Ride Routes 1st – 7th June

Thrilling Start to the PDCC Harvey Teams Series: Recap of Race #1 — The South Perth Rouleurs kicked off their racing season in style at the PDCC Harvey Teams Series #1Race. The event featured four formidable men’s teams: SPR Zephyr, SPR Hornets, SPR Wheelie Bins, and SPR 4 Zone 2 Masters.

Undeterred by the damp and drizzling conditions, the South Perth Rouleurs showcased their resilience at the PDCC Harvey Teams Series #1Race. The course, a true test of endurance and teamwork, with its flat terrain favouring solid endurance riders, underscored the importance of collaboration among teammates. Despite the challenging weather, the SPR Hornets pushed to A grade, a remarkable feat against some top Perth riders. SPR Zephyr and SPR Wheelie Bins raced B Grade, and SPR 4 Zone 2 Masters raced C Grade.

Amongst the standout performances of the day, SPR Zephyr’s Jace Collingridge claimed first place in B Grade, leading his team to a well-deserved victory. Their impressive display of teamwork and determination set the tone for what promises to be an exciting racing season ahead.

We look forward to series #2 at the end of June. With another strong lineup of riders and a focus on teamwork, we are confident that our teams will continue to shine on the racecourse and make their mark on the PDCC Harvey Teams Series.

Well done to all SPR riders for their outstanding efforts and support of the Harvey Series Race Event. Here’s to many more thrilling races and victories in the races to come!

SPR Race Committee

SPR TOMR 2024 EOI Open (but closes 31 May!) — SPR is pleased to formally launch the TOMR 2024 campaign, and call for Expressions of Interest from riders, volunteers, and/or sponsors, who are considering joining the SPR team for this year’s event.

This is not a locked in commitment rather a starting point for contact in the future and further information.

Please use the “I’m interested” link and answer the few brief questions. This will enable the Race Subcommittee to gather information for everything from accommodation to team composition.

We want to ensure that we enable everyone that wants to participate to do so.

SPR French Alps Trip 2024 — The French Alps are calling cyclists – don’t miss out – only three places left!! 💚

The itinerary, quality hotels, fully equipped support vehicles provided throughout the trip is truly remarkable for a very affordable price. Thirteen Main 2 riders have already signed up for the SPR French Alps cycle trip with Christophe so don’t miss out – itinerary attached.

The 16-day trip starting in Geneva 31 August takes you through the iconic French Alps for ~ 700km to Nice. If you are interested, please put in an expression of interest via this link.

SPR is arranging this tour to support a collegial cycling experience in Europe with familiar likeminded colleagues.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. Goldfields Cyclassic 2024


Juniors Ride — It looks to have a chance of being quite wet this weekend, so no Juniors Ride has been scheduled. Check back next week!

From the Ride Coordinator — To those of you who say there’s no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing/equipment choices, then you’ll be in your element this weekend! For those of us fair weather riders, it’ll be a “check the radar” situation. Currently it looks like we have a chance of it being dry on Saturday morning. Benara Rd is scheduled and we should have a nice tailwind to bring us to Dome. Don’t forget there’s a public holiday ride on Monday.

Whatever your cycling outlook, take care this weekend – watch out for flooded bits, lots of debris and all the new potholes.

Oh yeah, and keep your fingers crossed for a bit of sunshine this long weekend!

Please note, there are no ride leaders scheduled for transitional or development this weekend. However M4 can be adjusted to suit those who turn up for a ride.

IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶

Saturday 1st June

Sunday 2nd June

Monday 3rd June – WA Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 4th June

Wednesday 5th June

Thursday 6th June

Friday 7th June