Tag Archives: volunteers

Golden Spokes Volunteer Information *UPDATED*

The volunteer roster is completed!!!  Well done everyone and thanks to everyone who has put their hand up to help out on the day.

We do have a number of people doing multiple jobs on the day (Peter, Anna etc), so if anyone else can come along on the day to help out it would be much appreciated.  Many hands make light work.

Get involved in our first ever event!!

Setup Team

Time 0500 – 0630 (1.5hrs)

Setup gantry and sidings at the finish line, setup registration desk table, and also setup the sidings at the start line.  The race starts and finishes at different spots

Peter, Toby, John G, Katie L

Registration Team

Time 0630 – 0830 (1.5hrs)

Distribute tags and bibs to riders, take CA licenses.  All the tags and number etc will be sorted out by CWA – we jsut need to distribute them.  Only need to do registration for the CWA races – not the participation events.

Anna, Shun

Start Team

The start team are the herders.  You basically need to help get the grades, teams organised into their starting groups and herd them up to the start line.  There will be an official starter present to set everyone off.  Basically you need to jsut listen out for who is up next and just get riders organised.  We need herders for a good few hours, so it has been proposed we have two groups of two.

Time 0630 – 0900 (2.5 hrs)

Meghan, Carlos

Time 0900 – 1100 (2 hrs)

Peter, Anna

Lap Counter

We need one person to stand on the course before the finishing straight to count down laps for the competitors.  The course is such that the grades will zoom around the course but then on the last lap turn into the island for the finish.  So they need to know which lap to turn. Pretty easy, but you will need a good eye to know what grade is what etc.  This is only for the CA races.

Time 0700 – 0930


Finish Team

The finish team are responsible for recording finishing order of riders.  This is done incase there is a problem with the timing system.  For the CA races we would like three finishing judges, and then two more to finish up the participation event as required.  This is a pretty easy gig, you just sit down and write down numbers in the order they come over the line.

Race Team

Time 0745 – 1100 (3.25 hrs)

Geoff, Julian, Michael

Participation Team

Time 1100- 1300 (2 hrs)

Peter, Toby

Packup Team

Just need to pack up CA gantry, sidings, desk and throw them back on the trailer.

Time 1300 – 1400 (1 hr)

Mike T, Toby, Jordan, Raph