14 thoughts on “the west australian – 14/07/09”

  1. Great work team – My boss had already spotted me while reading the paper this morning and brought the article into the office and it has since been cut out, laminated and stuck up on the noticeboard.

  2. I too was spotted by work colleagues, and the photo is up in the office. I’ve also had a couple of enquiries about the group rides!!

  3. Well, it could have been better, but I was running.. Mwuah ha ha..

    Good work team, the ratio even looks good. I had someone enquiring as to why I get to ride with so many woman… I told him I am a lucky man..

    Where were the Pinarellos, Baums, Cervelos etc? They must have been more interested in good looking people than good looking bikes.. Mwuah ha ha..

    I am just jealous as my mug was not in the paper.. Grrr

  4. Very Noice.
    I got asked about it in Kalamunda this morning while do a hills ride.
    Between that and seeing a junior cyclist clip a motorbike (motorpacing) and both falling off right behind it was an interesting morning ride 🙂

  5. hold on a minute jealous Fynn – my bike is centre of attention – I will tell Mclovin to ignore your comments and tell him he is prrruuutttyy and speedy 😉

  6. Great stuff guys
    Naughty points to James and Lorraine for not having the club kit on 😉

  7. yeah its an even boy/girl split. We’re looking good guys. I got my mug and my mug in (brendan is pretending to drink it)

  8. I believe their kit was lets say laid to rest shortly after kissing the tarmac in different events 😉 Have I tought you both nothing…..land on your head – kit remains in perfect tact!!!!

  9. But Lisa… You do realise I’m already onto my THIRD helmet for the year as well!!! 🙂

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