Cyclo Sportif Waroona – The ‘stupidly’ Fast group

Ouch……..Ouch……….Ouch some more………still hurts……..ouch……..ouch again……..Ouch…….why is this not getting easier……….Ouch……..Ouch some more.

This theme continued for about two and a quarter hours.

This was definitely the most scenicΒ  Cyclo course yet, but with 1 km of flat at the start and 1 km of flat at the end was also one of the hardest. Fantastic effort from all team members especially Dave H who we had to get to slow down on numerous occasions. Also special mention to Ryan who did a great job as captain on the road keeping the group together and pushing when necessary.

As Ryan mentioned in previous comments 4th fastest but only 25 seconds off 3rd at an average speed of 35.17km/h for 79 hilly Kilometers.

9 thoughts on “Cyclo Sportif Waroona – The ‘stupidly’ Fast group”

  1. Great photos guys! Love the one of Ash looking comfortable off the front of the group. The boy was a mountain goat in a previous life.

  2. Yes, it a little while for the young buck to realise it was a team event and there were no mountain points to be gained. The name of the game is to ride as a tight efficient team. Unfortunately Dan was slipping of the group pretty quickly early on, even after a few pushes. It was in his best interest to wait for next SPR team.

    Rest of team managed to hang onto Dave’s wheel relatively well and Ashley did better at setting a sustainable pace up the hills whilst I sat near back helping people close gaps that formed without having to slow things down too much.

    Good work by all.


  3. It was a good team effort.

    Next year we should call in a protour rider so we can get the fastest time like glen parker cycles. I got lucky as when my bike came out of jasons van it had a flat rear tyre so perfect timing for a puncture!!

    wouldn’t mind doing that course next year..

  4. Well done guys, outstanding effort!
    It’s great to have such strong riders in the club and give those pro riders a run for their money.

  5. We had Dave, who needs pro riders?? πŸ˜‰

    Was thinking of inviting Fabian Cancellara for next year’s event. I wonder if he is any good at pushing lard a$$es up hills?? Should be better at pushing than a 40kg chick, also better to sit behind, I can’t imagine Emma P would provide much of a draught… πŸ™‚

  6. I recon she would be as high as my handlebars when she is on the aero bars. Useless for me. I think she even had 600 wheels instead of 700s on.

    I hear that Fabian is on the market. Maybe the Club could do a whip around and get enough to offer him a 4hr contract for the day…..:P

  7. Just doing the math. For your mate Spartacus.

    1 million euros = cheap price per season = AUD$1.4million.

    at a peak of about 5 one day classics, a world champ, and approx 7 days in yellow, that adds up to about 13 days to peak (ok you’ll maybe include the full tour) so 27days of peak riding form.

    That works out to AUD$52k per good day. Maybe add in first class tickets plus penthouse (say 12k ) but discounted due to jet lag and an off peak day, say a 30% discount.

    Works out to be about AUD$45,000 for the Spartacus A Team. I’ll have to find a corporate sponsor…like some major mining company…to bring him out for a cyclo sportif.

    Spartacus Tinto..
    then again…..

  8. Nick, get back to work!! You can’t be doing much if you’ve time to work all that lot out .. Great effort boys, well done. I’ll consider joining you once you have Spartacus down as a confirmed team player – happy for him to grab (ahem, I mean push) my backside ANYTIME, ANYWHERE ..

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