cyclo-sportif york – development team

participation event report by tracy.

Cyclo York Development Team (pirate and English J)

It be an ominous start as we got up a sparrows fart t’ get t’ York. ‘t rained quite a lot on th’ way but by th’ time we arrived ‘t had stopped, great! Th’ development lasses plus honorary member Mike Round  (Debs husband) managed t’ find each other, register an’ get t’ th’ line(good start). On th’ way we noted about three other squadrons includin’ SPR members, good t’ be seein’ they be well represented.

We cruised off of the mark, found our way out of York and started our hike through very pleasant countryside.  We passed the Enjo team with a flat, and then again as they had a second.   The start was pretty flat and we worked well as a team sticking together nice and tight with some speed adjustments.   Carol took the first turn at the front and wisely pulled off before over doing it.  New girl Jennie with her broad Scottish accent jumped up front and stayed feeling very healthy, new candidate for transitional group I think.  Mikes turn for a flat but he had it under control so we kept motoring, giving Mike a chance to stretch a bit to catch up with us.  Very nice till we hit the Beverley turning point and began the climb at 30km mark 5 hills took their toll on our team work.  Jennie took the first QOM keeping strong until Ruth took the roll on the last couple of hills.  Fruit cake must have kicked in!   Our group stayed fairly steady and strong as we passed many riders left behind by their teams.  We started stringing out a bit and Mike called a regroup before the final push. 

We completed 55km with 483m of climbing with an improved average of 25.2km/hr  great progress since the Lancelin ride. 

Thanks to great work by the development team girls,  Carol, Deb, Gwyn, Ruth, Jennie and the ring in Mike.  A great day in a very pleasant location.  Look forward to the next one.

4 thoughts on “cyclo-sportif york – development team”

  1. Well done it was pretty windy and certainly a tough circuit. Quite a lot of familiar faces riding in various teams. Hopefully we can all come together for the next one in Midland.

  2. Coming together sounds like fun…

    Nice pink shirt you have there Jonny..

    Good work Tracy, I have seen the pics and it appears you guys were having way too much fun 😉

    One of our brave ladies, Gwyn was stung by a bee under her helmet towards the end of the race. We removed the sting at the end and got some ice. Nothing happen but today she looks like she has done a round with Danny Green. I think this has happened on a few occasions that ive known of this year and could be dangerous if you get bitten around the throat.
    Would it be a good idea for everyone to carry a couple of antihsitamine in their emergency kit? (Even an epipen if you are very allergic)
    With all that blood pumping around you could react quite quickly (and you could be awhile from help! or even out of phone reception) Anyway something to think about…..
    Hope you feel better Gwyn and make sure you tell some tall stories about why your face is swollen …. Mark S ?

  4. Not sure how long I can keep the pink “avatar jersey” for the final weeks tipping will be like picking lottery numbers.
    What’s the problem with aggressive bees I got stung going up Kalamunda Rd last month and couldn’t open my eyes for two days. Not pleasant I hope Gwyn gets better quicker than I did. Got antihistamine in my saddle bag now !

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