saturday 15th aug – freo and cott

ride report by peter.

only a handful of riders braved the weather this morning and i was not one of them.  well i was out, but neatly rugged up and in the car with the heater turned up.  it was cold this morning and wet too.

actually i just looked at the photo and there was 13 riders and we picked up yas along the way to make 14.  my disastrous year on the bike continues and even though i was only sick a few weeks ago, i have got it again.  i think it is swine cold.  a bit less aggressive than swine flu.  anyway, i said that i was going to turn up if anyone wanted their kit so i decided to play “official photographer” as well.  these poor guys braved the elements so at least the pictures let you know who they are.  whether they are brave or crazy is up to you.

besides the hail just north of freo, it was an uneventful ride.  and with only 2 kits being delivered at the coffeeshop it could have been a nice sleep in for me too.  however, ben got his muffin and choc milkshake at the coffeeshop, so at least someone came away happy today.

also, i updated the theme that the webpage uses and this made some minor changes to the way things look.  the biggest change would be the way the page tabs now work at the top of the screen. let me know if you like/dislike anything about it.

It’s All About Performance…[Updated]


YouTube Link

Update: Now you can sing-along…

I know you don’t understand
how could I spend five grand on a bike?

think that’s absurd
well there’s only one answer and there’s only one word

it’s performance – i don’t think you understand
riding with finesse is more than track stands

i got a word of advice for all ya hipsters
go-an-get ya self some brakes and some shifters

i dropped two g’s on my dura-ace
cat one race and i’m setting the pace

my brakes are tuned up i can stop on a dime
when i’m in the pack i’m always holding my line

my bike is so light it’s dialed in just right
i got my seat raised at just the right height

so i can pedal with proficiency don’t mess with my cadence
i pedal to the beat, how you think i made this?

it’s all about performance
that’s the name of the game

i pump up my tyres, and i oil my chain
performance, that’s the name of the game
and i always ride through the pain

all you hipsters think your so tricky
with the messenger bag on the back of a fixy

pedaling quickly down the hill
don’t blow out your knees and take the spill

an anodized chain, cards in ya spokes
how can you ride, your pants are a joke

barely get your hands on your handle bars
looking kind-a-shaky when your weaving through cars

you think it makes you look like courier
it really just makes you look girlier

stainless-steel frame from 1988
you might as well use it as an anchor-weight

it’s all about performance
that’s the name of the game

i pump up my tyres, and i oil my chain
performance, that’s the name of the game

carbon fork, carbon stem, an aluminum frame
god i got-a-get a carbon frame

24/7 i’m in nothing but spandex
cutting through the wind cause i’m aerodynamic

and when i slam it and it makes you look insert
now i’m eating up hills like my name was eddy mercs

with my endurance you don’t stand a chance
my cardiovascular fitness level’s right up there with lance

doing what i can to shave of the seconds
i shave my legs, my girl – she doesn’t get it

i ambricate(?) my skin but i’m never doping
electrolyte smoothies every morning for my focus

i smoke my opponents anytime anywhere
you try to hang on me i’ll have you pedaling squares

it’s all about performance that’s the name of the game
i pump up my tyres, then i oil my chain

performance, that’s the name of the game
and i never feel the pain

it’s all about performance that’s the name of the game
i pump up my tyres, then i oil my chain

performance, that’s the name of the game
and i always ride through the pain.

Enjoy!  – Snuggles… 😉

ride routes 15th & 16th aug

this weekend the fleet elite girls are racing the geelong tour as a part of the australian national road series.

the race has been a big focus for anna, bec and holly with the past few months training having a heavy focus on friday’s 28km time trial. davina (just returned from racing overseas) and lisa will be supporting the WA girls in the criterium (saturday) and 94km road race (sunday).

their progress can be followed at their facebook site here.


cyclo-sportif have an event next weekend.  it is close to home again so if you are interested, find the previous post and add your name to the comments.  teams need to be registered by tuesday so we need all names in by monday night.


the rest of the cycle kit has arrived so i will be doing a coffee shop run on saturday morning.


this week we will be doing a nice relaxing lap of the river.  the group will split at point walter with the fast group heading up stock rd hill and along to south st before heading back up to freo.  a tour through cott and home through dalkeith to finish off.  the main group will do the usual river lap and include cott as well.

sunday will tackle the kahuna and roleystone before a lap of the observatory and up to kalamunda.  skipping the coffee at kalamunda last week kind of worked and i think that it will depend on what time we get there.  this sunday’s route isn’t quite as long and if we make good time we may be early enough to beat the brunch rush.  i think that we will play it by ear.  it was suggested that if we do head back to perth for coffee that we should look at a place in vic park as most of the group would still be together, but not far from home if you need to make and early exit.  we will see what happens.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 01 (freo & cott)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 03 (kahuna & peet & patterson)

Ride Report – Sunday August 9

Report by Julian

We all had a good soaking on the Saturday ride and given the predicted rain for Sunday morning I was not looking forward to the ride. I must admit to waking early and listening for rain on the roof just to give me an excuse to stay in bed. However, come 6 am the alarm went off and I noted it was dry outside and checking the BOM radar, the complete absence of any rain-bearing clouds was pretty obvious. There was no excuse – the ride was on. At the car park almost 30 riders had gathered for the 100 km round trip and it was good to see almost a full field of the regulars. The strength of competition meant that any points won today would be thoroughly earned.

Peter barked out the route and we were soon off. We picked up a couple of strays on the way, Davina, Jack and Mike B, to further strengthen the group and soon we were climbing Welshpool Rd. Unusually for winter, there was a head wind on the climb but this didn’t bother the front runners. Brendan and Adrian set a good pace with Stu (back on the road bike today) and Mike working their way though the field. Above Lesmurdie Rd, we hit another group and this made working out positions a little difficult. I held on to 6th place for the climb but ahead the points were keenly contested. Brendan was in front at the top of the hill, although I gather there was not much of a challenge. Mike, Adrian Stu and Oliver filled the minor placings.

KOM 1 – 1. Brendan, 2. Mike Bonner, 3. Adrian, 4. Stu, 5. Oliver

The re-group at the end of Welshpool Rd gave everyone a chance to catch their breath. The short cut group then established themselves and we were off through Carmel and Bickley. On this run I noted (as did others near me) a decent rattle coming from my front wheel. A loose spoke was suspected as the culprit so I decided to go easy on the down hill sections. We all maintained a good pace and at the base of the second climb at Mundaring Weir Rd there was a fair bit of positioning. We bade farewell to the café sprinters and settled in for the climb to Asher road. By half way, Mike, Brendan and Sam had put a decent gap into the group. Stu, Adrian and I in turn had cleared out from everyone else, after dropping Peter, Alistair and Ben after the main part of the climb. I misjudged the finish point and took off too early only to be confronted by the last hill. Needless to say Stu and Adrian got around me pretty easily. Sam got the points at the head of the field. The rest of the group followed closely behind and therefore we only a short break.

KOM 2 – 1. Sam, 2. Mike Bonner, 3. Brendan, 4. Stu, 5. Adrian

We were back on the road towards Mundaring soon and made a fast pace down the hill. I sat back although the front wheel didn’t feel too bad. At the bottom of the valley I found myself near the back of the field and so began to pick off riders on the way up. Just as I caught Ben, a very timid car driver came around me but decided not to overtake Ben. For about 200 m I found myself with my own support vehicle and felt like was like leaning over to hear race instructions from team management but the road cleared ahead and the support vehicle finally went on its way. I snuck way from Ben but Stu, also coming from behind, took me well before the final sprint. Up ahead, John put in a good effort to claimed third, wedging himself between Brendan/Mike and Sam/Oliver.

KOM 3 – 1. Brendan, 2. Mike Bonner, 3. John, 4. Sam, 5. Oliver

The re-group was just away from the Mundaring Truffle and Wine festival site, where I reckon 90% of Perth’s 4WD vehicles had gathered. There were a few nervous moments as we started the descent with the cars getting a bit close but we soon forgot about them as we did the bonus hills through Darlington and then Ridge Hill Road. I can’t recall who had the flat at the top of Ridge Hill Rd but this gave us time to split the group into those who went up the zigzag vs. those who stayed on the original route down to, then up Kalamunda Road.

The final climb saw Mike, Brendan and Stu gain an early break, despite Mike sledging Brendan about his dislike of this hill. I made a break from the main group determined to get some points out of the day and rode solo. Up ahead, Stu dropped off the back and I briefly entertained thoughts of third but the legs had other ideas. Brendan claimed the last sprint, and then said farewell Mike who kept on going.

KOM 4 – 1. Brendan, 2. Mike Bonner, 3. Stu, 4. Julian, 5. John

The rest of us regrouped at the roundabout and were soon joined by the zigzag crew. In a break from tradition we decided to forego the regular coffee and headed straight back to the ride start. The group was still about 20 strong and a good fast descent of Welshpool Rd was followed with a nice tail wind back to the river. A few riders peeled off on the way and at the end of 102 km we made our way into the Boatshed Café. There was just enough room for us to sit but in the end I decided I was too close to home and left before the coffees arrived. Any feedback on the performance of the café would be welcome.

spr kit – the winter collection (part 2)

the jackets and undergarments arrived today.  looks like saturday may be windy and wet.  good weather for jackets as they seem quite shower proof.

so if your order contained any of the following –

  • jersey
  • knicks
  • bib & brace
  • wind vest
  • undergarment
  • spray jacket

then drop me an email here and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up from my house (after hours) or from the city (work hours).

hopefully the rest (arm and knee warmers) will arrive this week and we will do a coffeeshop distribution as everyone has now paid.

Stationary Trainer – PC interface & software

by Stooge

I promised a couple of weeks ago to add these details to the blog. In summary, the home-made connector cable plugs into your PC serial port (or parallel port). The very simple software shows your speed, cadence and distance travelled on the PC screen, and saves the details to a file for your later scrutiny (if you can be bothered).

The beauty of the arrangement is twofold:
– It’s cheap. Cost of hardware is $10-$15 to build the cable. Software is free
– Quick setup on your back wheel – use blue tack

It’s not perfect, but it’s not bad. Recommended.

Get the software and instructions here.

If building the cable is too difficult for you – I’ll make you one for $20.

Enjoy 🙂


saturday 8th aug – canning vale and welshpool

ride report by peter.


i checked the weather this morning and it said that it was 14 degrees.  i checked the radar and there were generally clear skies with maybe the odd shower.  it was all looking good and i was set for an excellent morning ride.  the roads were a little wet but not saturated and you know that it had only been a light shower as there were dry spots under the trees.  must be those little bits that i saw on the radar.  not a problem.

not really sure how many we had at the start but i would say close to 40.  the threat of weather had scared away the novice group so we were down to just the two that would split up later.  we had quite a few new riders out with us this morning so it was good to have them along.  especially young alex who was only 12 and managed to keep up with the main group ok.  it was also good to see steve back on the bike after a bit of back surgery had him laid up for a while.

the course was a fairly new one as we had only done it once before.  a common route past booragoon and onto canning vale before splitting at nicholson rd.  the main group would take nicholson back to albany before crossing it and coming home via welshpool rd.  the fast group would continue on and take warton up to welshpool.

we wouldn’t have made it 500 metres up the road before the rain started coming down.  not just the light showers that were predicted, but a decent soaking.  at least being at the front meant that i also did have to endure the road spray as well, so i only got rained on once.  we also managed to get every set of lights once we hit canning hwy so by the time we were heading up risely, the group was a tad splintered.  the easy pace meant that the stragglers could regroup but it all came to a halt when dan’s tire spectacularly went bang while as we took off from the lights.

we pulled into murdoch drive and got off the road while melvyn and i helped him change it.  there was a fair gash in his back tyre and we tried to cover it with some spare rim tape that i had with me.  new tube in, a quick lesson on how to use a gas bottle and the tyre was up…and bulging all around the flesh wound.  not good.  we sent him on his way as there was no way it would survive a fast paced effort in the rain.

up and running again, the group meandered along to south st and headed towards canning vale.  the group splintered a bit along the way and i had to get the boys to ease back a bit.  i think that they were just trying to stay warm.  pretty soon we were at nicholson rd and the group split quite evenly. 

a bit of crappy driving from a local, who couldn’t use the accelerator, found the group split in two with a car in the middle.  she had ample room and time to come around but didn’t before the road narrowed and made it impossible.  it soon widened out and we got a roll through happening.  all this time the rain seemed to be intermittently coming down, but combined with the road spray, it was pretty much a constant thing.  we turned up warton rd and the roll through involved almost all of the group.  stu is training for a mtb tour of timor and as such had the fat wheel beast out with us today.  unfortunately he was a bit short on gears and couldn’t keep the pace up when we were really hammering.  he did manage to sit in quite well for a lot of the ride though. 

a couple of intersection and roundabouts played havoc with the group and we needed to ease back a bit to allow the group back together.  it was a pretty hard slog but we finally reached the end and turned onto crystal brook rd.

a slight downhill and tailwind made this section a lot more pleasant and the group hummed along quite nicely.  we passed another group and one of the guys that we know from it came up for a chat.  resplendent in my yellow jersey today, i was content to act as protected rider and hang back to catch the draft.  i managed to sit in this spot for the majority of welshpool rd and onto shep rd and had a few good conversations in the meantime.

the rain got a bit stupid along shep rd but at least it was double lane, so cars were giving us a wide berth.  the lights made sure no attacks went on this section and we all rolled down to the causeway together.  it was great to see the group stay in the lane at the lights and no-one tried to slip around the cars for and early break. 

contador3the pace started to pick up as everyone was anticipating the sprint along riverside drive.  jerry went early and had a decent break by the time we veered off the causeway.  the group started to string out as they chased him down and at one point i though he may have gotten away for good.  i was jumping from wheel to wheel coming from the very back of the pack and was soon sitting about midpack.  about then the group caught jerry showing lots of compassion for his efforts, sat on his wheel instead of coming around.  this caused the group to bunch up and spread across the lane.  i looked back twice to check for traffic (a sure sign of a move coming) and then hit the accelerator.  this was not a stand up sprint but just a power down seated time trial.  someone called out that i was going, but no-one responded and i got a decent gap.  running scared i looked back a couple of times, but i had managed to put enough space between myself and the chasers to allow me to be first to the stop lights.  if is was really thinking straight i should have done a pistol in the air salute like contador (since one of john’s kids thought i was riding in the tour this year).

no stop for me as i had an appointment and i was too damn wet to want to sit still for too long.  the rain cleared later in the day to reveal much better riding conditions and to mock us for being so stupid.  however, i had a good time even if my bike now needs a damn good clean.

ride routes 8th & 9th august

some of you may occasionally follow some of the links that are on the right hand side of this blog.  for those that don’t follow fatcyclist click over to his site and have a look back through his history.  fatty’s website was originally about mountain and road biking, but it transformed some what into a cycling/cancer fight website due to his wife’s battle with breast cancer.  he has links to the livestrong foundation and has managed to raise quite a bit of money for it.  usually this involves some type of bike related prize and by donating to the foundation you go into the draw to win. unfortunately his wife passed on just this week but if you read his site, you will see they have managed to touch many people’s lives.  there is a competition currently running and for every US$5 donation you have the chance to win a orbea orca with shimano di2.  if there was ever a good cause to put you money into this is it.

as for us, saturday will see us head out to canning vale and back along welshpool.  this is not a common route for us so both the main and fast groups will need to check the map closely.  the majority of the way is well known to all, but after livingston marketplace it becomes a bit new.  the main group just needs to remember not to turn laft onto albany hwy but cross over and head up to welshpool rd.  the fast group has a number of intersections to negotiate so make sure the garmin is programmed well. 

speaking of livingston marketplace, some of you may be wondering where sharon (from livingston specsavers) has been hiding lately.  well she is getting too fat to ride the bike now since she is due to have a baby in the new year.  i will have to see if cannibal can do a spr wondersuit.

the novice group will be running as per normal but many of the regulars will be away.  therefore i need a volunteer to take the novices out on saturday morning.  i am sure that one of you will like an easy day…

sunday does a nice loop around some of the regular climbs in kalamunda and mundaring.  as we are usually not getting to the coffee shop until after 10 and they have been so busy lately, there has been a suggestion that we ride straight back to perth and have a coffee.  this also allows those that need to get home quickley a chance to ride back with everyone else.  my initial suggestion would be to go to the boatshed cafe as this is right next to the start location.  put your suggestions in the comments.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 18 (canning vale & welshpool)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 12 (welshpool & mundaring & kalamunda)

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club