spr club pandemic guidelines

UPDATE: as per the advice from Westcycle on the 17th March, we are now at level 3. This means rides are still on, but it is recommended that there is no physical social contact before or after the ride. Training can still continue, but nothing more.
the spr committee has been in discussion throughout the day as to how we deal with the changing landscape created by COVID-19. we have developed the following strategy and just want to explain where we currently sit and what the next steps may be. again, we are not trying to enforce rules for the sake of it, but rather trying to find that balance between keeping our members and their families safe and providing training opportunities for as long as possible.
we have identified 4 levels of operation with each step further limiting social interaction.
level 1 is self-explanatory and is our default state.
level 2 is where we currently believe we are at this point in time. social distancing means not cramming into shared spaces and limiting physical contact to shared items. as such we are postponing the AGM to a later date. increase awareness of hygiene both on the ride and in social situations needs to be observed. juniors riding at parents discretion.
level 3 is social isolation and we do not recommend any social interaction after the ride. cycling itself is generally a non-contact sport and it is believed that the risk is lessened as long as you observe the previously mentioned hygiene guidelines. we will not stop anyone having a coffee after a ride, but at the same time we will not be recommending it. junior rides will be cancelled.
level 4 is a total restriction of any physical interaction. many areas in europe are now on total lockdown and there is no reason not to believe that australia may be heading the same way. if that situation occurs, we will endeavour to organise as many online rides as we possibly can.
as a club, we are here for our members and we are committed to keeping them as safe as possible. we are also aware that we provide a “service” by offering club training rides, so finding that balance is what we are endeavouring to achieve.
peter mah – president
on behalf of the south perth cycle club committee

COVID-19 club guidelines

in light of the rapidly changing environment that we are finding ourselves in with the COVID-19 pandemic, the club would like to set some standards for our group rides to keep everyone safe.

if you have recently travelled internationally or been in close contact with someone who has recently travelled, then the normal 14 day isolation rules extend to the group training rides a well.

if you have flu like symptoms (cough, fever, etc) then self isolation is a must and group rides would be a no-go.

although reports are that a high percentage of cases are mild and healthy adults recover without incident, the risk of spreading to the more fragile members of our community is high. this is an unnecessary risk that others don’t need to be exposed to.

as with most viruses of this type, you are often contagious before you show symptoms. therefore good hygiene is important during a ride. spitting and blowing your nose should only be done away from the group as this can create an airborne cloud that is inhaled by other riders.

social distancing is the new catch cry and this means that spending times in close proximity to others should be minimised. although we would never stop anyone having a coffee after the ride, please be aware of, and practice good hygiene habits. hugs, handshakes and sharing food should be restricted.

the federal government has advised that gatherings of over 500 people are to be cancelled and although this does not affect us yet, that number could reduce in coming weeks/months. at this stage the club AGM will still go ahead next week and we will update if anything changes. the goal of the club is for everyone to remain safe and healthy.

peter mah
president – south perth rouleurs

ride routes 14th – 20 march

remember when you just started cycling and a river loop was a big achievement. well for some it still is as many people struggle just to get off the couch. however, if you take a standard perth river loop, multiply the distance by 5.2 and the elevation gain by 12.6 then you start to see just what a challenge 3peaks really is. now being victoria, drop the temperature into single digits, reduce visibility and add a bit of sleet. now the challenge is really on. of all the spr members in the picture above, not everyone managed to cross the finishline last weekend, but it wasn’t from a lack of trying. perth’s nice weather doesn’t acclimatise you to the cold alpine temperatures and some of our riders suffered because of it. however, understanding the time and training that goes into just making it to the start makes you appreciate the effort and sacrifice that all the riders had to go through. so whether you made it to the end or not, well done on even attempting it in miserable conditions and celebrate with some gelato.

ride leader sponsor – this months ride leader sponsor is Chaotic Energy.  owner, Teneal Attard is an active member of the club and is proud to be supporting the upcoming Renae’s Race, the premier race for women in WA.  what is Chaotic Energy? they are a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimisation. see the previous post for more details and links.

annual general meeting – The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 9am. This will be held at Dome Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride. Each year at the AGM all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
Initial indications are that the club will need at least 2 new committee members for 2020. Please see the previous post for more info.

renae’s race/henk vogels memorial – this weekend the racing is in memory of two passionate riders that are no longer with us.  renae’s race honors renae baker a promising young cyclist who died of leukaemia in 1999. our own reporter, clarie tyrell did a story on her last year which we posted here. mentioned in that story is henk vogels who was the long standing president of the southern districts cycle club and who began renae’s race as a way of keeping her memory alive. this sunday the racing at the driver training centre at the airport will be dedicated to both cyclists.  renae’s race is sponsored by club member teneal attard through her Chaotic Energy business and is considered the premier race for women in the state. come along to support not just your club members but the cycling community.

new spr kit design – as outlined in the previous post, the design for the new spr kit has been finalised.  the kit committee has been working closely with Mayeur to come up with a design that encompasses the clubs main elements whilst presented within an understated style. next steps will be a social event/sizing party to ensure that people order exactly what they need.

mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year.  this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace.  as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge.  no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.

sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning.  as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are.  we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road.  see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

photo: tom barrett

spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. numbers have been a bit sporadic for juniors since the new year.  hopefully we can get numbers back up to a sustainable level so that it doesn’t rely on only a few people to make it happen.  while the weather is nice, get the kids out and get them active.

from the ride coordinator – You can just feel the weather starting to change. Whilst it’s not anywhere close to the conditions in the Peaks Challenge last week (btw, kudos to all those SPR riders who attempted the near feezing winds and rain) , you can just start to feel a little bit of coolness creeping in to the morning rides, especially the 5.30am ones. I’m hoping that the forecast rain stays away long enough for us to get the main ride in. Regardless, it’s a good time to stop and think of the bike set up, charging those lights and riding to the conditions. Whatever you do, enjoy the riding if you can.

saturday 14th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans cresswell 40.21km spr saturday

fast/main – morley drive 50.77km spr saturday

sunday 15th march

rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

note: sunday rides now start at 7:00am from mar to oct

development group – coffee ride

short – khna weir 72.23km spr sunday

long – khna trnr obs 101.76km spr sunday

monday 16th march

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

tuesday 17th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

wednesday 18th march

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 19th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 20th march

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride

ride routes 7th – 13th march

photo: tom barrett

who is it that influenced you to ride a bike? was it a family member that you always saw riding when you were growing up, or did you start riding later in life and noticed some friends or work mates spending time in the saddle? for me it was a school mate that got me into riding.  pre-helmet rules, pre-lycra style and heavy steel bikes. no group rides, just a couple of us heading out for hours on end, or touring between towns.  the longest was a 200km trek between bendigo and halls gap which took us 10 hours and included 8 hours of rain.  looking back on it we had no idea what we were doing.  bags were just 2 backpacks slung over a carrier and nutrition involved pies from local bakeries.  definitely a simpler time.

ride leader sponsor – this months ride leader sponsor is Chaotic Energy.  owner, Teneal Attard is an active member of the club and is proud to be supporting the upcoming Renae’s Race, the premier race for women in WA.  what is Chaotic Energy? they are a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimisation. see the previous post for more details and links.

annual general meeting – The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 9am. This will be held at Dome Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride. Each year at the AGM all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
Initial indications are that the club will need at least 1 new committee member for 2020. Please see the previous post for more info.

SPR SuperVan and Tent City at The Ring Subiaco – These things don’t happen by themselves. We are seeking some volunteers to arrive at 11:00am and 17:30pm this Sunday to the corner of Rokeby and Baker Rds to assist in setting up and packing down the SPR tents for The Ring Subiaco this weekend. If you race, intend to race, like to watch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyOqd6RN9eU) or happen be an SPR member then volunteer to come along and help. If you intend to nominate for SPR’s at Tour of Margaret River squads this year, volunteer, as this will count towards the mandatory vollie appearance! Email race@spr to volunteer. Otherwise, come along and watch and cheer and ring cowbells like some crazy bugger that could have bought all the toilet paper. See you there.

new spr kit design – as outlined in the previous post, the design for the new spr kit has been finalised.  the kit committee has been working closely with Mayeur to come up with a design that encompasses the clubs main elements whilst presented within an understated style. next steps will be a social event/sizing party to ensure that people order exactly what they need.

mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year.  this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace.  as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge.  no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.

sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning.  as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are.  we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road.  see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. numbers have been a bit sporadic for juniors since the new year.  hopefully we can get numbers back up to a sustainable level so that it doesn’t rely on only a few people to make it happen.  while the weather is nice, get the kids out and get them active.

from the ride coordinator – Was so inspired by last week’s Perth Festival finale tribute to Bon Scott that I’ve got all nostalgic in this week’s choice of ride route for our main ride. For those riding this week, bring out your best Acca Dacca Lycra (black will do it) and rock your own Highway to Hell on the Freo Canningvale route !

On another note, good luck to all those SPR riders participating in the Peaks Challenge, Perth to Buso and Subiaco Crits events this weekend.

saturday 7th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans canning vale 42.34km spr saturday

fast/main – freo & canning vale 52.11km spr saturday

sunday 8th march

rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

note: sunday rides now start at 7:00am from mar to oct

development group – coffee ride

short – grnmt goose 65.22km spr sunday

long – grnmt prk mnd wr 93.71km spr sunday

monday 9th march

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

tuesday 10th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

wednesday 11th march

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 12th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 13th march

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride

ride routes 29th feb – 6th march

so, lets talk about the weather.  rain, humidity, wind.  all the things that cyclists don’t like.  this morning we were also dodging the odd thunderstorm but didn’t manage to miss the rain.  apart from the steamy queensland like weather, the other main change is that sunrise is getting later.  it is now after 6am and with the overcast skys, this makes it dark.  as announced a number of times, the sunday hills ride is moving back to a 7am start.  this allows us more visibility and less chance of drivers being blinded by the sunrise. i am sure that someone will turn up there at 6am this week, but i am also sure that they will only do it once.

ride leader sponsor – this months ride leader sponsor is Chaotic Energy.  owner, Teneal Attard is an active member of the club and is proud to be supporting the upcoming Renae’s Race, the premier race for women in WA.  what is Chaotic Energy? they are a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimisation. see the previous post for more details and links.

annual general meeting – The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 9am. This will be held at Dome Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride. Each year at the AGM all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
Initial indications are that the club will need at least 1 new committee member for 2020. Please see the previous post for more info.

criterium racing – Sunday 8th March is the Subiaco round of the InterClub Crit Series. If you went last year to race or spectate, you’ll know it was a splendid afternoon out.
Staged in the heart of Subiaco, the circuit is a tough course, fully closed with brilliant spectating available. The SPR SuperVan will be in attendance with our Green tent city, esky’s filled, some seating and even some cowbells. OF COURSE!
The weekend after is the final round of the InterClub series and the Premier Women’s Criterium race event of the year – Renae’s Race. Celebrating the life of the late Renae Baker, you should have also seen that the event this year is being generously sponsored by Chaotic Energy. This year the same day will play host to a commemorative race in memory of Henk Vogels Snr for the blokes.
Come and race, come and spectate, COME AND SUPPORT!!!
Your entries are open for both at entry boss click the links for The Ring Subiaco or Renae’s Race.
And keep your eyes out for the RACE@SPR posts.

new spr kit design – as outlined in the previous post, the design for the new spr kit has been finalised.  the kit committee has been working closely with Mayeur to come up with a design that encompasses the clubs main elements whilst presented within an understated style. next steps will be a social event/sizing party to ensure that people order exactly what they need.

rubbish – it was observed that someone in the group discarded a gel pack during the ride last week.  all rubbish must be carried and disposed of properly.  even the pro’s can only drop things at certain times during the race now to minimise littering. if you managed to carry the gel packet when it was full, you certainly had space for the empty packet.

mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year.  this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace.  as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge.  no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.

sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning.  as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are.  we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road.  see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. numbers have been a bit sporadic for juniors since the new year.  hopefully we can get numbers back up to a sustainable level so that it doesn’t rely on only a few people to make it happen.  while the weather is nice, get the kids out and get them active.

from the ride coordinator – Some changes for this weekends rides, will really test how far people read down the blog, or whether they just skip past this section to the ride routes. If you are reading this, then kudos to you as you might just have some more knowledge than the thumb scrolling experts who just go to the ride routes.

First thing is a reiteration of last week’s notice than Sunday Hills rides will be reverting back to a 7am start. If you are a regular for these rides, be good to have a quick word to your fellow regular Sunday riders to make sure they enjoy an extra hours sleep.

If you are intending to ride the public holiday Monday ride, then please note their is a slight change to the route that will take away the dangerous and deteriorating road conditions around Riverside Rd, through the left bank. SO PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: the ride route will continue along Preston Point Rd all the way to the Canning Highway. DO NOT TURN RIGHT AT THE ROUNDABOUT AT THE CORNER OF PRESTON POINT RD INTO RIVERSIDE DRIVE. Continue straight along Preston Point ride, up and over the rise to the Canning Highway. At Canning Highway, turn right but stay in the right hand lane, ready to turn onto the Stirling Highway Bridge. After traversing the bridge, turn left onto Tydeman Road to join the route as you know it.

Again, if you are having a coffee and asking your fellow SPR rider if they are riding Monday, be sure to also ask if they know of the PH ride route change. Otherwise enjoy this weekend’s riding as it looks like it’s clearing up just in time.

saturday 29th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans reabold 38.69km spr saturday

fast/main – reabold & cottesloe 50.91km spr saturday

sunday 1st march

rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

note: sunday rides now start at 7:00am from mar to oct

development group – coffee ride

short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday

long – cann dam 100.13km spr sunday

monday 2nd march – labour day

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

main/fast – public hol 57.62km spr special

tuesday 3rd march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

wednesday 4th march

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 5th march

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 6th march

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride

Notice of AGM


The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 9am. This will be held at Dome Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride.

There will also be the usual breakfast at Dome on this morning from 8:40am onwards. $15 (cash only) will get you a drink and access to the famous Dome SPR breakfast buffet.  Please RSVP in the comments section of this post so we know how many people to cater for.

Each year at the AGM all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
Initial indications are that the club will need at least 1 new committee member for 2020.

Positions on the committee include:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Race committee representative
  • Kit committee representative
  • Social committee representative
  • Training and development representative
  • General committee members

There is also an opportunity to assist the club on the following sub-committees, and new volunteers are always welcome:

  • Race sub-committee
  • Kit sub-committee
  • Social and sub-committee
  • Training and development sub-committee

If you are interested in joining (or continuing on) the main committee or one of the sub-committees, please email admin@southperthrouleurs.com.au.

Please note that to be a committee member or to vote at the AGM you must be a current financial member. You can sort your membership out  here.

Nominations are due by Sunday, 15 March 2019.

ride routes 22nd – 28th february

the other day #2 son had to write a piece on people he admired.  he listed kobe bryant, some random youtube person that i don’t know and….me. as an 11 year old, this is not unusual, but his reasoning was a little more obscure. he talked about the club and how i am a ride leader and this is what he wanted to be when he grew up. not “i want to win races” (that’s def not me), not “i want to ride fast” (still not me), but “i want to be a leader”. when we started the ride leader program, it was modelled loosely on the surf life-saving structure. a lot of young people join the junior ranks on the beach, with the hope of one day being able to wear the bright yellow of a life-saver. if that is how our juniors view the program, then we must be doing something right.

ride leader sponsor – this months ride leader sponsor is Chaotic Energy.  owner, Teneal Attard is an active member of the club and is proud to be supporting the upcoming Renae’s Race, the premier race for women in WA.  what is Chaotic Energy? they are a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimisation. see the previous post for more details and links.

crit racing – there is racing available throughout summer – pretty much every weekend. this sunday is a west coast masters race at herne hill. an updated program with links to the events HERE.  for a bit more info on why crit racing could be for you, check out the previous post.

Mo, Tech, Numbers. Photo: Mo

spr race mentors – the race mentors will be your go to for questions, queries and advice so you can dip your toe with some support. if you think you want to be a race mentor to help those that are curious about racing, then you can sign up to help out.  check out the previous post for more information.

new spr kit design – as outlined in the previous post, the design for the new spr kit has been finalised.  the kit committee has been working closely with Mayeur to come up with a design that encompasses the clubs main elements whilst presented within an understated style. next steps will be a social event/sizing party to ensure that people order exactly what they need.

rubbish – it was observed that someone in the group discarded a gel pack during the ride last week.  all rubbish must be carried and disposed of properly.  even the pro’s can only drop things at certain times during the race now to minimise littering. if you managed to carry the gel packet when it was full, you certainly had space for the empty packet.

mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year.  this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace.  as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge.  no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.

sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning.  as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are.  we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road.  see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. numbers have been a bit sporadic for juniors since the new year.  unfortunately i will be contributing to it this week as i have a previous commitment and will not be bringing the boys down. hopefully we can get numbers back up to a sustainable level so that it doesn’t rely on only a few people to make it happen.  while the weather is nice, get the kids out and get them active.

from the ride coordinator – This is the last week that the Sunday hills ride will leave at 6:00am. Next Sunday is the 1st of March and sunrise will be after 6:00am so the rides will move back to 7:00am.  I have enjoyed getting home early, but there has also been an increased risk from motorist not seeing us as we are riding into the rising sun.  there have been very few really hot days, so if there are any predicted, we will just tackle them on an “as needs” basis.

saturday 22nd february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans benara 39.90km spr saturday

fast/main – benara rd 50.76km spr saturday

sunday 23rd february

rides start at coode st carpark at 6:00am

note: sunday rides start at 6:00am from nov to feb

development group – coffee ride

short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday

long – roley obs 100.16km spr sunday

monday 24th february

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

tuesday 25th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

wednesday 26th february

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 27th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 28th february

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride

chaotic energy – ride leader sponsor

although the ride leader sponsor program is no longer active, there are still aspects of the overall ride leader program that require funding (jerseys, theory workshops, etc). as such, we will still be accepting intermittent sponsorship to assist the club to develop the ride leaders further.  we are therefore pleased to have Chaotic Energy as a sponsor for the next month.

How great is our club? I’m a proud SPR member and am passionate about making positive change in cycling and racing in WA. Teneal Attard here – owner at Chaotic Energy. It’s been a big few months supporting fellow SPR-er Davina Summers with the development of SheRaceWA and running the “Come and Try” sessions for women, and more recently men that want to get into racing. The summer has been a huge success with race numbers building and the racing being even more exciting.

Renae’s Race

Chaotic Energy is proud to be supporting Renae’s Race again in 2020 and I’d love to see a larger pool of SPR women and men racing on the day. Big prize money is on offer and it is part of the West Cycle Interclub Series where SPR is sitting 4th on the Club overall leaderboard after 2 rounds, a great chance to climb us up the ladder.

I often get asked on rides what is Chaotic Energy. We’re a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimization. Our main areas of service are Strength and Conditioning, One on One Personal Training and NeuroPhysics Therapy/Rehabilitation. Depending on your performance goals/injuries/aches and pains, we create an individualised program for you and help you achieve the results you are after. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

Contact Details:

Chaotic Energy Website | SheRaceWA Facebook Page |             Renae’s Race Event Page | West Cycle Interclub Series

spr kit design 2020

new year, new you. as previously announced, Mayeur will be the kit supplier of the south perth rouleurs from 2020 onwards. the kit committee has been working closely with the design team at Mayeur to come up with our new look moving forward.

there has been a lot of back and forth discussion around colours, logo size and placement as well as the overall look and how it fits in with the perth cycling scene. once we landed on a design that we were happy with, it went to the overall spr committee for endorsement.

this does represent a departure from the club kits that we have produced in the past, but we think that it also reflects on the maturity of the club and how we would like to be perceived. the more muted colours and minimised branding represent that we don’t think that we necessarily need to advertise anymore as most in the cycling scene know who we are. hopefully it should also appeal to those to which cycling kit is more about looking smart while sipping your latte but also looks good on mass.

a sample kit is being manufactured so we can assess the final colours along with the sizing kit so you can order the correct size. once that has landed, we will organise a social event for fitting and orders will be open. the fitting will not be after a group ride, as we would like more than one person to try on the new kit without it being drenched in post-ride sweat.

feedback and comments are welcome, and we are aware that this design will not appeal to everyone (i think that we can say that about any design/supplier that we have had in the past). however, the process of selection and design has been long and detailed and the members of the kit committee have spend a considerable amount of their volunteer time engaged in providing the best result for the club. here’s to a new look in 2020 and beyond.

ride routes 15th – 21st february

leadership. over a year ago, i lost the love for cycling. i was sick of training and sick of trying. at the time i thought that i just needed to ride for fun and physically that is all i did.  mentally and emotionally, however,  i also disengaged but probably didn’t realise at the time, what effect that had on my interactions within the club.

there were a lot of times last year when strong leadership within the club would have contributed positively towards a better outcome and i wasn’t there.  for that i apologise. i left a lot of things up to the committee and, although they are more than capable of delivering, support from my corner was limited.  for that i apologise. the clubs presence within the wider arena of cycling within wa and with me often being the “face” of spr at meetings was almost non-existent. for that i apologise. i have had some personal issues with some others within the cycling community and as such, have taken a very “trumpistic” nationalism view and often ignored other entities within cycling. for that i apologise.  there was some change within cycling in wa and the clubs have now fallen under the westcycle banner.  at the time i wasn’t paying attention and now we find ourselves pulled in many directions with issues around auscycle.  although i couldn’t have changed a lot, i still apologise for not being actively engaged.

so, where does that leave us? we will be having an agm in march and as per our constitution, all positions, including the presidency are vacated. i am intending on standing again, but i suppose that is up to the membership as to whether i continue as president. i do, however, commit to being much more active and engaged as i believe that a lack of strong leadership causes organisations to quickly disintegrate. the club has changed significantly over the last 10 years and we have built something that has the potential to remain strong for many years to come. i now realise that the role of president is not just a position in name only, but is a vehicle for directing the club.  just what direction that is depends on how much effort is placed behind it.

Photo: DeCastro

come and try – this weekend at the Peel crit at the motoplex, there will be a “come and try” ride for any women that wants to see what crit racing is about.  The session will be with experienced riders to guide you around and provide feedback. follow the calendar link below to get more info on the event and times for each session.

Photo: DeCastro

crit racing – there is racing available throughout summer – pretty much every weekend. this sunday is round 2 of the interclub criterium series hosted by Peel. an updated program with links to the events HERE.  for a bit more info on why crit racing could be for you, check out the previous post.

Mo, Tech, Numbers. Photo: Mo

spr race mentors – the race mentors will be your go to for questions, queries and advice so you can dip your toe with some support. if you think you want to be a race mentor to help those that are curious about racing, then you can sign up to help out.  check out the previous post for more information.

spr kit supplier – as outlined in the previous post, the kit sub-committee conducted a review of our current supply and design for club kit.  a number of different manufacturers were invited to submit a proposal and we are pleased to announce that we are moving forward with Mayeur. we are currently in the design process and hope to get it finalised soon with orders opening soon after.  there will be a sizing kit available at a local bike shop and orders will be via an online portal.

mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year.  this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace.  as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge.  no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.

sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning.  as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are.  we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road.  see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. my boys were a bit dissappointed last week as they were the only two that turned up to the juniors ride.  they had to drown their sorrows in pancakes and bacon at the coffee shop afterwards.  yes school has started, but make sure that the kids ride is part of your weekly routine.

from the ride coordinator – Back (by popular demand) this week for both Saturday and Sunday is a reprise of 3 of our newest ride routes and the return of an old favourite. Got some great feedback from both transition and main groups that they really liked the North Lake/Shelley and Stock Shelley routes. Last time we did it, we also had quite a few people who missed out as they were visiting Radelaide for the TDU. So with the sort of wind conditions shifting from North West to South West, we can’t miss the opportunity for the “holy grail” of having the wind behind us most of the ride, so we are going for it ! (Lets hope Mother Nature is also a cyclist !). Similarly on Sunday our most difficult to pronounce as well as newest long hills ride is also coming back for another show after rave reviews last time. Enjoy your riding !

saturday 15th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans nth lake & shelley 40.50km spr saturday

fast/main – stock & shelley 49.56km spr saturday

sunday 16th february

rides start at coode st carpark at 6:00am

note: sunday rides start at 6:00am from nov to feb

development group – coffee ride

short – wlsh weir 62.23km spr sunday

long – zamia darl mund dodd obs 111.68km spr sunday

monday 17th february

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

tuesday 18th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

wednesday 19th february

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 20th february

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 21st february

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club