ride routes 11th & 12th july

the west australian newspaper is doing an article on the popularity of cycling in perth and will be down taking some photos of the group on either saturday or sunday morning.  can i please ask that if you have a spr kit that you wear it as this is a good opportunity for us. 

the kit order is underway so no more orders can be taken.  what you have ordered is shown on the bottom of the team kit page.  make sure this is right and let me know asap if not.

if you didn’t notice, the tour de france is underway and our tipping comp is in full swing.  check out the tour tipping page to see who is tipping well.  hmm.  not me.

the novice group will be doing their thing as usual, but we will be saying farewell to libby who has decided to move back home to canberra.  hopefully the weather will be fine so you can say goodbye.

saturday route will see a race to freo with the main group taking leach and the fast group taking south st.

sunday will take some of the back roads that we don’t often travel before eventually swinging back through mundaring weir and up to coffee.

south perth rouleurs saturday novice ride

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 09 (risley & cott)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 14 (darlington & mundaring)

One thought on “ride routes 11th & 12th july”

  1. A good week for a photo with the mature looks of S. Gee (SA) and myself (Hobart – God, it’s cold) away. Hope the weather is good for both rides. Some lovely hills over here – 1250 metres. Shame I haven’t got my bike for Mt Wellington.

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