Very Brief Ride Report – Sunday July 26

 Report by Julian 

Apologies for the delay with this report.  I’ve been at a conference for the last 3 days and haven’t had the chance to write up the ride.  The ride highlights are summarised in point form, with the KOM points at the end.  The KOM table has been updated and the July winner anointed.  The competition was fierce for points on Sunday and let’s hope it continues this way into August.  For those who can’t race on Sunday, the regular ride will still be on. 

  • About 30 riders gathered for the ride.  Some new faces and a few old ones returning.
  • F*ckenberg virgins were asked to identify themselves at the start of the ride.  I put my hand up and was not alone.
  • One puncture near Curtin Uni.  The group broke up here into the coffee shop sprinters and the climbers.
  • The F*ckenberg climb is worse than Chookenberg in my opinion – but is still a great challenge and I did enjoy it and stayed above 10 km/h for the whole climb.
  • A great descent of Churchman Brook road was punctuated with primal screams from Melvyn.
  • Urch Rd climb was a good challenge
  • Lots of leisurely talking from the top of the Kahuna through to Pickering Brook.  I think Davina took the chequered flag on the Veterans course.
  • A fast sprint up to the Observatory.  Stu by half a wheel from me with Jerry half a wheel behind.
  • Peter not having the energy to describe the final climb to Kalamunda.  (Once your kids turn 5 Peter they’ll have a cast iron constitution and family sickness will be a thing of the past!)
  • Over 20 at the Café for the great social scene and the chance to hear our names pronounced with a strong French accent
  • A very quick descent of Welshpool Road, with cars actually holding us up.
  • Ernest discussion about whether salamanders are reptilian or amphibian
  • Davina getting a puncture on Welshpool Road.
  • Just on 100 km of very enjoyable riding and a good time was had by all. 

KOM 1 – 1. Oliver,  2. Lindsay,  3. Julian,  4. Alistair,  5. Jerry 

KOM 2 – 1. Julian,  2. Oliver,  3. Tim,  4. Jerry,  5. John D 

KOM 3 – 1. Oliver,  2. Julian,  3. Stu,  4. Lindsay,  5. John D 

KOM 4 – 1. Stu,  2. Julian,  3. Jerry,  4. Oliver,  5. John D 

KOM 5 – 1. Stu,  2. Oliver,  3. John D,  4. Julian,  5. Jerry 

Mundaring Weir Rd Climb PB – Oliver 8.08 (Peter do you have the table so I can update this?)

PickeringBrook Masters race A grade

Race report by brendan

Well after deciding to do this race instead of a SPR hills jaunt featuring the infamous F_ckenberg I felt stangely bad as I like that hill 🙂 call me sick haha. anyway after enjoying a cruisy ride out to pickeringbrook and using Welshpool road to ‘warm’ the legs up, Thanks to Paul who slowed down with his window down and heater on in his car to say gday… didnt even motor pace me there… how rude 🙂 (just kidding).
I signed on and was loking through the A grade list not really knowing half of them…
So caught up with Paul who eneterded B grade with Bruce and Mike B and I were in with A.
B and C grade went off first while we all hovered around any scrap of sunshine we could. We were off and straight away a bloke smashed it off the front, gee this might hurt I was thinking and remember the climb on the way up would haunt me later in the race.

After numerous attacks none of which really serious 2 got away with a reasonable lead and with the bunch not realy doing much I had a fleeting though of my program from Andrew and remember he wanted me to do attacks today in the hills so I hit the bunch with everything and got to within 50 meters of the 2 leaders but the bunch was chasing me so though I would save some energy but they then seemed to slow and another dude jumped to me so off we took in chase. We caught the 2 leaders and the 4 of us were swapping good steady turns for about 2 laps when the bunch bridged up (or what was left of it).
Next few laps was at moderate pace when with 3 laps to go another break of 5 got away including Mike B so I was hapy not to chase which was just as well as hammys were starting to hurt and with onset of cramps inevitable (stupid running and kicking the footy at work thursday night with the boys to blame). I sat in with the 5 staying away for the win and I finished just behind the bunch as I finally cramped on the last hill with a couple of kms to go so happy with having a hit out on tired legs (110km the day before). Mike B ended in 5th place and in the money and Paul managed top ten in B grade and Bruce finishing just behind the grade main bunch like me.

All in all a great set up and an awesome bunch of guys and gals who were very friendly and I felt funny being one of the youngest racing (at 35) amongest every age over, there are some quality and very strong riders and great to see and be part of, I can highly recommend giving it a go as they race down to D grade, you can nominate on the day and first 2 races for non members are only $10 each race then you have to join up which is only approx $130.
As they race every sunday at various places I will be going back for sure.

After watching presentation and saying bye to Paul Bruce, Mike Band myself headed off around the observatory climb and up into Kalamunda to get some extra kms, bruce headed off home at Kalamunda and Mike headed back to Pickeringbrook to pick his car up and I motored down Welshpool with allready having 140km up I begin thinking of My major goal for thsi season of Grafton to Inverell on Sept 12th and knew I needed more so I headed down to Freo and back around the river and finally got home after 7hrs of riding and some 200km with 80km of it racing and several decent climbs later. Shattered would be the best term 🙂 But as I had no injury niggle in my back and thigh I know my injury and training is finally on track (thanks to Coach Andrew Ivey and Ian Wee with the Huber machine) for the onslaught of 225km at Grafton 🙂 with approx 120km of that climbing and a 18km climb the main deciding factor I am hoping with some big weeks of training coming up I can be competitive there.
The only bad thought is after all these kms I have to try and race Pinjara and Collie Donnybrook on tired legs… nothing like a challenge 🙂

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekends riding and now the tour is over we can all get some early nights 🙂
Note sure how many of us are heading to Pinjarra and Collie 2 weeks after but they more the better, awesome fun 🙂 as Collie to Donnybrook and return is a handicap we all have a chance of winning some of the thousands of dollars on offer 🙂

See you on the on next weekend on sat or at Pinjarra.


saturday 25th july – canning vale

ride report by peter.


cold mornings seem to be the order of the day. however, after enduring a week or so of rain, it was definitely easier to accommodate.  the rain had coincided with me coming down with a cold, so my butt had not seen a bike seat for over a week.  i was debating which group i would ride with today but settled for the fast group and would just sit on the back.

the route would take us on the tried and true roads of canning vale after taking stock and south street.  the main group would head along banister road while the fast group would head around to nicholson.  this time we would take the correct route and go straight through the roundabout rather than turn left as we usually do when heading along that road.

a few new guys and girls came along today and it was good to see especially in the middle of winter.  i think the tour de france is sometimes that little bit of incentive that people need. not sure of the total numbers but plus 40 anyway with most of the regulars out for a trot.

we had a nice and easy start and headed down canning hwy to stock rd.  dr paul and crew peeled off early to lap the river instead while the fast and intermediate groups took the first hill up to the stock rd intersection.  the lights were good to us today and everyone made it up the hill and around the corner.  once we hit south street i went to the front to let the group know that the fast group could have it’s head of steam.  i slunk back to the back and waited for the fireworks to happen. 

it took quite a while but once the rolling hills started the pace certainly picked up.  the selection was soon made and the fast group separated from the rest.  this didn’t last long, however, as a lights change meant that we were all back together.  normally this is a good thing, but in this case, it meant that the main group tried to hang onto the back of the fast group and may have splintered it a bit over the remaining south street kms. 

we hit the banister rd intersection and the group split in two as quite a few of the main group had made it that far.  the fast group continued up towards livingston marketplace to take the left hander onto nicholson.  i was hanging onto the back of the pack and didn’t do a turn at all.  i knew that i would be spat out the back straight away if i tried and i really wanted to make it home with the group today.  the group worked quite well together and swapped out turns at the front and even had a roll through going at some stage. 

we hit the roundabout and went straight and into unchartered territory for us.  the road wasn’t too bad.  not double lane, but not as much traffic so we could still power our way along to spencer rd.  still happy to be on the back of the pack at this stage.

a right turn back onto nicholson almost had snuggles taking a left and heading back towards canning vale.  he claims he needs a garmin as they do seem to be breeding and have popped up on quite a few handlebars in our group.  the group slowed quite a bit heading through cannington but i knew that it would start up again once we past welshpool rd.

a few attacks went off the front on shepperton rd with lisa and jerry both having a tap.  the group was together for the roll to the lights at the causeway and everyone started looking for a wheel to hide behind ready for the sprint.  lisa was back on the front and no-one seemed eager to come around as we approached the bridges.  knowing that i had no sprint, i decided to bury myself and went to the front.  over both bridges and onto riverside drive where, for a change, the lights didn’t hold us up.  i motioned for the group to go through and sat up to cruise the last bit home.  not sure what happened in the sprint, but i did hear of some lane changing going on.  try to keep it in the left lane and if you need to come around, at least look behind you to make sure that there are no cars coming.  no accidents to hear of so off to coffee.

unfortunately, the grinder broke down again, so coffees were a bit slow.  cold too as we sit on the shade side in the mornings.  any suggestions, leave it in the comments…

ride routes 25th & 26th july

looking forward to a couple of cold mornings this weekend but at least cold usually doesn’t mean wet.  an old favourite for saturday with a cruise through canning vale and a return of the f_ckenberg on sunday.

the tour de france pizza night is this saturday (see previous post).  come along and watch the final mountain stage of the tour.  i am looking forward to recouping some sleep after the tour has finished.

pinjarra classic next weekend (see previous post) and a good opportunity to test those climbing legs.  there will be a few of us racing so if you want to give it a go there will be lots of support for you.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 13 (canning vale reverse)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 09 (patterson & canns & urch)

PINJARRA CLASSIC – Sunday 2nd August

2nd August will see the 14th Pinjarra Classic, a blue ribbon Road cycling Race.


of riders will be competing for $4000 in prizes and we are expecting a good turnout from SPR.

The 65 km circuit has some challenging hills with 25km of climbing along Dell Park Road and 12km

downhill onto the flats into Pinjarra.


Nominations close Tuesday 28th July 1030AEST

There will be an

SPR base camp for competitors, supporters and brownie eaters!

Please indicate in the comments if you intend to come



SPR TdF Mt Ventoux Night!!!

Stage 20 – Montélimar – Mont Ventoux

Saturday 25th July


Come and watch what’s bound to be one of the most exciting stages of  the tour with the

rest of the SPR crew!

There will be a big screen TV and plenty to eat.

We will be enjoying the company of the guys

from Elite Racing Cycles who will also

be there.

Stage 20 – Montélimar – Mont Ventoux


All Night Pizza and Kebab Cafe

714 Albany Highway, Victoria Park


Saturday 25th July

7.30m onwards

Cyclosportif – York – 26th July



L’avalanche de vallee d’Avon in York,  is on Sunday 26th July

Once again, there is an opportunity for anyone involved in SPR  to participate as there are 3 different distances to choose from.

A distance: 106km
B distance: 56km
C distance: 24KM


Each team comprises up to a maximum of 9 and a minimum of 5 riders for each event, with the overall team time (you must stick together) counting as the completed time.

(NOT a Grand Fondo as it was last year)


This is NOT racing – it is about enjoying a challenge with your team mates and ‘participating’ as a team not ‘winning’.


Cost is $45 pp for Cyclosportif members/ $60 pp for non-members

If you hold a current Cycling Australia racing license the

cost is $45

Recreational and non-license holders will need to buy a “friend of Cyclosportif” day license

to participate – $60 in total


Please indicate in the comments if you are interested and in which distance.





The website for the South Perth Cycle Club