a good showing by some perth cyclists this week with jess allen and durbo the turbo getting gold medals at the world champs. mr bonner’s gold at the state masters champs last weekend would also have to right up there as far as i am concerned, but maybe i am biased. got me thinking once again about juniors and what can we do about getting a juniors ride started. john barrett bought his son along to the novice group the other day and he enjoyed it immensely. if anyone wants to see what we can put together for juniors, let me know.
state team time trial championships – this event is coming up on the 16th october. think of it as a mini cyclo-sportif, but one in which you can get a state medal. teams of 4 for the guys, 3 for the girls and 2 for the juniors. you will need to have a racing licence for this but you don’t need to have a flash tt bike. the flyer is here, but i will post more info soon so you can let us know if you want to be involved. we cna work out teams then. there is a masters division as well for the over 35’s and a +50’s if we can managed to get a team together (bonner, stu, schneider, big john).
spt t-shirt – keep an eye out for a blog post on this. we are just finalising the agreement with ironhorse.
wednesday night spin – this was kicked off again in less then ideal conditions this week. a few hardcore riders came out for the debut and kat did a good job of yelling out instructions. there was even some stretching afterwards which surprised most of us. come along next week if you want to go nowhere fast.
ride routes – due to the adverse conditions last week, i don’t think that the sunday hills ride eventuated. as such, i have planned the same course again as i couldn’t be bothered trying to work out another one.
saturday 24th sept
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
some of you may have seen this advertised in the cycling wa e-news recently. marion clignet is not only a champion cyclist but she also assists our own davina summers with her training and accommodation when she is in europe. rsvp’s must be in by tomorrow for a presentation next tuesday 27th.
This is an opportunity to meet a truly inspirational champion who has not allowed epilepsy to stand in her way.
Marion Clignet has won 6 world cycling titles, 2 Olympic silver medals and over 180 races world wide despite finding out at the age of 22 she had epilepsy and would have to take medication for the rest of her life.
The Epilepsy Association of WA is providing people the opportunity to meet Marion at The Niche, Nedlands on Tuesday 27th September 2011.
See the flyer to read about this amazing opportunity to meet such an inspirational cycling champion. Please RSVP to Suresh Rajan on 9346 7699 or be email to epilepsy@cnswa.com by 21st September 2011.
so i woke up at 4am and listened to the thunder and wind and rain and more wind. thought, “wow, it is going to be an interesting race”. i had packed the car the evening before and thought about the nice deep carbon wheels that were sitting on my bike. probably not the best for a windy race with some quick descents. a few other negative thoughts before drifting back off to sleep. finally awoke to more wind and rain and a quick check of the radar showed more fronts coming through. luckily the race was close and didn’t start till close to 10am. it looked like the worst of it would pass before kick-off. i grabbed a low profile front wheel and chucked it in the car just in case.
we had a few riders in today race. jono doing it solo in the open event. dianne in the women’s race. myself, bonner, julian (regular), andrew (mr rice), morrison (mr flexible), paul o (DiD) and jerry (mr “i won’t ride if it is too wet”). it was only 4 laps of the carmel, repatriation, observatory circuit and made up 65kms. fairly short for a state champs, but after last years debacle, we were just glad it was on. the course had a number of climbs in it though, and more than made up for the lack of distance. at the end of the day, the four circuits meant that we will have climbed 1,200 vertical metres, probably about as much as a normal sunday hills ride.
i drove carefully out to the start, noting all the water running over the road, the debris scattered by the wind and the amount of gum nuts everywhere. it was going to be great. i pulled in to the carmel school and expected that the place would be teaming with people as it was when the peter clark was held here earlier in the year. however, i was surprised to see very few cars around. maybe the rain was keeping people away. i quickly caught up with a few guys and we got the tent up so we had some shelter in which to get prepared. the rain and wind had eased off a bit and there was a strange calm up in the hills. smaller showers came through, but nothing like the mornings weather events.
mr bonner eventually showed up after catching the start of his daughters hockey grand final, but he didn’t look prepared for racing. he said that if it didn’t stop raining before 10am, he wasn’t going to play. last weekend he endured similar conditions in belgium and was fearing a deja vu. jerry had heard the rain and decided against racing, but the others were all set to go. well, as set as could be expected. there had been much debate on what to wear. some were worried about getting cold, while others were worried about overheating on the climb. there was a fair variation of vests, jackets, arms, knee warmers and big gloves through out the peloton.
we lined up and waited for the “gun”. spr made up close to half the field and the aim was to control the race rather than allow it to be dictated to us. julian and i got on the front to start and lead the field out. the pace was moderate and i said to jules to only go as hard as you need to get warm rather than wear yourself out. the group tucked in behind and we meandered our way to the base of the patterson climb. jules peeled off but i said that i wanted to stay on the front. we weren’t going hard and i wanted to make sure i could react to any attacks. andrew replaced jules and we continued the main climb to the observatory. i was listening to andrew breathing and it didn’t sound that good. i eased the pace off a couple of times to make sure he didn’t blow too early, but he eventually peeled off the front. we were 3/4 up the climb by then and paul prottey attacked the group. i responded and jumped on his wheel but no-one else followed. i wasn’t sure if i should work with him or not so i sat on his wheel till the top. on the descent i did a few turns, but by the time we hit the base of the final climb to the finish, the main group was with us. by then we had already lost a few but i wasn’t sure who.
i should probably say now what my plan for the race was. simple really. get mr bonner a state championship title. the course suited him to a tee. lots of climbing, descents that weren’t too tricky and no flat sprint finish. my aim was to control the race for at least the first 3 laps and then let him go and smash everyone else up. easy really.
up past the finishline, it was clear that paul prottey wanted to thin the field a bit more. i asked jules to drag him back and he did, even though it meant that he popped off the back afterwards. the field had thinned and i had a quick chat to paul prottey. he was worried about a couple of riders and wanted to thin it a bit more. between the two of us, we set the pace and dragged the group around to the observatory climb again. this time i eased up on the climb as bonner moved to the front. i drifted back to see who was left and was surprised to see a gap start to open almost instantly. i jumped around the other riders and sat in a group of around 5 or 6. as we came to the slightly steeper section, there was a touch of wheels and jamie from rccc went down by himself. there were now 4 of us left on the front with jules trailing about 50m or so behind. paul wanted to work again, so it was going to be hard to convince him to allow another spr rider onto the group. all that was left was myself, bonner, paul prottey and paul lamond.
we crested the top and i hit the descent as hard as i could so that we could put more distance into the chasers. prottey wanted to work, but lamond was a bit reluctant. my plan was to do double the work and let bonner stay on the back. this way he would be fresh, but the others couldn’t say that spr hadn’t contributed to the workload. we climbed to the finish, and i threw my wind vest to andrew who had not enjoyed the first lap. the efforts were starting to take their toll and i was getting hot. even the brief showers didn’t really cool things down.
starting the third lap and it was clear the lamond didn’t really want to work too hard. a few turns between us and then i jumped on the front to lead us through repatriation road and back to the observatory climb. this time bonner got on the front and set a pace that was just too much for me. i watched them head up the road as i lost more and more ground. i waved the commissaire and spares car through and tried to find a rythmn. about halfway up, i noticed that bonner pulled off the front. i guessed that he noticed my absence and wanted to slow the group down. i kept my pace and by the top there was only 10 sec between us. i bombed down the descent and managed to catch the convoy of cars. there was a non-race car behind the group and he started moving to the left. it was not the best move but i managed to jump around the cars and catch the three riders. knowing that they would have me on the next climb, i kept smashing passed them and took off down the road. my theory was that they would then need to chase and bonner could then just sit in. i was caught by the final climb to the finish and that was my race essentially over.
i was going to finish anyway, so started the fourth lap knowing that it was going to hurt. as i continued along, i thought, well i am still 4th, so maybe someone will get a flat and i can pick up third. then another rider caught me and passed me. i couldn’t hold his wheel so the chance of a medal went out the door. another guy came by soon after and also went straight passed. hmm. not good for me. my legs were shot. i started the observatory climb and jules caught me on the lower slopes. he asked if i wanted him to wait for me and i said that there wasn’t much point as i was shot. i tapped away the remaining kms and started the final climb to the line. was caught by one more rider and the cramps in my thighs kind of put paid to any chance of even keeping him at bay. i finished 8th.
for the front runners though, they sped ahead once i was dropped at the end of lap 3. prottey was a bit worried that i would get back on so he drove the pace all the way to repatriation road. on the long drag of an incline, bonner attacked and set his normal high pace. lamond went straight off the back but prottey tried to hold on. he said that he stayed on wheel for about 600m but all the while watched his heart rate climb higher and higher. he was pretty sure that bonner was going to slow down but no such luck. prottey blew and bonner kept going for the win.
this race and the dardanup open last week were the best two races i think i have ever done. it wasn’t the finishing position that i achieved, but more the work that i did was for a result for spr. it makes it more exciting and brings about a totally different race when you race as a team and are prepared to sacrifice your own race for others. congratulations to mr bonner as he is a very deserving masters state champion. well done to the others that also fronted up in conditions that were far from ideal.
after the demise of “spin with fynn” there has been a void in bike orientated evening training. kat has volunteered her time to resurrect wednesday night spin starting this week. the format will be the same as it used to be, same place, same time, probably the same people, but maybe minus ryan. so details are as follows.
what – spin with kat.
where – under the narrows on the south perth side (on the grass when the weather is fine, under the bridge when it is wet)
time – wednesday nights 6:30pm
bring – bike, turbo trainer, towel for sweat, catalogue of bad jokes.
extra – optional run afterwards or optional beer at the windsor.
so i am over in queensland again for work so i have written this on tuesday evening and hoping it posts on thursday. the long range weather says it may be a bit wet for the weekend, so hopefully that is wrong as there are a few events on in the perth bike world.
dwellingup 100 – the fat tyred riders have their big event this saturday. more info here.
state road championships – the skinny tyred riders have their state champs this sunday. more info here.
ride routes – as the state road champs are being held at carmel this sunday, it would be great to have the sunday hills ride swing past after the coffee to lend some vocal support. the open race doesn’t start till 9:45 and the masters till 10:15, so by the time you have had your coffee we will be underway. i will be taking the spr tent along so look for that if you come along.
saturday 17th sept
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
this weekend will be the state senior road championships to be held at carmel. there are 3 categories; open, masters & u19. each category has a men’s and women’s field and will determine the state champion for each. as this is a state title, there are no day licences available but instead you race in the category shown on your licence. i.e. if you licence says “elite” then you are in open. if it says “MMAS#” or “MWAS#” then you can enter the masters race.
the course is not an easy one as it climbs over the observatory a number of times then finishes each lap up the steep climb to carmel. i am going to try to support mr bonner as best i can (i.e. 1 lap before he drops me) as he will be back from belgium. we will route the sunday hills ride passed this event so you can drop in and add a bit of cheering as we meander past.
add to the comments below if you are coming along so we know what club gear to bring (i.e. tent, esky). registration closes midnight tuesday. the state title was cancelled last year due to the crap that was going on in cycling wa, so lets make this years count.
just looked at the weather report for the week. sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, awesomely sunny, possible rain, sunny. i expect to see all you out there this weekend. especially you. you know who you are. you have been always making excuses like “it’s too cold”, “i’m too unfit”, “my bum looks big in lycra”, “i don’t like bikes”. so what. your bum does look big in lycra because you haven’t been riding your bike. the rest of us will be waiting for you on saturday.
uci cycling world tour race – this sunday bonner, ainsy and jason will be lining up in belgium for the masters world champs. once we hear something, we will post it on the website. please add to the comments on the previous post to give your support to our guys.
road racing – dardanup open this weekend and the kermit’s and jaffa’s will be racing for golden gnome glory. even better if we can win the actual race, but the race within a race is very important for club pride. state champs next weekend. i will be entering the masters division in a bid to help mike bonner get a state title. the sunday hills ride will be routed to head past the state title so you can come and support the spr riders on the day.
mtb racing – the dwellingup 100 is on next weekend. not sure on all the details. maybe scott can do a post on it as i know that there are a bunch of spr riders heading down to it.
ride routes – sunny days, excellent for bike riding. see you out there.
saturday 10th sept
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
this sunday in belgium, bonner, ainsy and jason will be lining up for the uci masters world championships. give the spr guys a boost by adding your support to the comments on this post.
as i mentioned before, the dardanup open is on this weekend down in….dardanup. this is just a bit passed bunbury and is run by the south west cycle club. there is an “a” grade (100km), “b” grade (72km) and a “c” grade (60km) being run as well as a participation event (24km or 39km) so there is pretty much something for everyone.
now, we need to support this event for 2 reasons.
firstly, we have a very good relationship with south west as their club is very similar to ours (ideology and rider-type) so we can see that they are also trying to grow the sport. we are also in direct competition with them as far as memberships are concerned. even though we have cracked the 200 member mark, they have managed to stay ahead of us and are growing as well.
secondly, the gauntlet has been thrown down after the pinjarra race, to see who is the “better” club. by this we are looking at having a small “inter-club championship” within the dardanup open whereby the first spr or swcc rider to cross the line in each grade receives a perpetual trophy. this is returned back to next years dardanup open to again see the “better” club. there has also been some “sledging” happening as this challenge has already been mentioned in the south west newsletter where we were refered to as “kermits”.
so, support the south west club, as they go to the effort to put on this event, and also support spr as we kick some southwest butt. we also need to come up with a good nickname for these guys if they are going to keep referring to us as kermits. mexicans, perhaps??? but maybe that is offensive to real mexicans. 🙂
flyer for the event can be found here and registration here.
participation event info can be found here and registration here.
registrations need to be in by midnight tuesday and day licences are allowed in “b” and “c” grade. add to the comments below if you are coming and see you down there in the spr tent.