Sunday Sauna – 21/11/2010

Report by Julian

A very short update today in dot point form:
1. The humidity and heat took its toll on numbers and only 10 of us ventured out on the long ride.
2. Stu showed everyone a clean pair of heels on the first ascent of Kahuna
3. Mark DC showed everyone a clean pair of heels on the Urch Road descent – hitting 88 km/hr
4. Stu again taking the points at Roleystone with a good battle for minor placings between John B, Sato and myself.
5. Sato making a brave bid for victory on the 2nd ascent of Kahuna, only to be overtaken by Stu
6. Gus and I taking an early detour to get home for domesitc duties
7. Stu making it a clean sweep on the final climb.

All points have now been updated, but there’s a couple of weeks missing from October.  If anyone has them please email them through via the points page.

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