Tag Archives: Tuesday

tuesday group ride

we have a problem with the tuesday group ride.  it is actually one of the best problems to have.  we are too popular.  i counted close to 60 riders in the group today and that means we take up a lot of space on the road.  there were no reports of bad or dangerous riding and even though the pace was on along burke drive, there were only a handful of riders off the back. 

so, what are our options.  well, i think we need to split the group.  this mostly for safety reasons and not necessarily saying that we are a danger to each other.  the bigger group means that we take up more road which means impatient drivers will take stupid risks to save being delayed by 30 secs.  most of the busy roads we ride on are double lane and the others are fairly quiet, but this doesn’t stop idiots from trying to squeeze past the group. 

the other problem was highlighted this morning.  the group will not fit through the light changes.  this meant that a whole lot of riders went through a red light.  not a little bit of red, but a whole lot of red with plenty of time to stop.  this is a big no-no and may see you punished by going under a truck.

no how are we going to split the group???  this is where i need feedback so add to the comments below. 

do we split into –

  •  fast, main, transitional based on the saturday morning hierarchy
  • two groups of fast and main (thursday style)
  • arbitrarily split in half
  • get people to self seed (faster guys line up closer to the bridge and slower closer to the path crossing) then split
  • random number selection – odds and evens based on your birthday
  • shaved and hairy legs
  • those that have read lord of the rings and those that haven’t
  • bikes that fit the “euro rules” and those that aren’t so pretentious.

anyway, you see where it is heading.  give me a hand here.  regardless of which way we split, the rules for the ride are still the same.  ride together and regroup at the normal spots.

Tuesday Ride Report…kind of.

Tuesday ride report by Meg.

I’ve been hearing the screams of “toughen up princess” all morning, so in an attempt to purge my soul here is my confession. This ride report really starts before this morning though. Key points that impacted on the ride: within the last 5 weeks I have ridden once, so yes, I’m aware that the first ride back is not going to be pretty. For some of the last 5 weeks I’ve been tango dancing in Buenos Aires. Important point because it reminded me that 1) not all forms of exercise require you to wear deeply unflattering lycra and 2) actually there are some forms of exercise/movement which actually cause you to feel euphoric. This is a very different feeling to the one that comes with completing a bike ride which is more along the lines of deep relief that you have survived and that the pain has now ended. Previously I had been tricking myself into believing that euphoric = deep relief that pain had ended. Final key point, and I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this or not, but its been pissing down with rain lately. Oh and its been a bit chilly. To summarize, I have no illusions – I’m not a real cyclist, I’m just trying to fake it and failing miserably. My first ride back is going to be a disaster and its going to hurt like hell and the coffee at the end had better be good!

So despite what it is sounding like I’ve been trying to rustle up some bike love. Checked the weather report – rain clearing. That could mean that there would be less rain in the morning. Managed to fit in a run last night between rain storms, so that could also be construed to indicate that the rain was clearing. Anyway it was enough to dust off the bike, pump up the tyres and throw the machine into the car, ready for the early morning start. (Oh minor footnote here; when Argentinean tango dancing in Buenos Aires, one is dancing at 4am and thinking about moving on for a hot chocolate before stumbling into bed at 6ish. Much more civilised than waking up at 4.30/5am to head out in lycra and the cold and the wet)

The alarm went off, I could not hear any rain, so I pulled on multiple layers of lycra and with my housemate’s voice in my head distinctly telling me to toughen the f*ck up I drove to work. The weather was being decidedly British (i.e. a bit shit, a bit of a drizzle but no rain pelting down so not really enough to not do something, but just enough to make it unpleasant). Got the bike out of the car, and yes it definitely felt like the rain was slightly more than a drizzle, but surprisingly, I had that little thrill that comes when you clip in. That sense of an open road and you are going to smash yourself and its going to be fantastic. This feeling carried me down the road aways, before the cold, the puddles and the rain joined forces to confirm that actually it was a bit shit, and I really was not enjoying it.  The next bit will be unbelievable to many of you (well actually probably all of you) but what happened next was……I turned around rode back to the car, put the bike back into the car and went and had the hottest longest shower of all time!!!! And it was good. I’ve had an incredibly productive morning at work, and I’ve even found time to write up this blog and there is the chance that I may get to go home early!

Conclusions: I’m piss weak, you cyclists are seriously hard core. As the sun has come up, it has stopped raining and it is looking like it might turn out to be a nice weather day which is bloody typical. I’ll spend the rest of the day trying to not regret my non-ride ride because I think if I’m honest I’ve actually missed riding and I’m keen to get back into it. Yes it is going to hurt and yes I’m going to be really bad, but the coffee and the chats at the end are worth it.

Transitional Ride Report 16/3/2010

This is only a short report as Toby doesn’t normally write one for Tuesdays. Set off from Narrows not far behind the advanced group. Toby and Scott lead along Mounts Bay Road and it was clear the pace was going to be faster today.

Soon after turning onto Hacket Drive the rider next to me was already pushing the speed up and we were sitting just over 30km/h. Up over the small rise on The Avenue and he was pushing me at around 27km/h I just made it but I know I saw him looking back waiting for me to catch up. I was expecting Shaw or someone else to go past as a few were on my wheel but they left me there. Right onto Birdwood Pde and we were still ticking along. Was starting to feel today would be a bit of punishment.

Passed Sunset Hospital and Toby called to slow down so the pace dropped back to a mild 25km/h. Toby let us know that a few couldn’t take it and were going home. Apparently Tracy was very clear she wasn’t going to take further part. She did complete the three dams on Sunday though so probably deserved to take today off. All were on and Toby mentioned that we are going to make you work now. Up went the pace again until most the way around Victoria Ave where I pulled off the front to have a rest. However I dropped back a little to much and then had to work to get back on. Scott dropped back a bit and I got on his wheel and I think Shaw was in front of him. We had a minor regroup at Queenslea Drv where Toby announce for our efforts so far your all doing Mosman Park hill. You could hear the moan and just to annoy the rest I blerted out “Bring It On!” Toby seemed to like the enthusiasm.

Short trip along Stirling Hwy and left on the route to Mosman Park Hill. Arriving at the hill again I think there were five (we only had 8 or so in the group now) that were in front of me. Not fussed I set my own pace and got up the top and then made my way to the Water Tower for the regroup. Passed a couple of others on the way there. Off from the water tower I was on the front again and I think it was Toby that met me. We lead through until just before Stirling Hwy where I dropped back again for another break. Over the bridge and onto Preston Point Road and Shaw started the sprint up the Hill. Not sure who won. Caught up the rest and after passing EJ Chapman Playground Shaw and I were on the front (I don’t know how I keep getting to the front so fast when I drop back).

Shaw and I lead the group until the downhill of Burke Drv where Toby called for a roll through. This seemed to work well with the pace sitting on around 30 ~ 33km/h. Soon arrived onto Canning Hwy where some car decided to cut us off. Left onto Dunkley Drv and we resumed the roll through again. Left onto Fraser Rd and Kintail. Again found myself at the front again. At the Raffles we kept rolling and decided to regroup over the bridge. After getting over the bridge and slowing right down to wait up for the others I was accused of protesting. I told Toby “No your so slow I had to wait so long for you :)”

Nothing eventful from here was just a normal ride back to Mends St. I’m not sure who won the sprint was too far back and when I wanted the right lane on Labouchere Rd had to wait for a group of other riders and cars to go by.

This was probably the best Tuesday morning ride I’ve been on. Overall speed was not as fast as other weeks because of the hills but was a much better workout.

Ok this was a little longer than I had planned but Meh.

By Nathan Rzepecki

Tuesday ‘Transition Group’ ride

by Scott

Well after a bit of toing & froing the the Tuesday Transition Group ride came about. (originally when it was just Toby and myself throwing the idea about it was going to be ‘Tubby Tuesday’ but since there are other riders besides us it is no longer appropriate). Naming rights for this ride are still up for grabs. It came about after we discussed the weekly routine of us getting dropped off the main group and how hard it would be for newer Novice riders making the transition as well. We threw around the idea of a slower paced ride and after mentioning it to Dr Ronny at the crits on Sunday, it got legs.

After Ronny’s initial post of the ride, there was a bit of misunderstanding about its intentions with a few novice riders feeling pressured to progress. Just to let you know this ride is for anyone who wants a slower paced ride option for Tuesdays, whether its the likes of myself struggling to hang on to the main group or those in the novice looking for a step-up, all are welcome. It’s a steady pace averaging about 26km/hr or the slowest rider and shortcuts are taken to fit the time frame.

Now onto the ride itself. After a very hot, humid night and similar to follow I wasn’t sure how many would turn up, but on arrival under the Narrow’s I found 7 willing participants + Toby and myself. After a quick briefing from Toby & waiting for the main group to head off we hit the road. Mounts Bay road was a nice stretch to get the group sorted and get a feel for where everyone was at. We headed around the back of UWA and thru Dalkeith with the group working well together, taking the rises in there step and generally maintaining the line. There was a few changes of turns at the front and all going smoothly.

We then headed out to Freo along Stirling Hwy which was another good chance to get the group used to holding the wheel in front and maintaining the line in a group. Lynda was the only 1 who really ‘enjoyed’ the rise thru Claremont, but got the chance to learn the benefits of drafting to get back to the group. It was pretty smooth sailing down this way with a light breeze to keep us cool. Over the bridge and into East Freo the group started to feel the light headwind. The first little rise off Canning was fun for a few, who got pulled up by the short sharp rise, plus someone losing a light, lucky for the sweeper (me) it was retrieved. We regrouped on the roll down the other side and continued to Point Walter where we had a bit of a breather and regroup, with dropped lights & water bottle handed back to owners. At this point the Main group swept thru having caught us as we went around them with our shortcut.

From here it was a mostly flat run back to Atomic for coffee, with the group maintaining a good pace and and continuing turns at the front. We did a few sections of PSP along the way With the group doing really well on there single file and communications. We’ll try to avoid the PSPs next time as they get busy at this time of day and really don’t help with group riding skills. Half the group stayed for coffee while others had to head off for work. For those interested you can see the route we took here (disregard my commute to and from the start/finish)

All in all it went well for the 1st time, with a few little things to iron out in terms of skills and the route. But generally the guys worked together well and showed a good level of skills. Hopefully in the future we will see a few other riders joining us and helping to grow the club.

*Just as a note this ride won’t be happening next week due to Toby & myself being away and it also being Australia Day, but will be back the week after.