special general meeting of WACF – 27th august 2011

cycling wa is having a special general meeting this saturday to vote on the adoption of a new constitution.  i will be attending as the proxy for south perth but every member is entitled to attend and debate (but not vote).  this process has taken quite a while and i have been involved from the start.  a series of workshops were run with a cross-section of representatives of both clubs, riders and officials.  from this a number of club presidents forums were held to finalise the final constitution.  i am pretty happy with the result as the issues we have had the past year or so have highlighted some inadequacies of the original constitution.

there are 3 main documents that you may wish to peruse if you feel the need.

1 – The current WACF Constitution
2 – A copy of the current WACF Constitution with proposed tracked changes
3 – A ‘clean’ copy of the proposed new Constitution (Marked A) for adoption at the upcoming SGM

we have also been asked if we can provide a proxy for both the south west club and the perth mountain bike club.  if anyone was thinking of going, then being a club proxy for another club is just a matter of voting how that club wants you to.  you don’t need to debate on their behalf or anything, just vote.  if you are available at the time listed below, let me know and i can get the proxy forms filled in for you. 

WACF Special General Meeting

Saturday 27th August 2011, 1pm

Department of Sport and Recreation

246 Vincent Street, Leederville

2 thoughts on “special general meeting of WACF – 27th august 2011”

  1. bit of an anti-climax. we waited almost 1/2 an hour for daniel from rccc to turn up and we kicked it off anyway. there were 15 clubs present (would have been 16 with rccc) and the votes were 12 for and 3 against. motion carried and meeting closed. all done in 5 minutes. the usual suspects voted against, but nobody cared to ask why. cycling wa now has a new constitution.

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