ride routes 28th july – 3rd aug

a combination of a busy work load, late nights watching the tour, early morning rides and the return to school for the kids has meant that i have not even had time to get passionate about a particular issue.  instead i have been enjoying the multiple photo’s that our spr insta-celeb, michael bonner has been providing us with.  he is not the only member over in europe at the moment, so keep an eye out for more dream-worthy shots while we try to avoid the rain

ride leader sponsor – there is no ride leader sponsor for july.  if you own a business and would like advertise/sponsor our ride leaders, please contact the club via email for more information.

ride to conditions – we have been getting a bit of rain lately and there were some crashes on last saturday’s earlybird ride.  as we have always said – you are responsible for your own safety.  this means that if the roads are slippery back off and ride to the conditions.  none of our training rides are races and the saturday earlybird especially is just about getting extra kms.  be sensible out there.  if you are not confident in the wet, don’t push it as it can be a lot worse.

spr tour de france sweepstakes – the tour has only a few days left and at the moment there are clear leaders in the sweepstakes. the dominance by both quickstep and bora has seen them leap ahead of all the other teams.  there are a few that are making good progress and now 9 out of the 22 teams are over the $10 return.  don’t fret if you haven’t seen much return yet.  about two-thirds of the prize money comes from the final position when the tour hits paris.  for example, if gc positions stay were they are lotto nl – jumbo, would receive an extra $30 for finishing 4 and 6th.  we are on the final approach.  only a few more nights of staying up late to see if your team can win you some money. check out the results on the sweeps leaderboard page .

tour of margs teams – emails have gone out to those that have expressed interest.  there will be an information session soon for those that have any questions.

entertainment books – we will again be selling entertainment books this year through the club.  the digital versions actually come online now and last years don’t finish till the end of june allowing you twice as many offers for 3 months.  check out the links on the previous post to find out more.

saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning.  please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate.  this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts.  see the previous post for more details.

next generation – photo amanda nabi

spr juniors – as mentioned last week we will be commencing our junior rides this saturday.  this is for kids 10-15 yrs old and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  the route is listed below and involves laps in kings park.  it will be between 25-30kms by the time you get back to the carpark, so ensure your kids can cope with that.

from the ride coordinator – Lessons from le Tour: Not everyone can corner, makes sure you leave plenty of space, especially when the roads are wet. Beware dust, cobbles, high speed downhills, and (if you’re in a team sky jersey), french spectators. Also mind the edge …

saturday 28th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

juniors (10 – 15 yrs with parent) – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday

development group –  novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional 1/2 – trans canning vale 42.34km spr saturday

fast/main – south st 51.23km spr saturday

sunday 29th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – coffee ride

short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday

long – carr peet obs 97.72km spr sunday

monday 30th july

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

south stock 33.76km spr monday

tuesday 31st july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

wednesday 1st august

ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am

interval training – stock road repeats

thursday 2nd august

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

see previous post for ride groups

spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)

ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am

development group – interval training kings park

friday 3rd august

ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am

spr friday 42.01km (shelley)

friday training/recovery ride