Many will be aware that ATTA held their 160km ITT Championships last weekend. There are a number SPR members who ride time trial, particularly the summer Early Bird series run by ATTA in Kings Park. If you’re interested, you should definitely give it a go — ATTA even has a road-bike category so you don’t necessarily need a TT bike. If you have questions, check out ATTA Facebook page or ask around at coffee after a Saturday SPR ride.
One of the SPR riders who rides time trial, does so very well. I want to offer congratulations to Jarred Anderson for his win on the weekend — a seriously impressive time of 3:26:37.6, which translates to an average of 45.9 km/hr over 160km — a course record. The full results are here and there is a write-up on Facebook here.
Not to mention that if you have a look back over ATTA’s results you’ll see more than a few impressive results by Jarred.
Serious kudos.

SPR TOMR 2024 EOI Open (but closes 31 May!) — SPR is pleased to formally launch the TOMR 2024 campaign, and call for Expressions of Interest from riders, volunteers, and/or sponsors, who are considering joining the SPR team for this year’s event.
This is not a locked in commitment rather a starting point for contact in the future and further information.
Please use the “I’m interested” link and answer the few brief questions. This will enable the Race Subcommittee to gather information for everything from accommodation to team composition.
We want to ensure that we enable everyone that wants to participate to do so.

SPR French Alps Trip 2024 — The French Alps are calling cyclists – don’t miss out – only three places left!! 💚
The itinerary, quality hotels, fully equipped support vehicles provided throughout the trip is truly remarkable for a very affordable price. Thirteen Main 2 riders have already signed up for the SPR French Alps cycle trip with Christophe so don’t miss out – itinerary attached.
The 16-day trip starting in Geneva 31 August takes you through the iconic French Alps for ~ 700km to Nice. If you are interested, please put in an expression of interest via this link.
SPR is arranging this tour to support a collegial cycling experience in Europe with familiar likeminded colleagues.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.
1. PDCC Harvey Teams Series – Round 1
2. WCMCC Casuarina Graded Road Race
Juniors Ride — The program for this Saturday is to ride around Shelley and Manning. Here is the course:
The idea for this session is just to practice endurance and build some Ks in the legs. The course is ~18km and we will end the ride at Lo Quay cafe. We will ride at a very easy pace and regroup a few times. The appointment is at 10.30am in Shelley: corner Riverton Dr and Watersby Cres ( where you can find a better and safer car park.
Keep in mind that the weather forecast predicts some rain in the morning of Saturday, so we may need alter our plans.
From the Ride Coordinator — This Saturday morning is definitely one where we need to check the rain radar. Even if it’s not raining when we are due to ride, there is a good chance that the roads will be wet and therefore slippery. If you ride, take extra care in your bunch, especially with descending, braking and cornering.
Should Saturday be a wash out, you can come out for one of the Sunday rides – be it the coffee ride around the river, or one of the hills rides (long, short or short social). All rides start from the usual place on Coode St at 7am. The post ride coffee stop is in Vic Park for the hills groups. Plenty of options on the coffee ride.
Please note there is no ride leader assigned to take the Development group this Saturday. Sunday Hills riders take care when going through the ongoing roadworks on Helena Valley Rd.
IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶
Saturday 25th May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
- All rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am
- Development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday (may not run during May, pls contact us)
- Transitional 1/2 – Trans Reabold 38.69km SPR Saturday
- Fast, Main – Scarborough Beach & Hale 51.21km SPR Saturday
Sunday 26th May
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am (WINTER TIME)
- Rides start at Coode st carpark at 7:00am (WINTER TIME)
- Development group – coffee ride
- Short Hills (Social) – Zig zag, Hummerston 71.79km SPR Sunday
Monday 27th May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
Tuesday 28th May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
Wednesday 29th May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Raffles bike pathat 5:30am
- Interval training – stock road repeats
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 10:00am
Midweek Transitional – Trans Shelley Midweek SPR 29.58km
Thursday 30th May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
Friday 31st May
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am