17 thoughts on “FREE BREAKFAST!”

  1. There is also a free breakfast in Midland, for those of us lucky enough to be stranded out there… =/

    Purely out of interest, how many of you rouleurs do ride to work regularly, to the city or otherwise?

  2. I ride to work. I tackle the gruelling ride from Subi to the City and back everyday. I dont know how i do it.

  3. I endeavour to ride to work on Firdays (dress down Fridays :-)..

    Have done so 3 times this year, the extra 18kms a week makes all the difference (especially when riding less than 100kms a week :-)..

    I plan on riding in more often though and maybe throwing in a few more kms on the way to make it worthwhile.. Just need to get organised with ironed shirts at work..

  4. Now that it’s commuter racing season, I’ll try to ride 2 or 3 times a week from Freo to the CBD.

  5. I ride most days. (Manning to Leederville)
    Tuesdays and Thursdays I ride via the narrows Bridge and Freo and then to Leederville (you know, the Tuesday and Thursday morning group rides) although I haven’t been doing the group rides at the moment as these are my rest days on my training program.

    Been doing about 200km a week (I wish it was more but I am not paid to ride a bike).

  6. I try to put in 2 training days (Tues & Sat) in my weekly resting program. I’d like to ride to work via a few circuits of cardiac hill but I really only ride to work on Tues, via the bunch ride.

  7. in the interest of sharing…
    i ride every day except friday. glorious eastern suburbs to uwa.
    when i see the spr jersey, I ring my bell at the rider. 🙂
    so if thats you wearing spr kit on my route, now you know what’s going on 😉

  8. Raph, can you tell me more details of your program? It sounds great! One struggles to find balance in these things, and it sounds like you’ve hit the sweet spot.. =]

  9. I ride to and from uni every day. Good training…

    Would it be dorky to rock up in my spr kit to tomorrow’s brekkie?

  10. Not at all Mike. I ride to work with my work dress hitched up and lycra tights underneath. Sometimes i bring flowers to work in my rucksuck too. I am moving entertainment for other commuters!

  11. I think I might have to divert my commute to go down the perth-subi bike paths just so that I can see this sight!

  12. Yeh, I’m in for the free breakfast 😀

    Normally ride to work back on the NSW central coast but have been catching the free bus up Adelaide Terrace whilst I’ve been in Perth. Too many late nights in the office over here, don’t have a rear light and my front light is pretty dodgy.

  13. What a glorious morning to cruise on the bike! With Crossant Express handing our free crossants, and social meeting with fellow SPR at the breakfast. Wearing SPR jersey meant I got more waves than I know the faces of!

    Soon with a headwind back home – will have to teach my wife my favourite trick – wheel suck!

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