ride routes 5th, 6th & 7th june

well winter is upon us and it is now pretty much always single digit temperatures overnight.  this makes the morning rides a lot harder to get out of bed for, but just think of how much fun you are missing out on by not coming out for a ride with us.  they are predicting a fairly dry winter, so all you need to do is rug up to get out the door and i am sure that we can get you warmed up pretty quickly.

member benefits – i spend the morning canvassing some bike shops the other week and found a mixed response to our club.  some shops were happy to be involved with us and this can be seen by the new deals that we have in the member benefits section.  however, some shops were not happy that we use the internet to buy stuff and clearly didn’t see the opportunity i was presenting them with.  i will be trying to chase up a few more member benefits and this does not have to be just bike parts/services.  if you have a business that could benefit in being promoted through the club, let me know.

races – the menzies-kalgoorlie is on this weekend and we have a couple of riders heading across for that.  good luck.  next week is round 4 of the mtb xc series down in collie on the sunday, while the state individual time trial championships is on saturday afternoon.  this is a great opportunity for anyone that wants to benchmark themselves against other riders in our group.  you don’t need a fancy time trial bike, just a recreational licence at a minimum.  the course is not long and you can challenge your peers for bragging rights at the coffee shop.

ride routes – a predicted strong easterly this saturday so we will take advantage of it by sending most of the groups down benara road.  the fast group will have to battle for their tailwind as they will cop a long section of cross-winds before they turn for home.  sunday sees a tour of john forrest national park and mundaring weir while monday, being a public holiday, has the standard loop.

saturday 5th june – all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional – spr saturday 39.04km (benara rd)

main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 50.98km (benara rd)

fast – spr saturday 54.03km (maddington & welshpool)

sunday 6th june – all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

main – spr sunday 67.96km (greenmount & zig-zig)

fast – spr sunday 95.04km (greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir)

monday 7th june – ride starts at coode st carpark at 7:00am

main – spr public holiday 59.35km (shelley & freo)

One thought on “ride routes 5th, 6th & 7th june”

  1. Have you tried Torpedo7 for some sponsorship? 🙂 Actually they are pretty good, they prefer to sponsor your average rider rather than just elites.

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