Transition Ride Report Saturday 13th March 2010

by dr ronny

– nice, overcast weather although a little humid and a few drops of rain were felt in mosman park but nothing more
– a good warm up with a steady lead out by the front few guys (including 3 girls) along Mounts Bay Rd and then into Nedlands
– the group stuck well together up the short rise on the Avenue behind Tracey and Emma
– Nathan and I took over shortly after and started to increase the pace a little before our nice little run was ruined by a broken spoke by someone in the rear of the group. No dramas and everyone managed to keep the rubber side down.
– a short stop diagnosed the problem as ride-ending and we left him to poddle home
– saw the Elite Racing Cycles group at the Christchurch Grammar lights who gave me a shout out (what can I say, I’m a traitor :))
– the group started to string out on Stirling Hwy but came back together on the downhill stretch before the hill
– As expected, the wide variety of hill climbing ability within the group showed itself on the hill
– Nathan seemed to start pretty hard before I lost sight of the rest of the group
– Apparently Wye-Shun was the first to the top but Boon got to the water tower first
– I arrived with the last person and everybody looked like they’d had fun!
– Got ourselves through MP to Stirling Hwy picking up a couple of dudes on a Bianchi and BMC who’d we’d past before in Nedlands only to be passed by them with the broken spoke later
– Onto Stirling Hwy where we tried a roll through. There were some good rolls with people taking a longer turn on the front but before long, with the head wind and lumpy roads, the gaps started to form and it wasn’t smooth
– at the top of the biggest downhill, opposite MLC, the guys on the front braked to let others catch up which was dangerous. Period. I can’t stress enough that you should never brake if you are on the front unless you need to slow for a car, a set of lights, an intersection, a corner etc. Yes, it’s one of my pet hates. Especially if it’s for no visible reason in a spot where people aren’t expecting it, it forces everyone else behind to brake. People were approaching at close to 30kph so braking to 15kph was a no-no. If you need to let others catch up it’s generally a better idea to soft pedal (not coast) down the hill and let people catch up on the downhill rather than overslow and make people brake. Just back it off a few percent for a while, and if that’s not enough, back it off another few percent. And make sure you know what’s happening behind you so that you don’t make the people you’re waiting for have to brake.
– At the bottom of the downhill, we changed the format to dual pace line at Christchurch and everyone kept together well (a few small gaps formed on each uphill but these were quickly closed down again)
– onto Mounts Bay Rd with Jordan and Michael on the front for the first half
– Not much of a sprint today – for a start, nobody knew the finish – but I think the honours went to Michael or Jordan or someone else wearing grey/black
– When we got to coffee, there were 4 people sitting on the end of the usual big table
– I politely asked them to move as their drinks had not arrived – they didn’t take any offence (they probably didn’t want to sit next to stinky cyclists anyway).
– Overall, another safe ride – can’t ask for more than that. Not our quickest but I think the undulating terrain was good for some people. It’s nice to see more girls in the group.
– I encourage everyone to go the b’fast next week – even if you’ve been with us for 1 or 2 weeks – it really is great food, company and you may win a raffle prize. Of course, there’s also the bike weigh in (something you can win without having to train for OR a good excuse for why you’re so slow).
– I won’t be there next week for the ride (but I’ll definitely be there for the breakfast) but I think the group can run itself if a few people step up a little. I’d still like more talk in the group.
– Some people might have liked a few more fast sections seeing as we didn’t have a real sprint at the end. Perhaps we can “borrow” the ERC route which includes Riebold Hill along Oceanic Drive and a sprint section along Burke Drive in Nedlands before coming home on Stirling Hwy? There’s nowhere good for a roll through along this route so some might not like it.

10 thoughts on “Transition Ride Report Saturday 13th March 2010”

  1. I was the one with the broken spoke. Thanks to the group for stopping as I had no idea what was happening until I stopped. I made it back okay. It was riding well, but was buckled. All fixed up ready for tomorrow.

    I was dissapointed to miss the hill today. I’m pulling 300k a week now and need to introduce some hills and different terrain/routes to mix it up and improve further.

  2. Was a good ride this morning. Hadn’t been on the bike since last Sunday but seemed to do ok. I didn’t go all out on Mosman Park Hill. Actually dropped back a few extra gears to get the pedal working a little harder. Think I was the sixth to the top wasn’t really keeping count but after the left turn to the water tower I rolled past a few others that had raced to the top.

    Somehow off the lights at Mounts Bay Road the group on the front had just bolted. I tired to bring a few up with me so I didn’t sprint but when I looked back no one was on my wheel so I came up to the back of the group was doing 47 – 48 until I got on to catch you and that wasn’t really a sprint to was happy with that effort. Tailwind probably helped though. Don’t know what happened after the round about. Shaw and I were on the front and then coming along the river to the Bell Tower it was only us everyone else had disappeared.

    True wasn’t as fast as other weeks but was a good ride. Tomorrows ride is going down to Fremantle and across to Swanbourne but taking a different route to how we have got there in the past so should be good. See you then.

  3. Good to hear Dave. Figured it must have been you as I didn’t see you at the end. This week has been a bit soft but this coming week I should be pulling 300kms too.

  4. I certainly didn’t win the sprint. I was cooked after leading the pack for most of Mounts Bay Road. I waved a few people past, hoping to hop onto the back of the group, but everyone just came past in dribs and drabs … no train to hook onto, so I had to step on the gas again, and that’s when I nearly caught Ronnie.

    I think Michael won whatever the sprint was.

    Once we all got to the top of Devil’s Elbow, I don’t think anyone was really pushing it to the water tower, more of a recovery roll than anything.

    And Reibold Hill sounds interesting. How about a little detour up the car park road. That always gets the heart going 🙂

  5. I can’t believe how many km’s you guys are doing. I must be doing the least in the group – lol! I wouldn’t mind doing the goat track side of Riebold hill – it’s a nice view. Oceanic Drive is definitely less steep but it’s a nice long drag so it normally sorts the wheat from the chaff. The sprint on Burke Drive is nice too as it’s a slight uphill with a flat top finish.

  6. I thought the two “ring ins” won the sprint, though of course I’m not sure because I’ve no idea where the finish is . . . by the way where is the finish?

  7. Technically, Darryl is correct.. Although I didn’t want to chase them too closely, as I didn’t know which direction they were going to go.. and they were ring-ins anyway.. =p
    But, I have it on good authority that the sprint end line is actually all the way back near the brewery car park anyway (it’s one of those signs on the left apparently).. so I’m not even sure who of us was in front at that point… we know for next time!

  8. Oh, maybe I did win the sprint then! I was in front at that stage. I remember because it’s just after that when I sat up, thinking I’d towed everyone into the sprint and was content to let everyone else fight it out. Unintentional wins, um, for the win.

  9. Nice work. I think Jordan is correct. I took over opposite the brewery and took it to almost that little carpark on the left. So we’ll say Jordan won that one. He’ll be a marked man next week….

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