All posts by Keith McGowan

Keen for a date with Mr. Carbohydrate?

As many of you will know (well certainly those taking part), the 5 dams is happening this Sunday (15 April). Some will have been sticking religiously to strict training regimes to ensure they are in peak physical condition for this gruelling challenge, some are now into the best part of the preparation, the taper!, and some will be frantically trying to cram in what kms they can in the coming week (yep, that would be me!) in a last ditch, desperate hope that they will be ready for 234kms of pain. Now, no matter what training you have or haven’t done, with less than a week to go we all know that nutrition, both on the the day and in the days beforehand, is going to play an important part in getting us across the line. Now when I refer to nutrition, I’m really referring to my ol’ friend, Mr. Carbohydrate. So…for those of you who are taking part, I’m proposing that we meet up for a date with Mr. Carbohydrate…

When? Thursday 12 April, 7:30pm

Where? Pasta Cup, North Perth

Here’s the link to their menu:

It’s a pretty casual place and it’s not uber fancy, but you get a ton of pasta in your bowl which is definitely what we need to be chowing down on before the big ride.

Let me know who’s keen by replying to this post by Thursday morning and I’ll make a booking.