Ride Routes 12 – 18th March

This week I would like to come back to the AGM and put a shoutout for volunteers.

We have a strong committee, with a few of us who have been involved for many years. And you might think – “well if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” – I hear you, although let me tell you a different story.

We have a club that is doing some good things. We have clearly articulated values. Safe. Inclusive. Organised. Social. And we do the things the club does on the basis of those values. Our Ride Leaders choose to show up every weekend and help make our biggest rides for the week live up to those values. We support women in cycling, and are seeing more women than ever riding (and racing) with us. We seek to provide opportunities for members to participate in events (think Tour of Margaret River, Tour de Gracetown) and to get into racing. The list goes on.

Now here is what we don’t want. We don’t want to end up in a situation where our Committee all want to step back at once.

So here is the opportunity that presents itself. Get involved with a group of people who believe that cycling is a community sport that is enjoyable, and worth doing with like-minded others. Don’t feel like you have to take on the world. Do feel like you can join a team, and find ways to contribute without having to do it all yourself.

There is room for you to make a contribution. The headline photo above is our new SPR Club Photo (2022 Edition). I think it has come together just splendidly. But like the second photo just above, doing things well takes organisation and a little bit of work.

Come behind the scenes and see how this all works.

I’ve said enough. You will be welcome. There is a way for you to contribute, whether on the committee or one of our subcommittees. We have a solid group of existing Committee who want to continue – I am wanting to continue if you will have me – as well as space for new people to get involved.

Read our secretary’s formal post here.

New Race Day Gear – the SPR Kit Subcommittee and Mayeur are proud to announce the SPR Race Day Hoodie and SPR Race Day Tee for your wearing pleasure.

You know you want one.

Unlike our normal kit orders, these items may be ordered any time and will be delivered direct to your door. Order on the Mayeur SPR shop here.

AusCycling WA State Criterium Championships – This Sunday just gone saw the State Champs held.

If you missed the write-up with all the podiums, check it out on Facebook here.


From the Ride Coordinator – There was definitely a lot of conversation at the coffee shop after last Saturday’s ride (Shelley Mosman) that ranged from “never did that before” to “good to have that one back” but universally there was the theme of how challenging that route was. Probably because the “lumpiness” back ends that route as opposed to getting the hills out the way early. Well this week, the hill is slap bang in the middle and plenty of people think that this one is our most challenging. If you haven’t guessed it by now, yes it’s the infamous Ewen Street climb! This is one of the routes we schedule on once or twice a year, so if you haven’t ridden it before, then please do yourself a favour and check it out. For the rest of us, how can we forget it 😎

Couple of other things to note this week. First of these relates to our popular Thursday ride route. The committee, in consultation with regular riders have decided to permanently adopt the current revised route that takes us up Shenton Road due to safety considerations and the fact that the groupings will then only have to traverse one set of lights on West Coast highway. So despite the fact that Claremont Crescent will be open both ways, our Thursday ride route will be amended on line to reflect the change to include Shenton Rd.

A few other updates to some monthly ride routes. It seems we may have jumped the gun a little early in bringing back the SPR gravel ride last month with only a very small contingent riding.  As a club we were trying to create an opportunity for riders to train for SeVen when in reality, those training for that event will be doing longer rides than just the Heritage trail. As a result we won’t be scheduling another gravel ride until after the SeVen event in May and possibly when there’s a little more grip on the trail itself.

Finally, for those that have been asking about the resumption of the monthly mid week 10am development ride that we introduced last year, we are planning for this to return again when the weather cools down – so we are hoping to schedule it up for the second week in April and run it through winter. Please note that this was always intended to be a development ride at a slower pace and only scheduled monthly.  So for those interested the first of these will be scheduled on Wednesday 13th April leaving Coode Street at 10am at development ride pace and will be lead by one of our ride leaders. We will remind everyone again a few weeks out.

Saturday 12th March

Sunday 13th March

Monday 14th March

Tuesday 15th March

  • Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
  • Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
    • Development group – interval training kings park

Wednesday 16th March

Thursday 17th March

Friday 18th March