The Anzac March – Advanced Group Sunday Ride Report April 25

Report by Julian 

The battle today was against a formidable foe n the form of The Kahuna – twice, and there were 50 of us who set out a little later than usual to allow for people to join us from the dawn service.  It was quiet – perhaps too quiet – on the usual trip down Albany Highway and with every kilometre nearer to the climb the wind speed increased accordingly.  By the time we turned off into Mills Rd and crossed Tonkin Highway, a stiff breeze was blowing into our faces but this did not deter the troops as we charged headlong into action.  

I held back on the early part of the climb, apprehensive about the effect of the dinner party the night before.  Heiko, Sato and Damir set the early pace and Mike B steadily made his way through the field.  Behind me the group started to string out and a few cars got passed.  Up ahead we about 10 riders so I decided to up tempo and try to reel some of them in.  Steady progress was made as I collected Ralph (over from Melbourne for a few days and keen for some hills) and Shannon and nearing the top I had Dean and 5th place in my sights.  One last effort took me past him and into the points.  Once at the regroup we waited for everyone to arrive with a few of the newer riders making it up with pained expressions on their faces.

 KOM 1.  1. Mike B,  2. Sato,  3. Heiko,  4. Damir,  5. Julian 

The intermediate group was sent back up Mills Rd on their way to Kalamunda whilst the rest of us went off down Urch Rd.  Peter decided to get some downhill practice and was nearly taken out twice by the local wildlife.  A 28 parrot flew across him on the downhill section, then a white tailed black cockatoo (it has a different call to a red tail in case anyone was wondering how I can tell them apart on a 70 km/h descent) tried to swoop.  The cockies had also left a few gum nuts on the road so we took care avoiding them.  Climbing up to Urch Rd Heiko and Mike put in an effort to break up the group and Peter came across the gap with Shannon and Dean in tow.  Damir, Sato and I formed another group behind and we maintained the gap behind the first group.  On the approach to the final climb we noticed Heiko dropped off and Damir went out to try and catch him but to no avail.  Sato and I watched things from afar and saw Mike B take the spoils. 

 KOM 2. 1. Mike B,  2. Dean,  3. Shannon,  4. Peter,  5. Heiko

 We then headed out back down Brookton Highway using the element of surprise to take the Kahuna from behind.  Peter had another run in with nature when a bee embedded in his helmet but luckily did not sting him.  We regrouped to make sure everyone got down safely then crossed the Canning River to start Climb 3.  The early stages sorted out everyone with Mike, Sato, Dean, Heiko and Shannon clearing out.  Damir and I stayed together on the first part before he dropped off, leaving me to chase down Shannon.  I picked him up about 1 km from the top but Dean and Heiko were too far in front for me to advance any further.

 KOM 3.  1. Mike B,  2. Sato,  3. Heiko,  4. Dean,  5. Julian

 There were a few tired legs in the regroup but only one more climb to go so everyone picked themselves up for the final push.  The wind had dropped by this stage so the trip up to Pickering Brook and through Carmel was quite nice.  The wildlife had laid off Peter and there weren’t many cars about and the only action on this part was during the approach to Mundaring Weir Road and the climbers sorted themselves out. 

 Sato made the first move, together with a guy in bike force top (sorry didn’t get your name).  Damir set up residence behind me and we pushed ahead to cover and overtake the first attackers.  Onward and upward we went with Damir going the front on the flatter section and I could see another shadow behind.  I went around Damir again near the last rise and looked to my side to see Mike Bonner coming past.  Damir kicked with him and I put in another effort and countered both attacks.  The final sprint was very close with Damir and I hitting the line together and Mike just behind.

 KOM 4.  =1. Damir,  =1. Julian,  3. Mike B,  4. Heiko,  5. Sato

We then went onward to the Merchant for some R&R – just missing the last of the main group.  However, we did get prime position on the couch.  Service was a bit slow today with the counter lady lacking the necessary skills to take a large order and they lost copious amounts of points for not providing marshmallows with my hot chocolate.  Luckily Heiko stepped into the breach and gave me one of his.

 Downhill and back into town was very pleasant and social with the temperature and wind just about right.  There was no need for a regroup at the school and no one seemed interested in the first sprint.  Dean did a reasonable job on the second sprint and took it I think.  We then said our goodbyes in the car park and dispersed to all points for a quiet Sunday afternoon.

2 thoughts on “The Anzac March – Advanced Group Sunday Ride Report April 25”

  1. Hey guys.. Ralph (from Melbourne) here, I joined in on your Sat 24/04, Sun 25/04, Mon 26/04 rides…
    Thoroughly enjoyed my time in Perth, especially with the super-friendly SPR !

    Will definately be coming back for more this year!.. (now that I know Gooseberry, I shall be better prepared for next time)

    If you guys ever want to hook up for a ride in Melbourne, you can grab my details off Pete.
    Take care



  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend cycling here, it was good to bump into you again. See you back soon

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