Social Event of the Year (so far…)

Ever wish you could spend more time with the people you ride and have coffee with on a Saturday?  Well here’s your chance!

Date:  Saturday, 9th February 2013

Time:  6:30pm

Where:  Midland Sports Complex (licensed venue)

What:  A cycling community dinner to include Thai Smorgasbord , Matt Poyner as Master of Ceremonies and many items to be won or auctioned off to include things such a Focus road bike, signed/framed pro-team jerseys, travel vouchers for domestic/international travel, car GPS unit, bike accessories, a family pass to the next International Grand Prix, an original artwork by Rina Freiberg,  original sketches and drawings by Brian Taylor, sporting goods, overnight stays, jewellery, skincare, photographic portrait sitting, kids scooters,  bike/ergonomic assessments…the list goes on.

Cost:  $35:00 adults, $15:00 children

All funds raised go to assist our injured SPR mate, Cathi Dixon and the Midland Cycle Club to replace kids track bikes stolen late last year.

If you’re keen to go come see me down at coffee following the club ride on Saturday or alternatively purchase a ticket/s online by sending an email to