Calling all Cyclosporti… sorry… BWA riders: York beckons

Not a call for sorry riders, but an invitation to signal your interest (in the comments to this post) for the next Cyclosportif event.

York Poster

Details are: Date: Sunday 23rd May 2010

Start Time: 9.00am

Location: York. A flattish course with a few undulations, but nothing mountainous. There is one steepish net elevation “gain” of about 50 metres in the middle of the 54km lap.

Distances: A – 108 km, B – 54km, C – 24 km (approx distances)

Lunch: 1:00pm

Presentations: 1:45pm

For those not in the loop, Cyclosportif/BWA events are participation, i.e. not strictly competitive, events that use a team time-trial format to give everyone a good workout in a supportive environment. Bit like SPR really. For this event teams of 4 – 9 riders will set off, aiming to complete the 24kms, 54kms and 108kms course to the best of their ability. This means that “turns”, roll-throughs, hands of God/Rob, puncture repairs, mechanicals etc. have to be managed by the team so that they get to the finish together in the best time.
SPR has a strong tradition of participation in these events, including some overall fastest team times and the new Developmentals team who blitzed the Lancelin course in April this year. Pete’s fetching photo on the SPR Social Day/birthday post was taken during a Cyclosportif event, and you can see he isn’t under any stress.

There aren’t too many clashes with other events on this day so we could possibly field several teams of 7 – 8 riders (A, B, C etc.) per course/distance. It is the day after our social day so carbo-loading shouldn’t be an issue. What better way to work it off than a ride through the WA countryside with friends.

Each team will need to volunteer a captain to coordinate the registration process (money) for the team and look after the numbers etc. Please indicate what distance and speed (Fast, Main, Tranny, Developmental or A, B, C, D) you’re interested in within the comments below.

For more information visit the Cyclosportif York Event page

11 thoughts on “Calling all Cyclosporti… sorry… BWA riders: York beckons”

  1. Hey, I’d be keen to have a go. Probably for the 108km distance, at an SPR main group pace.

  2. mwahaha i shall be riding “against” (its not actually a race is it though?) the SPR teams with TBE-Broad in 108km 🙂

  3. YORK – SPORTIF – SUNDAY 23 May 17, 2010 Seems like some last minutes arrangements are being made. At coffee on Sat a few guys confirmed that they would be riding with non SPR groups.
    The girls who rode in Lancelin (as the SPR Developers) were still keen but may be down on numbers and looking for recruits.
    Dr.Wally (Ian Wait) has also put an SPR team together including Doug; Neville and Greg (current or ex-main group riders) and looks like I’ll be riding with them so that makes 5 (should be able to manage an average around 28-30 kph – depending on weather conditions).
    Team numbers have to bebetween 4 – 9 riders and the rule of thumb is that the more there are the easier it is !.
    Shun I note that you expressed an interest previously – are you still keen ? and are there any other takers out there ? If so perhaps you could reply today either via the blog or my email at
    Cheers Mark _S

  4. Mike T – Dr Wally’s group is only doing the 50 klms – if you’re happy with that then please confirm your details (my email above) as entries close tomorrow
    cheers Mark_S.

  5. I’m keen! 54km. I think lunch & presentations are a bit earlier (as per cyclo website). Cheers, S 😉

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