Lost and Found and the Transition Ride Report Saturday April 24th 2010

by dr ronny

OK – first of all, some things were left behind at the Bell Tower today. I have an SPR water bottle with the name “Summers” on it and a Multitool left on the jetty. Please respond if you would like these back and I can bring them on the ride sometime.

Now, moving on to the ride report. Today saw our numbers up to around 20-22 with roughly 1/3 female. Our route was the SPR public holiday ride without Shelley, and going up the shorter, less steep hill at Point Walter. As such, I thought we would do the usual with designated fast sections along Point Walter, Left bank and in Dalkeith.

Everyone stayed together really well, especially with the wind picking up in the second half. Tracy and Chrissy were on the front along Canning Hwy having a good ol’ chat before we got to Burke Drive where Tracy and Shaw rode tempo. I went up the side reminding people that we would continue to the end of Burke Drive and took over the pacemaking to the bottom of the hill. I noticed that Anna was boxed in on the left along Burke Drive and being the lightest in the group, I was expecting her to make a move on the hill. She must have found a gap to get out and zoomed past me on the middle section of the hill, but once again, it was a big effort by Shaw that saw him claim the hill as his own. I’m only hoping his new, Patrick inspired, deep section wheels, currently in the post, will slow him down on the hills in the next few weeks (I know a good home if you end up not liking them Shaw).

We pulled over after the roundabout to hear that Tracy got a flat and that a few people had stopped to help. No one had any good jokes to pass the time and after a little while, I began to look around to see who must’ve stopped to help. I noticed that we had a lot of guys and not a lot of girls and then found out the Chrissy and Rose had stopped with Tracy. Horrified that no male, with our inbuilt superior mechanical skills had stopped to fix the flat, I turned around and found Tracy, Chrissy, Rose and thankfully John attending to the flat (ok, it was John fixing the flat and the 3 girls watching). I lent a hand during whchi time I learnt that Tracy has an 8 speed bike (the first 8 speed bike I’ve seen) and a little help from Shaw and his air cannister and the tyre was fixed and the wheel on and ready to go.

Onto Left Bank where the paced got upped. I died at the front as John and Tracy came past followed by a bunch of Cyclemania riders, including one who must have been about 10 years old who managed to comically find Tracy’s wheel. They turned left after the 1st speed hump with little to no warning which was not appreciated by many of our group but everyone made it to the bus stop without a problem. Across to North Freo where I dropped my chain coming to a stop at the lights which put me up the back. I didn’t mind it here as I peered up the front to see Anna and Shaw slogging away into the headwind with their bodies crouched down and Anna’s head bobbing. They took the group all the way to Marine Parade before I moved up to make sure they turned left to Cottesloe and found a companion in Tyrone at the front until the long uphill drag beside the golf course where he slipped back into the middle of the group, conserving his legs for the upcoming sprint. We made it to the roundabout turn where someone dropped another chain. A successsful regroup at the Service Station across West Coast Hwy and we were soon in Dalkeith.

My legs were done for the day by now but I wanted to see if anyone would take my bluff as I attacked. I got about 20 metres on the bunch when Tyrone came up next to me and to my disappointment seemed happy to sit beside me until we were reeled in by the rest of the bunch. Tyrone counter attacked and Anna led the chase but he couldn’t be caught and reached the bus stop first. I was up the back with Chrissy and there was no respite along the Avenue until the group pulled over at a bus stop on Hackett Drive where we found out that Tracy had another flat. Shaw once again offered his help (and cannister) and we made our way to Mounts Bay Rd. Now it was a little sloppy along here as what started as two lines became a single pace line of riders tyring to shelter from the wind behind Tyrone who was powering home. It would have been safer to have two lines and to go a little slower as we’d had our fun and I’ll be sure to note that in my pre-ride briefing next time. Everyone got home safe and smiles were on all round and to be honest, that hot cup of coffee never tasted so good in the cold. The dynamics of the group continues to improve and the “feel” is becoming more and more like the main group. Sections of the ride are becoming more tactical whilst the stronger riders continue to do their fair share (often more than their fair share) of work at the front which keeps everyone happy.

PS – if anyone is thinking about getting the SPR sunglasses or anything from www.chainreactioncycles.com, I’m looking to reach the minimum amount to get free shipping so let me know.

26 thoughts on “Lost and Found and the Transition Ride Report Saturday April 24th 2010”

  1. Nice work on killing two tubes on one ride tracy.

    I was very weary crossing the train tracks in welshpool today after my blow out a couple weeks ago 🙂

  2. Sounds like you guys had a great ride (most of you anyway, =])..

    Both Toby and Jordan left bottles at the cafe, possibly could be one of theirs…

  3. Thanks Dr Ronny again for a very well run ride. If I had brought some water with me I would have chased you down that Dalkeith sprint.

    Nathan, see you tomorrow at the regroup point in Kalamunda 😉

  4. Thanks Pete – we thought it was Meg’s.

    And I didn’t see any other bottles are I actually didn’t find either item – Carlos found the multitool and Lennie or Jonny found the bottle. I ended up with them as I was the only one with a spare bottle cage and was posting something anyway.

  5. I left my Santos Tour Down Under bottle on the table too… no one?

    Ive lost two bottles in two weeks… bugger.

  6. They’ll probably still have it at the cafe. Give them a ring or swing by. Pete has some spare bottles too I think – isn’t it about time you got some SPR bottles anyway 🙂

    PS – if anyone needs to get anything from http://www.chainreactioncycles.com, I’m looking to get to the minimum $414 to get free shipping so lend me a hand, you know you deserve it……

  7. Hi Guys,

    Thanks heaps for getting the bottle. I was hoping to quietly find it and return it home before the rightful owners noticed that i’d been so careless!!!
    …yes i’d like it back…when/which ride are you on next?
    Thanks again. Meghan

  8. what a day !! Thanks for your help Rose, Chrissie, John and Shaw and thanks for supervising Patrick 🙂 Thanks for the continentals Ronnie I swapped them over last night ( yes “I” swapped them and it didnt take too long) and they felt great today very smooth. PS I lost a water bottle too, Spirit of Freedom if anyone has/sees !! Yay for group riding what would I do without you all, thanks 🙂

  9. Ronnie you still looking for someone to go in on the order?

    I will have some Oakley Radar Path ‘CLEAR’ lense thanks.. 🙂

  10. Ronnie when do you think you will be ordering?? I am tempted to buy some rudy’s but need to wait 2 weeks for pay.

  11. Ryan, do you want the “clear” or “clear vented” version?
    Zak, which ones were you looking at as some of them are cheaper at wiggle.co.uk (eg. Rydon etc). I was planning on putting the order in once we got to the free shipping minimum which I’ve currently reached. I’ll probably place the order tomorrow as there are some people who are considering a few other items (trainers, wheels etc). I don’t mind ordering them for you and you paying me back when they arrive.

  12. Oops Ryan, just saw the ‘clear’ in your post. But just to make sure – vented or non-vented?

  13. I was having a look at the sportmask, I will wait until I have the money, also give me time to change my mind and maybe save some money 😛

  14. Ronny, placed order yet? Room for a Garmin Edge 500? If the purchase wins a trip to the Giro, you can come with 😉

  15. toby – just realised I have your SPR bottle (only just saw your name on bottom). I must have picked it up in the muddle after Peter Clark Classic. Will carry it on next SPR ride and hand it over. Been off the road due to bike repairs. Out next week sometime.

  16. Shane – thanks mate. Im in the Gold Coast this weekend, So maybe the following thursday ride. cheers!

  17. Ronny, the bundle thanks if not too late. 0433 096 726 if you need to confirm anything.
    slightly more expensive than wiggle but chance to win trip (if comp is not just for US residents, which it could well be).


  18. Ronnie, could you include a set of black, Shimano 105 SL pedals 5610 and

    1 pair Giordana Silverline shorts product ID 105071, on your order. Thanks.

    how do I pay you? M 0422893556

  19. Sorry Gary – too late! The orders gone in! But I would liaise with Lennie who is on the verge of buying some wheels. If not, then I’ll probably put in an order when a few items which are currently out of stock come back into stock – probably in a few weeks – hopefully.

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