Ride Routes 7 – 13th October

Women Talking Cycling — After a very successful and well organised Womens 100 ride several weeks back by the SPR Chicks committee, they are back at it again organising an afternoon for women to come together and talk about cycling.

The event will be held on Sunday 8th October at the John McGrath Pavilion in South Perth from 2pm.

We will have two guest speakers Dr Julie Pham from Star Physio and Mel Raybould from Fuel to Perform. The event is free with afternoon tea supplied but please register so we know who to expect.

I have heard that the event has been very generously supported by Shozk, Premax, Winners and  Pure Sports Nutrition and there will lots of prizes and samples to give away.

Tour De Gracetown — The Tour De Gracetown is on Saturday 28 October. It is not only a well organised road cycling event with three distances to choose from, it’s a wonderful weekend away with fellow cyclists and partners. To top it off there is also a recovery ride on the Sunday with coffee at the Berry Farm.

Some accommodation is still available in Margaret River which you can book via the SPR shop; $75 per person in a twin share room. Contact Carol if you have any questions.

The cost is $125 for all distances if you register by 16 October.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. WCMCC Chidlow A Road Race (incl Age Championships)

2. PDCC Peel Classic 2023 incl State Road Champs

Juniors Ride — No juniors this weekend, sorry! Check back next week.

From the Ride Coordinator — As the weather improves, we see more riders on all rides. Many are getting stronger in the leadup to TOMR, so we see even bigger numbers in the F2/M1/M2 groups. With a finite pool of ride leaders, we need to adapt accordingly. This may mean some groups are slightly larger than in recent weeks – we’ll try and limit them to 20. You can help by cooperating with the ride leaders and moving up or back as directed, to even out the group sizes. Think about your ability on the day and pick a group that you can roll with at a pace that keeps the group together. It also helps at the start if everyone gathers with their group in the mustering areas, rather than joining from the side at the last minute as the group pulls away.

Sunday’s short hills has an unusual return via Zigzag and Maidevale instead of Welshpool, and long hills does the Chookenberg – you have been warned! (there is a bypass option). With larger numbers on Sundays, we may choose to separate into smaller groups at the start – to avoid splits at traffic lights on the way out to the hills. On the Welshpool climb, the two groups may mix, and then split again, based on climbing strength.

We don’t have official ride leaders on Sundays so please work with the experienced riders who take charge on the day (there usually are a few ride leaders) to maximise safety and enjoyment for all.

Saturday 7th October

Sunday 8th October

Monday 9th October

Tuesday 10th October

Wednesday 11th October

Thursday 12th October

Friday 13th October