world championships – geelong

as most of you are aware, the cycling world championships are being held in geelong, victoria this coming week.  as such a couple of things are happening.

firstly, i am going over there to watch.  add to the comments if you are heading over too and we will see if we can catch up.

secondly, as i didn’t get around to setting up a vuelta tipping comp, we will be running one for the world championships.  there is a page set up under the tipping comps tab and all the race details are there.  usual  rules apply.  $10 per team and you can enter as many teams as you like.  you must tip a rider in every race including the U23 and women’s events and the top 10 finishes will get points.  the team with the most cumulative points wins.  prize money for the top three teams.  all entry goes to the prize pool so the more people that enter the bigger the prize is.

thirdly, a mate of mine lives in geelong and has been taking photo’s of the pro’s training on the world’s circuit.  check out his page here.

6 thoughts on “world championships – geelong”

  1. Hi everyone, if Twitter is your thing you can keep up to date with most of the going’s on during the worlds by searching the #2010worlds hashtag as well as #prowatch for the latest Pro sightings.


  2. I’ll be there. Heading over on the Red Eye Friday Morning, back Monday. You have my mobile number. Apparently the best place is the Ridge for viewing. Will have my bike. I would wear an SPR jersey but don’t have one….hint hint……

    Might see you, might not.

    Great coverage on for those that don’t already follow this.

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