Intermediate ride report – Russell

The pace is on to get the ride report in apparently. The advanced and transition had already posted by Saturday evening so I am feeling tardy.

We had a few visitors to the group today – Gerard, Ryan, Mike and some other were doing the 5 dams on Sunday and they wanted a conversational ride on the Saturday. Pete still seems to be suffering from knee complaints and so he joined us. I did not count heads at the rollout but I think it was upwards of 30 and may have been close to 40. Christophe and I volunteered to be the sweepers for the faster sections (hills by the TV stations and back through Dalkeith).

I was absolutely unremarkable but enjoyable ride today – everybody pretty much stayed together, very few dropped off in the fast sections. So in an effort to pad out the report a couple of items:

• Nicole confirmed she did beat Kim in the sprint last week (and then disqualified herself for using the outside lane)
• We had crappy driving from a bus driver along Waneroo road and he had to force his way into the middle of the bunch to pick up passengers – a professional driver!
• Nameless person spotted by everybody behind doing a questionable right turn into Vincent – moving into the intersection on the yellow.
• I rolled through a red without realising it just before online casino PMH as my attention was diverted ‘assisting’ Lennie sort out her big chain ring from her small chain ring.
• Along Victoria Ave a few of us at the front tried to excite the bunch, picking up Melvyn along the way, but it took ‘til gum nut rise on Jutland parade for any real action to start.
• Don’t know who won the sprint or even if there was one, as Christophe and I were helping out 3 others who had fallen off the pace through Dalkeith. We had a great roll through on the way home but were never going to see the main bunch again.

I won’t be riding with the bunch for the next two Saturdays. Next Saturday, I’ll be with the Dr’s on their annual Victorian Alps seminar, and the following weekend is the rowing head of the river. Others I am sure will coordinate the ride.

Best wishes to the foolish few who are doing the 5 dams.

3 thoughts on “Intermediate ride report – Russell”

  1. The nameless person was me I guess. I was too lazy to stop… Won’t happen again. Sorry guys.

  2. Bus number 1198 and route 373 if anyone was looking to report the driver or knows the correct channels to.
    Could have been an untidy situation if it had gone wrong.

  3. Russell .. huh .. using ME as your excuse to get through a red light must be the best excuse yet … surprised Ryan hasn’t used that one yet. Thank you, however, for helping me find my big chain ring on at least 52 separate occasions during that ride.

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