11 thoughts on “the joys of commuting”

  1. Why do people do this?

    Isn’t that what they call Karma?

    `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.’

  2. “yet another sad example of the incredibly hostile anti cyclist culture that exists with Perth’s drivers”

    In general I don’t find Perth drivers that bad. I generally get respect from Perth drivers on the road although I have occasionally been yelled at. That said, I do know of one other Perth cyclist who was also assaulted. At least in Perth we are better off than Sydney where cyclists are too often run off the road and in USA where a cyclist was shot at.

  3. While i’d agree with Greg that Perth drivers are relatively patient, having ridden in Sydney a little, whilst fond memories of being brake-tested, squeezed and what-not come to mind, i hadn’t really heard of such a pre meditated attack, which also brings to mind a few of the other stories which have cropped up lately (Stu’s being one).

    Really have to wonder about the parents….

  4. Legal reasons?? No name or people identified?

    I hope the rider involved is OK and is back on their bike soon.

    I do feel sorry for the kids that have obviously never had any love in their life so think that this sort of behavior is acceptable. Sad.

  5. No love or no discipline or crap role models??

    Some people should not be allowed to recreate…. And others should not be allowed to live…

    Am I harsh?? Idiots, no such thing as rehabilitation when the will to be rehabilitated is not there…


  6. Just look at today’s West Australian. A teenage girl got her leg broken when a group of bored uneducated louts thought it’d be fun to drag a garbage bin from their car and hurl into the group of kids walking home. The Alston cartoon kinda says it all. It showed a school teacher losing control of a class of rowdy kids and asking a (much) older principal-looking character if he had any ideas. The reply was “in my days, a good belting for all would stop this nonsense” (or something along these lines). This looks like another version of “mail-box baseball”. Really it’s a chronic manifestation of how sick our society has become – due to the “do-gooders” who felt that kids do not need to be disciplined. So look what happens to their parents who procreate when they’re kids themselves. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. There’s merit to this. Parents of these kids did not impart this to them, teachers are no longer allowed to teach it – so poor buggers – they don’t stand a chance. They’re never going to get anywhere in the world, so they belong to the “have-nots”, and take out their frustrations on others. My personal view on this – they should be punished by being rendered infertile, so they can’t pass on their caveman-genes, also it will save the planet by way of population control (whoops.. too harsh?). Also without the testosterone making organs, they might become more placid.

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