Tag Archives: tour de france

2010 Tour de France Definitions

here are some definitions i came up with after watching three weeks of late night tour coverage.  feel free to add your own to the comments.

Schleckanical – when your bike has a mechanical at the most inopportune time.

Contadork – the look on your face when you are embarrassed about how you won something.

A Renshaw Kiss – to clear space around you by using your head…repeatedly.

Cancellara – coming from the word cancel and the swiss position of remaining neutral, this now means to cancel all the fun out of an event by neutralising it.

Chavanel – someone what attacks regardless in the vain hope that it might come to something only to find that it actually works…twice.

Cunego – someone who showed lots of ability and promise to one day be king, only to find that they are really just a little prince.

Wiggens – someone that tries to carry the hopes and dreams of 61million people up a hillside and finds the burden is too heavy.

Cobbles – equals awesome…unless you have a schleckanical.

OMS – old man sprinters.  showing the young bucks how to do it in the early stages.  they got a bt tired towards the end.

French Revolution – 6 stage wins, a couple of days in yellow, but at the end of the day the highest place frenchman was 24 minutes behind.  not so much a revolution, but a couple of small uprisings.

Vino – someone who attacks at the weirdest moments and has everyone wondering if he is a team player.

Hesjedal – someone who is as surprised as the rest of them as to where they finished overall.

Evans – unlucky…again and again.

Tenuous – any link between sizzler and the tour de france.