Saturday Hale road

Well on rocking up a few minutes early and seeing a reasonable crowd was gathering for the impending Hale road course, I must admit I got a little carried away chatting to some of the group after my 8 days up onsite catching up on the goss 🙂

After a gentle reminder by the bell ring and realising the time a quick spiel about where we are heading and how to choose your group prior to entering Kalamunda road turn off the “main group” (my bad called them the slow group at pre start and was quickly reminded its teh Main group) 🙂 we set off.
As usual the lights played havoc on teh way out to Welshpool and Hale road turnoff but with some cruisy pace setting where required we stayed reasonable bunched up.
With the only problems was the continuing tide of Irrisponsible motorists as they hurl abuse (even though they are travelling the opposite direction) stil astounds me how people that have licenses dont know the road rules!

Once at Kalamunda road turnoff teh “main group took off towards Guilford road aiming on beating us home and a still reasonable “faster group” 🙂 heading straight towards Ridge Hill the pace was on nearly straight away, once at the roundabout Judd and the Prince (gerry) took off aiming I guess on hurting us prior to the hill:) once at the base though things went a litle pair shaped for that break with Mike B and myself leading the group over the hill (pimple:)) and coasting down to enable a majority of the riders to get back before hitting the gas for home. A few of us wondered with Ryan had dissapeared too but figured he must be somewhere close (only to discover he got stuck at lights and took another 5km to catch us) good training for ya Ryan :), we all took reasonable turns and set a nice high pace with no real issues all the way back to guildford road with the only one yet again a motorist going opposite direction hurling abuse (sensing a theme here..)

We turned onto Guildford and got several Red lights on the way into town impeding our catch the rabbit race:) a few kms out we had yet again an angry guy driving (but going our way this time) yelling something about Lycra and sexual orientation we hoped the lights would get him so we could ask him to explain (I did offer some reasons at the time :)) but he was so unkeen to talk again he ran a red light… where the cops when you want them hey, or a red light camera for that reason:)

Just on our last turn towards East Perth we caught sight of a few riders but again within 50 meters we got another Red light and when it went green the cars didnt seem to want to go so once we got near the front of the turning lane it was red again… but none the less we chased on and finally caught Kimbo and a few others just before turning onto riverside drive, once we turned Ryan took off but no one was really interested in chasing Kimbo had a little play which lead me out but not really a big sprint, we were all thinking of the race sunday I feel.

Onward to the coffee shop for a few laughs and sharing the goss from the ride, I turned at the coffee shop and headed home as had things planned with Jodes, so for more info from the “main group” 🙂 someone can add to the post or any goss from the coffee shop, feel free to share 🙂

Thanks for the ride guys n girls..

2 thoughts on “Saturday Hale road”

  1. I’d just like to say thanks to Dan for keeping the newbies together. I’m sure I can speak on behalf of Sandra and Samudra when I say that our ride was made much more enjoyable by Dan keeping our ‘breakaway’ group together!

  2. Jess, at the spilt the faster group had more people in it than the ‘main group’ so I thought you may of got a bit of a bum steer and gone mistakenly with teh fast group thinking it was the main group. Next time stick close to Nev and I as we go with the main group

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