every third wednesday of the month starting on the 18th of april.  the route is being finalised and feedback has been taken on board in regards to the busy roads and the busy night of the week.  keep an eye out for more info.

spr kit – just finalising the prices with cannibal for the winter run of kit.  orders will be through the blog as normal so keep an eye out for posts letting you know when you can order.  remember, even though the weather is nice now, we will not be doing another order till later in the year, so once it gets cold make sure you are ready.

state tt champs – the 15th of april means the dams ride for many of you.  for the others, there is an opportunity to race for a state title.  our sister club down south will be hosting the state time trial championships at dardanup.  this is a good opportunity to compete at a state level and see how good you are against the clock.  this year the event is also open to day licence holders, although they are not eligible to win a state title.  if you are training up for the 1/2 ironman, this may be a good form tester.  you can always go for a run afterwards.

ride routes – in preparation for the dams ride, the sunday hills will take on greenmount and mundaring weir road.

saturday 31st march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional – spr saturday 41.18km (reverse river ride)

fast & main groups – spr saturday 51.36km (sth lake)

sunday 1st april

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 66.71km (greenmount & gooseberry)

long – spr sunday 95.04km (greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir)

wednesday morning ride

since the uci is now over for another year, the wednesday morning 5:30am uci ride will now cease.  the ciao ride has been trying to keep going over summer with limited success, but now should be back in full swing.  however, there will be one small change.  the ciao ride will now start at 5:30am but still take the same course and start at the same place.  for quite a few people, a 6:00am start meant they would be late for work.  for those that felt 5:30am was too early as they didn’t start work till later, then too bad, so sad.  if you want to ride with a group, then get out of bed.  if you want to sleep in, then sleep in.  the choice is always yours.

wednesday ciao ride – 5:30am cnr of millpoint road and douglas ave south perth.

spr wednesday 41.63km (ciao ride)


uci world cycling tour perth – 25th march

just a quick post with some results and some pics that i have stolen off facebook.  i am sure that there will be more pics coming soon, and i have about 2 1/2 hours of video footage to get through yet.

firstly a massive thank you to all the supporters out there today.  it made a big difference especially on the last few laps when the pain was setting in.  a massive congratulations to those that ended up on the podium. ben, dianne, anna, amanda, stuart and to jerry for getting the 14th fastest overall time.  a great effort by all that gave it a crack and i hope to see a few more out there next year.

if you click on the names below it will take you to a breakdown of their race by lap.  check out towards the end of the race where jerry posted a lap average of just under 40km/hr.

Pos Cat Pos Race No Name Time Category Gender Gen Pos
5 251 Jerard GHOSSEIN 2:47:17 45-49 Male 14
2 113 Ben MADSEN 2:48:21 35-39 Male 27
6 121 Matt UPTON 2:48:32 35-39 Male 32
6 46 Luke ELLIS 2:49:28 30-34 Male 50
7 59 John BREED 2:50:20 30-34 Male 57
10 63 Keith MCGOWAN 2:54:49 30-34 Male 74
18 8 Iain MOYNIHAN 2:57:39 16-29 Male 80
26 186 Wes GORMAN 2:59:03 40-44 Male 84
27 195 Peter MAH 2:59:06 40-44 Male 86
20 20 Jen SIAH 3:00:20 16-29 Male 88
18 111 Menelaos LAGOUDIS 3:00:35 35-39 Male 90
91 11 52 Ben O”BRIEN 3:00:49 30-34 Male 91
17 278 Norman MACLEOD 3:01:30 45-49 Male 95
33 194 John LISO 3:03:50 40-44 Male 100
18 290 Matthew SEALE 3:03:54 45-49 Male 101
2 67 Dianne MCAULIFFE 3:05:25 30-34 Female 2
12 50 Richard LANGSFORD 3:05:53 30-34 Male 105
36 223 Andrew BALLAM 3:07:06 40-44 Male 107
20 116 Andrew PROSSER 3:09:34 35-39 Male 111
3 57 Anna MASSEY 3:10:37 30-34 Female 3
43 204 Paul OWEN 3:14:00 40-44 Male 120
14 51 Jason Wee Boon NG 3:17:18 30-34 Male 122
1 125 Amanda NABI 3:23:25 35-39 Female 5
Cat Pos Race No Name Time Category Gender Gen Pos
9 346 Michael BONNER 2:13:01 50-54 Male 11
11 365 James FLYNN 2:13:01 50-54 Male 13
3 458 Stuart GEE 2:13:02 55-59 Male 14
13 360 John DE ALBUQUERQUE 2:13:04 50-54 Male 19
31 364 David ELLIS 2:24:28 50-54 Male 45
15 452 Mark SCHNEIDER 2:24:31 55-59 Male 47
16 450 John PHILLIPS 2:24:41 55-59 Male 48
17 437 Frank CALCEI 2:31:33 55-59 Male 51


ride routes 24th & 25th march

so i usually train for an event using the 5 stages of grief approach.

  1. denial – the race is ages away, i have plenty of time to train.
  2. anger – what???  it can’t really be this weekend, it’s not fair.  it was in april last year.  those bastards did this deliberately.
  3. bargaining – i wonder if i can get them to move the race date???  where can i get some epo???
  4. depression – no love for the bike.  why do i bother.  i might as well pull out.
  5. acceptance – oh, well.  might as well just do the ride and see what happens.

good luck to those racing and also to those just competing.

uci road race – so the big day is almost here.  there is a bit more info about who is riding and where we will be supporting on this blog post.  there is some more info about some night time ninja activities here.  we have over 30 riders across multiple age groups so it would be great to see a few familiar faces out there in support.  last year there was a sea of spr kits on top of the hill and i think it made a great impact on the rest of the bike community.  i hope we can repeat the feat.  also, congrats to the few spr’s that took on the time trial at rotto today.

track grand prix – don’t forget that the track grand prix is on this saturday evening for those interested in seeing some quality track riding.  more info can be found here.

ride routes – as not everyone is doing the uci race and some people are still training for the dams ride, i have still programmed in a sunday hills ride.  as a lot of the usual suspects will not be there, make sure you know the ride route and don’t be shy about taking control of the group.  i would prefer you on the hill supporting us, but training is training.  as for saturday, i was asked if i could program in a ride that headed closer to the hills.  some people are going to give up their sunday hills ride to come and support, but want to do a long hills ride on saturday instead.  we will be mounting lennie hill road so that there are some options for people to break off and do the goose or kalamunda instead.

saturday 24th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional – spr saturday 39.81km (shelley & bannister)

fast & main groups – spr saturday 49.46km (“lennie” hill rd)

sunday 25th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 70.93km (kahuna)

long – spr sunday 87.72km (kahuna & peet & patterson)