Tour Down Under 2012

No I’m not going to bore you with a day by day account of what we did (In summary it was: coffee, ride, climb, coffee, ride, climb, eat, descend, shower, street festival, sleep) but I just want to say that for anyone who would love to go to the Tour De France but doesnt have the money to spare then go to Adelaide TDU next year. This week has been amazing.

The tour is so accessible. With very little hassle we were able to see Starts, Finishes, Sprints and Climbs as well as getting to meet lots of the riders, managers, cycling personalities etc.

The city really turned on the charm; friendly people, lots to do in the evenings, loads of freebies (just be careful of your luggage limit).

The riding was fantastic. Great climbs, great descents and some extremely stunning scenery that I had not expected. It was really easy to travel with a bike too (even though mine is currently still in Adelaide with Qantas baggage handlers!) 

Despite having ridden more kms this week than I would in a month, when i was getting my coffee this morning all i could think about was how much i wished i was jumping on my bike and heading to the Adealide hills with my SPR buddies.

OK, back to work Anna. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2 thoughts on “Tour Down Under 2012”

  1. I thought I caught a fleeting glimpse of some waving SPR jerseys on the slopes of Old Wilunga Hill when Nathan Haas was on a solo breakaway.

    Looks like the lot of you had a great time. Will need to start planning next years trip.

    Got your bike yet?

  2. Nope. Tonight my bike is being tucked into bed by Qantas staff at Perth airport due to a courier error. The alternative was for me to wait until midnight to have it delivered. Neine danke.

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