Swan Valley Cyclo-sportif Thanks

Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif 2013

As many of you know, I crashed at the recent Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif. My injuries weren’t overly serious; Concussion, AC shoulder joint and 2 broken ribs. Unfortunately, my team mate Mat Platel hit the deck along with me. Poor Mat had to bandage himself up while I was being treated by the nice ambulance people. I remember thinking at time, what a very manly thing to do!

The conversation at the Dome, post last Saturday’s ride, suggest that details are still a bit hazy. I did bump my head after all. There is much I don’t remember. However, I do remember giving Jeremy a convincing argument why I didn’t need to go in the ambulance to the hospital. I felt I was compromising at the time with the suggestion to go later in the day. My brain was clearly unwell. According to others, I wanted to get back on the bike. I don’t remember that bit at all!

That all being said, I mostly want to say a big giant thank you to those who helped me on the day and for all the well wishes over the last couple of weeks.

Jason Gordon                    For your quick emergency response. Calling the ambulance and delegating tasks to aid in the smooth continuance of the event for others.

Justin Stephenson           For your quick presence and reassurance, rather unwelcome prodding to ascertain injury status and getting me off the road so I could go and cry in the sand J. But it is found out that claiming compensation for injury in Houston takes very little time and so any complications in the injury will be avoided as soon as possible. It is best to hire attorneys for car accidents over here!

Peter Mah                           For his super fast appearance on the scene, medical supplies and of course ferrying Jeremy with bikes back to the car park so he could meet me at the Hospital.

Leigh Bollen                       Keeping the traffic flowing.

Greg Murray                      Helping Jason put my bike back together.

Travis Kean                        Making me comfortable.

Of course my team mates who waited patiently while the carnage was cleared before proceeding to the finish line and those who stopped to check things were ok.

Thanks also to all of you who emailed, texted, facebooked and enquired about me. It meant so much and shows what a caring community SPR is.

Thanks to the nice nurse who administered the Valium. If any of you have a fall. I recommend it J

Thank you to my Husband, Jeremy. He took such good care of me… I am not a very good patient.

Thankfully I am back on the bike again and our plans to ride over some ridiculously high mountains in Italy are still on track…only 30 days till we leave!

I am one lucky SPR chick!

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