Ride Routes 8 – 14th June

This week has been a little mixed on a range of fronts, not unlike the weather we’ve had — with the rain that had been so very slow in coming, having arrived in spades this past week.

Starting on a plus — congratulations to the SPR members who raced in Kalgoorlie last weekend — in particular Jarred Anderson who placed 2nd on day one (The Shire of Menzies Classic) and Kate Bonner who placed 3rd on day two (Womens A Grade, Leonora Golden Wheels). Kudos to everyone who raced, especially given the somewhat wet and windy conditions on day two. Check out the Goldfields Cyclassic Facebook page for photos, results and write-ups.

I want to put out a final call for the remaining 3 places in SPR’s 2024 French Alps tour. All of the details are below, including a full itinerary. Submit an EOI or feel to reach out by email to have any questions answered.

Thank you to everyone who put in an EOI for SPR TOMR 2024 — we have had over 80 people on the list so it is going to be great event. Keep an eye out for an email from the Race Subcommittee in the upcoming week!

My final piece of news is of the “not so good” variety though it ends with a get well soon having had the best of medical care. Sadly, our Vice President, Andrew Ballam came down hard on the Tuesday EBR just gone. A somewhat innocuous off on a wet road, but one with result being a broken hip and a visit to the surgeon. The good news is that Andrew is back home albeit needing to take some time off the bike to recover! We wish Andrew all the best for his recovery, and as is our custom for these unfortunate accidents, we sent well wishes in the form of an SPR hamper 💚. Finally, special thanks to John and Gary on the day for assisting at scene. Truly appreciated.


SPR French Alps Trip 2024 — The French Alps are calling cyclists – don’t miss out – only three places left!! 💚

The itinerary, quality hotels, fully equipped support vehicles provided throughout the trip is truly remarkable for a very affordable price. Thirteen Main 2 riders have already signed up for the SPR French Alps cycle trip with Christophe so don’t miss out – itinerary attached.

The 16-day trip starting in Geneva 31 August takes you through the iconic French Alps for ~ 700km to Nice. Full itinerary here. If you are interested, please put in an expression of interest via this link. You can also get in touch via email if you have any questions — comdev@southperthrouleurs.com.au.

SPR is arranging this tour to support a collegial cycling experience in Europe with familiar likeminded colleagues.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. WA Cyclocross Numbat Cup Three

2. WCMCC Neerubup Graded Road Race

3. PDCC Harvey Teams Series – Round 2 (23/Jun)

And finally, a photo from the Goldfields Cyclassic last weekend:

Juniors Ride — What with the weather looking doubtful, please check your email tomorrow for confirmation regarding our Juniors Ride this weekend! Or reach out via email on juniors@southperthrouleurs.com.au or feedback@southperthrouleurs.com.

From the Ride Coordinator — How lucky were we last Saturday with what turned out to be great riding weather? Hopefully we shall have similar conditions this Saturday. Expecting light winds.

There’s still lots of debris on the roads, so call out any hazards. Now’s also a good time to keep on top of your bike cleaning & maintenance with all this riding on wet & sandy roads.

Please note, there is no ride leader scheduled for development this weekend. Sunday hills riders take note that there could be roadworks on Shepperton Rd.

IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶

Saturday 8th June

Sunday 9th June

Monday 10th June

Tuesday 11th June

Wednesday 12th June

Thursday 13th June

Friday 14th June