Saturday May 28, Fast group training ride

Training ride report by Jarrad

It”s been a while since a fast group (or even the main group for that matter) write up has been posted, and so i”ve taken it upon myself to put into words about an hour and a half of Saturday morning. I could elaborate on the remaining SPR-related 2 hours spent in a cafe or two, however, i”d run the risk of jeopardising the “family friendly” aspect of this website capturing some the very, very, very bad conversation.

…and so after the usual catch up standing around in the cold, el” Prez explained that a few of the main groups have, of late grown into Goliaths of sorts, and even with their respective Davids (I”m sure a cheers go Reggie, Russell and Pete, etc) are proving to be difficult beasts to conquer. A great showing of the club, although sometimes requiring a little management.

It”s here i insert the advertisement/invitation for some of the more velocimetrical mainliners to join the fast group. Really, it”s all the good bits of the main groups, riding a bike, rolling through quickly, dry retching, cramping, etc, without the waiting around for everyone else ;). Seriously though, i”m sure there are many who could at least begin their morning with the fast group and should the pain, taste of blood in the throat and all around exertion prove too much, one can always sit up, and wait for the comfort of the main groups to mop you up.

Rolling out, i guess around 14 or so odd riders set out for a brisk 50 kay”s to Cottesloe and (around and) back. Michael Bolton and Ian (cannot think of nickname although i hope his name isn”t one of those Ian”s with too many “I”s, “Iain” or the like – aha ) IIIIIIaiiin led us out and along Riverside. A few other groups up ahead threw the cat amongst the pigeons early, Michael Bolton and Iiiiiiaiiin happy to sit on 45 kph sans warm-up, as we chewed up and spat out a few recreational bunch rides. It”s worth noting that Michael Bolton took the early sprint on Riverside also, having a bit of fun as we all tried to forget that our toes were slowly going numb.

On to Mounts Bay, after riding past Sexpo a roll-through seemed to organically eventuate. Fantastic, 5 kay”s in, legs nice and cold, and it”s time to bring the pain. Anyway a bit of a quick run upto Kings Park and we”re now climbing the hill up Thomas st, which was definitely 3 degrees colder than mobile casino the rest of Perth.

Iiiiiiaiin and M.Bolton again somehow ended up at the front pacing the rest of the group up the (admittedly shallow) ramp, keeping the pace brisk, but not legs of fire fast.

Left on Hay st, and over the speed bumps Michael “The International Man of Mystery” Bonner drove the pace, and a fairly brisk, if somewhat cold ride out to Perry Lakes followed, with all 14-odd riders still rolling along with a bit of a roll-through. Reggie Julian did note he picked a particularly great week to re-join the faster boys, and, given the pace had been on from the roll out, it did seem a little quick this morning.

Through and onto Oceanic Drive, the brisk, if somewhat subdued pace continued, with Iiiiiaiin and TIMoM (Bonner), happy to ride tempo.

Up the hill, as if on cue, M.Bolton, felt the urge to attack the group, taking Ryan “The Cryin” Fynn” and Captain “Gay Cowboy” Poser with him. At the top of the rise, it was the trio, daylight and TIMoM not too far back as they descended onto West Coast hwy. Along West Coast hwy, a few others managed to claw their way back, “Mr G” Ghossein, Toby “Quadzilla”, and Nick “Diesel” Chuchill (who”s taken the “Diesel” mantra from Vet Ben – veterinarian that is, not that i”m sure we have any war vets named Ben atΒ  SPR, anyway, i”m ranting here…) all latching on. The roll through which followed generally consisted of M.Bolton, TIMoM and the Poser taking turns at the front, eventually to be assisted by Nick Diesel.

U turn at the roundabout at Cottesloe, and TIMoM Bonner “mysteriously” disappeared, and we were down to 6 riders, although realistically, 3 seemed to be riding, Quadzilla, The Cryin” Fynn (or the coughing Fynn) and Mr G sitting in comfortably.

Through Claremont and Nedlands, pretty much the same ensued, with Diesel, the Gay Cowboy and M. Bolton (M.Bolton doing the lion”s share) pulling the group of six along, although Mr G and The Cryin” Fynn did do a turn or two.

Down the hill and onto Mounts Bay for a second time, M.Bolton and Poser-boy took turns at blowing the rest of the group up, but to no avail, The Cryin” Fynn, solo-ing past them to take the sprint, with Quadzilla and Mr G following, Diesel-man sitting up further back.

All up a fairly quick morning, with few traffic lights, mainliners, feel free to join in.

Capt. “Gay Cowboy” Poser

5 thoughts on “Saturday May 28, Fast group training ride”

  1. Poser, as always, an eclectic mix of prose and wit leaving the reader with no option but to smile…and as now a confirmed “Mainliner”, NO interest in joining you an your band of not so merry men. Ride on Friar Tuck, Ride On!!

  2. Now that’s very unlike mr Fynn to sit in and take the glory at the end πŸ™‚

    *sits back and patiently waits for the bait to be taken*

  3. The fast 2 group formed after the Oceanic Rd break up. Iiiiiiaiin (hope that spelling is correct!), Andrew and I formed Fast 2 and held together well on the trip back. Agree with the Captain on getting more of the faster Main 1 guys up. There’s no shame in getting dropped (although there’s always pain) and there’s also the immense level of satisfaction when you can hold on to the group until the end. I think you should try it Rob????

  4. No real mystery, Captain (the allusion to Austin Powers may be a little unkind; was only in short pants in the 60s and still have excellent eyesight ~ yeah baby!) Terms 2 and 3 mean winter sport for me so I had to be out at Aquinas College for an away Cross Country fixture by 9:00.
    The early lap of the river makes up for my later shortcut from the fast group route.

    Perhaps we need to refrain from sprinting up “sprinters’ hills” midride or make sure we regroup if we hope to attract riders from Main 1. Avoiding excessive pain (too early) may be a prerequisite for re-growing the Fast ride during winter, otherwise most are going to feel as Rob does.

  5. Cheers to Julian for doing a bloody good job of leading Fast 1.5 (sounds faster than Fast 2). A regroup isn’t as necessary as an “Ease Up”, but there’s still a big difference between the front of the Fast group and those of us who just hang on. It’s a great challenge to chase. I’m always happy to do a turn at the front as long as I’m within reach. It’s still such a blast to go “full gas” on an SPR ride. And yes, I’m walking on my legs today.

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