2010 Perth Criteriums – Race 4: View from the Sidelines

Congratulations to all SPR riders who took part over the last 4 days!

Matty Upton (EHBS), Brendan Nichol (EHBS), Ryan Fynn (Broad), Julian Jacobs (SPR), Joseph Carreno (EHBS) in Support and Steve Hedley (Arbitrage) toughing in out with the big guns in Open.

I haven’t caught all the races but was happy to see the last couple of days.

Last night’s racing was certainly an exciting finish to the series.  All the SPR support boys were in the first support race.  Early on Joe (subbing for Brendan) threw himself bravely off the front in a self sacrificing act for his EHBS team.  Matty (looking mighty strong last night) then went with a break of 4 off the front. They stayed a fair distance away for a couple of laps before what would become the decisive move of the race.  Ryan surged away from the bunch and bridged up to the breakaway on his own… impressive considering he had come down the day before.  Every SPR supporter was screaming their lungs out as he gave it his all to catch the break.  Even Gary Suckling, who was commentating the race, couldn’t resist adding the comment “Ryan Fynn… so much natural talent, despite doing very little training”.

Matty continued to look

as strong as ever and kicked to the front easily to take out the Preme. He is

still overwhelmed by what to do with all 5 of the sports bars he won 😉

The bell goes with 2 laps to go and everyone goes into overdrive… the breakaway group strings out.  Ryan is up

the front and hangs on all the way to the finish. 1st: Ryan, 5th Matty

Mustn’t forget bruvva Julz here, who has to get the gutsiest effort award for the series. On his own, wearing SPR colours he gave it 110% every race and had a smile on his face every time I saw him.  Next year Julz… next year!

There were some other races with some dudes named Myer and Brown too…

Steve was going well in the open race but unfortunately lost his front wheel on a corner and came down just before he was preparing to move up.

Full results here


19 thoughts on “2010 Perth Criteriums – Race 4: View from the Sidelines”

  1. Is that guy in the Atomic/Brooks kit trying to give Matty a shoulder as he passes??
    Good work to all SPR riders who put in some hard yads over the weekend.
    Very good effort from Ryan after going down on Sunday to come back and grab the win on Monday.
    Well done!!

  2. Good work all who participated and thanks alot for all the support from the sidelines.. It felt like there were a few folk out there shouting Ryan, twas great… Winning last night kind of made up for going down in the final corner the day before.. It was dissappointing but these things happen in racing unfortunately (perhaps why I am afraid of racing).

    Steve went down last night in his race and did not take his lap out, instead he joined up with the chase group which in the closing stages was eliminated… Had he taken his lap out and rejoined where he was when he fell, there is no doubt he would have finished up with the Meyer brothers and Brownie.. A great effort by Steve over the weekend.

    It was great racing alongside Brother Jules (even if he did bump me in Vic Park), he was learning how crit racing works and how to survive. He was a fast learner as he was staying in the races longer as the series progressed (not just from sitting on my wheel I am sure). Brother Jules also fell down last night in Leederville, Kimbo said he almost bounced off the ground as the ute was coming up behind him… Perhaps he could have taken his lap out too? 🙂

    Matty Upton, thanks for the words of encouragement during the race, it was almost like a Saturday group ride… Although chasing the break was harder than most things I have to do on a Sat morning…

    Joe, was good seeing you out there on the Friday and Monday. I hope you learnt your lesson after Fridays effort (Joe discovered after the race he had put his Zipp wheels in and not adjusted the brakes so they were rubbing the whole time and he was running on almost flat tyres… Talk about doing it the hard way ;-).. Last night he went out hard burying himself in order for the break to get a gap… (not sure whether I love or hate you for that ;-).. Good Work..

    Brendan, did not get to race with you, but did notice you on the front of the pack on Saturday.. Almost looked like you had fresh legs… You would be sad you did not get to play all 4 days…

    Next year, hopefully there will be at least one SPR team out there, not Just Brother Jules flying the flag…

  3. I would like to say a huge thankyou to all from SPR for your support over the last 4 day’s of racing. I am sure the other riders would agree that we all learned alot and will each take something away from the event.
    A big thankyou to Brendan & Jo for helping me out, it was great to look around in the bunch and have teammates working for each other.
    Congratulations to Ryan for a great effort last night, a well deserved win.
    Brother Jules, Gutsy stuff mate, keep challenging yourself and stick at it.
    Big Ring Hedley as usaul looked very comfortable rubbing shoulders with the Pro’s in the Open event, well done.
    Thankyou to Eddy Holland’s Bicycle Servives & Ripper Rubs for Sponsoring our Team.

  4. Well done last night with the win Ryan.

    And well done done to Brother Jules, Brendan, Matty, Joe and Steve too, 4 days/nights of racing surely must’ve made the legs feel like they’re there.

  5. It was a great evening of racing last night – lots of excitement and one horse throat by the end of the evening from encouraging folk….. need to take some lessons from Lennie as she was yellin like a trooper!!! The efforts from all those that raced I know have urged some to think about it next year….. hopefully the women will get a go in their own race too 😉

    Awesome effort from all those that competed..

  6. Thanks Jarrad, I reckon with all that riding, I may get fit soon 🙂 My months quota in 4 days… Noice..

    Matty, what is Ripper Rubs??? I think I could do with one of them…

  7. Yep I am spewing I couldnt do all 4 races but hey I have to work unfortunaly 🙁
    Things you do for money hey…

    Congards to all who took part and I reckon everyone should be proud to be in the action.
    Had a ball saturday and my break nearly suceeded thanks to Glas bridging and the team helping in the bunch but the Atomic boys just too strong, winning the Preme was a nice bonus 🙂

    As Matt said great racing alongside everyone in that enviroment as some of the local Crit races the numbers are just too large for the courses is some instances. So good times had by all.

    So thanks everyone for the support and Joe for being my double much appreciated and glad you too enjoyed the experience and to Eddie and Sarah @ EHBS and ripper rubs for sponsoring a team allowing us to race much appreciated.

    See you all on the road soon.(maybe not thsi sat with Steves bux show fri night mwuahahahahah…cue the evil laughter)

  8. Ryan,
    Ripper Rubs is the Sports Massage Mobile service that looks after the Eddy Hollands Bicycle Services Team, Bill Ripper is the man 0418927216. Very, very good.

  9. Gotta say I was very jealous watching you guys doing so well from the sidelines…definately next year…hopefuly on a ‘SPR’ teschner!!

  10. A quick note of thanks to all who supported throughout the races – it was great to be part of Eddie Hollands Bicycle Services (Ripper Rubs) and I look forward to the prospect of either taking part or supporting an SPR team in future races! hhmmm… have to start doing some secret ‘Fynn style’ training though; as I’m clearly under-raced at the moment.. bring on the pain!!!

  11. ‘Fynn Style’ training ensures you get refular sleep ins till 8am… Tight if commuting to Joondalup.. 😉

    Spin with Fynn 6:30pm under the narrows but be warned alot of spinning at high cadence, not so much power stuff (too easy for slackers in the group to slack off), when high cadence work, a little harder to slack off without sticking out like a sore thumb 😉

    Bring your trainers as it is a brick session with a run afterwards..

  12. Don’t know how entertaining it was for the riders, but the spectators had a ball!! WELL DONE RYAN for making such an awesome come back in Leederville and taking 1st spot. Hope you heard my screeching from years away. Well done Brother Jools, Matty, Steve, Brendan (have i missed anyone??) ..you were all sooooo amazing to watch

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